

That was Neo's shout that came out from the deepest part of his stomach and it rented the air, not leaving room for any other thing to be heard.

Following this, Krystal Fc players rushed back with all the speed they could muster, but they were never going to get there in time. The attack that neo smelt coming up was something that wasn't to be trifled with.

The ball was passed around the pitch and in a heart beat, Soma was running along the flanks and making his way towards his opponent's goal.

Neo quickly stood on his toes, and his bltzed back towards his goal post in an instant. Neo was the only krystal Fc man there, and he facing off against Soma, Walter and Alf.

Neo confronted Walter with glazed eyes, there was no iota of a playful demeanor on his face. He was as serious as hell.

The sudden arrival of Neo and the unrealistic speed he suddenly displayed surprised Walter a bit, he didn't see Neo run but he knew that Neo was far behind when the attack started off. And no, even the players that wasn't thatr far off had not yet arrived but Neo was already there.

Neo had pressured Walter and pushed him farther away from the penalty area, that forced Walter to put the ball in his weaker foot and use his body to guard against Neo.

Walter pushed Neo backwards before he quickly spun around and passed the ball to Soma who had come to render some assistance to him.

Soma controlled the ball and changed his focus to his opponent's goal post, but just as he turned properly, he saw Neo already in front of him.

Soma looped the ball towards Alf and he was shocked by the speed Neo displayed. Neo almost moved faster than the ball as he closed down on his Alf, barely leaving him enough space to control the ball.

Neo had a lot of stamina, but if he continued to us Flash steps in his manner he was sure to break down and cripple himself momentarily.

Alf fretted a little but he was quick to get a grip on himself and he immediately released the ball. It was a through pass thatwas set very well for Walter.

All that was remaining was a wonderful finish from Walter and no one would need a soothsayerto tell them Walter was bound to deliver.

But in the next second, something happened.

The crazy speed from Neo kicked in and Neo turned around. Time seemed to slow down significantly as Neo turned around.

It was then that Neo realized he had unlocked a skill, he didn't know if it wasas a result of flash steps, but he knew that he seemed to see things in a slower speed f he concentrated on doing so or if he used flash steps. He would get a mental boost that allowed him to use his visuals to their full potential and that would make him able to see what his opponents intended and it would even help him to stop certain actions and cut off many pass routes without having to use flash steps.

So he would be saving his physical strength and stamina by using his brain, it wasn't such a bad deal.

Neo covered about three meters per second and he quickly caught up to the ball before Walter. He didn't bother to control he ball or even clear the ball, rather, he pushed it forward and went on full throttle.

It was weird, it was as if Neo gave a through pass to Walter and he still caught up to the ball before Walter did.

It reminded one of the legendary speedster soccer player that played the ball to the middle of the pitch and still caught up to the ball before everyone else. No doubt that Neo could replicate the same thing if he wanted, but he would rather not.

Soma quickly follwed him and blocked Neo's route incase Neo wanted to give a pass, Walter stod behind Soma while Alf positioned himself a little distance away.

Soma gritted his teeth as he concentrated on his opponent, he knew that Neo's duplicity could be very tricky, so he opened his eyes wide, trying his best to discern the trick behind the skill. But if it were so easy, then Neo wouldn't have created the skill in the first place.

Neo couldn't dribble Soma with any random skill, neither could he just abuse flash steps like that, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to use it. Neo suddenly duplicated in the eyes of Soma.

Soma was already expecting this, but he still fell for it. Neo's skill worked to used one's concentration against oneself, and if Soma's concentration were to be measured, it was over a hundred percent.

The skill wasn't that much of a shocker to Soma, but his brain still found it very hard to accept the reality of a normal human being suddenly duplicating, so it stood by itself, wondering and staring at the suddenly empty space before him.

Neo used flash steps for a duration of 0.2 seconds. He blitzed past Soma and he was in front of Walter in a heart beat. Walter was supposed to mark Neo, but he was taken by surprise instead. Neo didn't know what propelled him to launch a creepy smile at Walter before he dashed away, leaving Walter in even more daze than Soma.

Soma tapped Walter as he ran after Neo. Stop daydreaming and return!!

Alf blocked Neo, but Neo had no time for him, he quickly launched the ball in a seemingly aimless fashion towards his oppoment's goal.

As Alf turned around, he caught a glimpse of Neo running past him. When he fully turned around, he saw Neo already halfway through the midfield and if Neo kept running at that speed, he was sure to get to the ball before anyone else.

Next chapter