
Solo Match

Sam beckoned to him. come now, we're going to have a little farewell match. Neo grinned as Sam passed him the ball.

Neo dribbled the ball slowly towards him.

Just as Neo entered a certain proximity, he suddenly lost sight of Sam. Before he could eevn take in any panicked breath, Sam was suddenly in front of him.

It seemed that Neo wasn't going to react, but at the same time, the teenager's footballing instincts were not to be underrated. The moment that Sam appeared in front of him, Neo suddenly disappeared.

His own disappearance was not much of a disappeareance, after all his trajectory was still traceable and he wasn't in any way as fast as Sam.

But it was still enough, Neo suddenly blitzed by Sam, this instead, took the old man by surprise.

Now alone with the tyre, Neo kicked the ball into the hole in the middle of the tyre easily. Turning around, he saw Sam clapipng with a big smile plastered across his face.


Sam passed the ball to him again. Like I said, I have no need for the ball since my main objective is defending and yours is attacking, You have to hone your attacking skills much properly. Again, If I were to do the attacking, you wouldn't even last a second.

Neo shrugged. He reasoned it and he realized that the old man wasn't exaggerating, if Sam was to actually attack him, he wouldn't last a second, the reason being that Sam could run the entire length of the field in less than two seconds, and they weren't even using up to half of the field's length.

Neo was quiet as he received the pass from his temporary master, that last play just now was not going to work again and he needed to come up with something new. As a matter of fact, the last play just now would have never worked against Sam unless the old man hadn't let him pass him. Sam was way faster than him, he could have easily chased after Neo or even stop the shot from going anywhere meaningful.

Neo moved the ball to the left, before he chose to come from the opposite direction.

Neo tried a series of complex footworks, hoping to lose Sam, but it wasn't working at all, the old man was still latched onto him as tightly as possible.

Neo decided to merge his skills and see how far that was going to get him.

Neo used his footwork to pressure Sam, he put a strain on him and forced Sam to pay exta attention on his legs, Sam knew this but he if he wanted to keep going easy on his temporary student, he had no choice but to play along.

Just when it looked like Sam was most vulnerable, Neo struck. And Flash steps was the perfect lightning.

Neo suddenly dashed forward at a very high speed, but it wasn't going to help much, the old man's recovery rate was top notch. In a heart beat, Sam was beside him again, marking him tightly.

Neo suddenly paused, allowing Sam to run past him. Sam too, stopped and faced Neo, but Neo had already changed direction, charging to the left on full throttle.

Sam locked him in easily again, and Neo had to stop again. Immediately Sam stopped, rather, While Sam was still stopping his movement, Neo's hand suddenly moved.

It was a very small and unimportant movement, But Sam's consciousness got the better of him and he was about to move in the direction of the hand when the impossible happened.

Neo duplicated!

Sam stood rooted to a spot and he didn't know when his temporary student dashed past him.

Neo was unmarked and he scored the goal easily.

Sam had seen him practice duplicity many times, but he had never been the subject of the skill so he never actually knew what it felt like. But now, he had had a taste of the skill and he couldn't but feel that it was the most amazing skill he had ever seen.

Sam passed the ball to Neo, waiting for him to initiate another attack.

Neo immediately noticed that Sam's defense was tighter, it was as if it was in levels, it kept getting harder every time he scored a goal.

Neo tried to drive in from the right but he was repelled immediately.

Neo stopped the ball and made a quick turn as he spun, he immediately used flash steps and tried to charge in from the left side, but Sam was still able to stop him easily.

Neo took a few steps backwards, Sam's aura was too intimidating and he couldn't think very properly under it, he needed some air and enough breathing space.

Neo noticed that Sam's guard was mainly in his right and he decided to exploit that, he was going to play a trick. Neo suddenly dashed to the right, Sameasily blocked that part, but in the next second, Neo had changed direction and he was on full throttle.

Normally, Neo wasn't using flash steps to his limit, but now, he needed every extra speed he could get.

Neo dashed to the left, Sam was significantly slower to react. Neo grinned as he decided to unleash his full skillset.

Neo suddenly spun around again and while using his peculiar footwork against his temporay master, he looked to accelerate even further.

Sam could feel his knees weaken under such a footwork, but he wasn't going to let hi student have such an easy win. But it wasn't helping much, because Sam was feeling himself being thrown off his guard.

While in this weak state of mind, Neo suddenly duplicated in his eye.

Sam blinked to make sure he was seeing properly, but he didn't see Neo anymore. Sam spun around and used flash steps to catch up to Neo in the blink of an eye, but he didn't seem to notice the weird positioning of his leg.

Sam instead, fell to the floor and rolled towards the feet of Neo.

Neo stared down on him with a weird smile. I did quite the good job, didn't I?

Sam took Neo's hand as he stood up. Yes, you sure did.

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