
Special Dance?

"Ahem," the lady-in-waiting cleared her throat, knocking on the open door.

Corina jumped, sitting up quickly and staring at the doorway. "Oh, hello!"

"Hello, Princess," the older woman said as she entered the room. "Your mother has requested my assistance."

"Thank you, Elsa," Corina sighed.

Elsa, the lady-in-waiting, was a plump, elderly woman. She had short, white hair, and was always dressed in a blue dress with a matching, pointed hat.

Only Elsa knew the princess's secret, and she would take it to the grave. She loved the girl as if she were her own child. She had helped to deliver the darling child and understood the Queen's desire for a daughter.

"How are you feeling about your marriage?" With a gentle smile on her lips, Elsa asked.

"I'm a bit scared, but excited," Corina answered. "I've never been to Luminairea. It will be neat to meet other people and see new things."

"Yes," Elsa nodded. "You are getting married, after all. It's normal to be nervous about it."

Corina tilted her head. "What is getting married, anyway? Is it like how Mama and Papa are?"

Elsa blinked. "You don't know? Oh, dear, I forgot you were unaware of such a thing. It's when two people love one another so much they agree to become mates for life."

"Like how wolves find a partner?" She asked innocently. 

Elsa shook her head and said, "Not exactly, no. But I suppose it may be similar."

Corina sighed. "Why can't the Duke come here?"

"Because when a noble woman marries, she moves in with the husband to his kingdom," Elsa explained.

"So, we have to get married?"

"Yes," Elsa answered.

"I'm confused," Corina pouted. "It's kind of scary. But it sounds fun. A husband would be my best friend. Mama and Papa are best friends."

Elsa patted the princess's back. "Just think about it this way. You'll get to meet someone new, see a new place, and start a new life."

Corina smiled. "Yes, it does sound fun."

Elsa smiled. She had always been somewhat of an airhead, but she was a very lovable girl. The older woman couldn't imagine what would happen when the princess had to reveal the truth about herself to her husband-to-be.

She felt a pit in her stomach as she looked at the darling princess. Who would explain everything to her? How would the Duke react?

The elderly lady felt a sense of dread wash over her.

"Come," Elsa instructed. "We need to start packing."

"Yes!" Corina chirped as she got up and followed her lady in waiting.

The two walked to the walk-in closet. Corina looked around the room as the older woman opened her clothes and selected a few.

"Elsa, which dresses should I take with me?"

"The ones on this rack," Elsa instructed, pointing to the rack with the best dresses. "You don't need to worry too much, dear. Take your favorites, as your husband is sure to buy you more."

"Okay," Corina nodded. 

The princess grabbed a suitcase and began filling it with the outfits. With Elsa's assistance, she nearly folded them.

"Now, what about jewelry?"

"Here," Elsa said as she pointed at a large box on a shelf.

Corina grabbed the box and brought it back to the suitcase. She placed it on top of the clothes. 

"That should be all you need," the lady in waiting commented.

"Oh! I need my sketchbook and pencils," Corina gasped as she ran back to the main room.

The princess crouched down on the floor and pulled out a box. It was filled with all of her sketchbooks and art supplies. Since she was a child, she has kept every single book she had filled.

Even if she was a bit of an unaware ditz, she was a talented artist. She was able to create beautiful portraits.

The young woman put the box in the suitcase and then zipped it up with a proud smile on her face.

"Okay, that's everything!" Corina said, clapping her hands together.

"Are you ready, Princess?"

"Are we going to the small party soon?" She asked. "I want to see my brothers. We leave tomorrow?"

"Yes," Elsa nodded.

"Good, I miss them," the princess said. "I'm really excited to see the Duke, too."

"That's great," Elsa replied, not entirely knowing what else to say.

"What are we doing until dinner?"

"Why don't you spend time with your mother?"

Corina smiled. "That sounds fun. I should go see her."

Corina exited the closet and left the bedroom, hurrying down the hall.

Elsa stood in the closet, looking around the room. She sighed. The little girl would leave soon. It was going to be sad, but she hoped that Corina would be joyful wherever she went.

She left the bedroom and shut the door behind her.

Corina arrived at her mother's chambers and knocked on the door. "Mama, can I come in?"

"Of course, dear," the queen called out.

The princess turned the knob and opened the door. The chamber was huge. Paintings adorned the dark, polished wood walls.

There was a canopy bed against one wall. Queen Amelia sat on the bed, sifting through papers.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Corina asked.

"Paperwork," the queen answered. "What is it, my dear?"

"I wanted to spend time with you," Corina replied as she approached her mother.

"That's fine," the queen said, giving her daughter a gentle smile.

"I can't believe I'm getting married," the princess sighed.

"Neither can I," the queen said. "But that's how things are."

Corina frowned. "It doesn't sound like you're too excited about it."

"Oh, I am, sweetie," Amelia sighed.

She wasn't excited. It was a lie. She kept telling herself things would be okay, but Corina's gender was a huge concern to her.

Corina was seated next to her mother. "I want to meet the Duke, though."

"He will make a wonderful husband," the queen commented. "He is a handsome man, and I've heard he's quite gentle."

"That's good," Corina replied. "I guess I'm glad."

The queen put her paperwork away in a box on the nightstand. She had limited time left with her daughter, so she wanted to make the best of it. Work could wait.

"Mother, can you teach me about marriage?"

"Uh, sure," the queen nodded. "First, you love each other very much."

"Love?" Corina asked. 

"It's a feeling you have when you think about the other person and want to be close to them," the queen explained.

"So, love is when you're happy with someone, right?"

"Yes, it's a feeling that makes you want to be near them and be in their presence," the queen said.

Corina nodded. "What else is there?"

"Well, when you're in love, you kiss," the queen blushed.

"Kiss? What's that? Is it like you kiss my forehead before bed?"

"Well, you put your lips on the other person's, and...you sort of smush them together," the queen awkwardly explained.

"Smush?" Corina inquired, pointing to her lips. "Do I put them against his?"

"You just follow the Duke's lead," Amelia chucked. "You don't start kissing until the day you have your wedding."

"Okay, Mother," Corina nodded. "And then?"

"After the wedding, you and the Duke will live together and raise a family."

"So, what do we do?" Corina asked. "We play games and such?"

"Well, you help the Duke with his duties and have lots of sex," the queen awkwardly explained.

Corina's eyes widened. "I don't know what sex is."

"It's something special that couples do," the queen continued.

"Is it like a dance?" Corina asked. "I'm not very good at dancing."

"Yes, I guess you could say it's like a dance," the queen said, a bit relieved.

"I can't wait!" Corina cheered. "I can't wait to get married and start my new life! I want to do the sex dance with the duke!"

Amelia's face flushed bright red. She couldn't bring herself to correct her daughter. She was afraid to. She knew the child was naive, but didn't know the extent of her innocence.

"Yes, you can," the queen nervously laughed.

Corina grinned. She was oblivious to her mother's nervousness.

Corina thought to herself, even though she couldn't dance well, that doing a special dance with a handsome man sounded exciting. She clapped and smiled brightly. 

"Mama, do you and Papa for the sex dance?"

Amelia coughed, almost choking on her spit. 


"Oh," Corina blinked. "And do my brothers, too?"

"Well, no," the queen began.

"Oh," Corina frowned.

"Your brothers are all in the royal army," the queen reminded her.

The princess nodded.

The queen was unable to inform her daughter that only two people performed the "sex dance".

"Is that all?" Corina asked.

"No," the queen replied. "The most important thing to do is assist the Duke and his people. You will be living there."

Corina nodded. She leaned over and gave Amelia a quick hug.

The Queen was grateful, as she wasn't going to be able to get those sweet hugs for much longer.

"When is the dinner?" Corina asked.

"Soon," the queen answered.

"Alright," Corina replied, then hopped off the bed. "I'll let you finish your paperwork."

"Okay," the queen nodded. "I will see you in a little while, my precious girl."

The princess skipped out of the room.

The queen sighed. Her baby would soon be both a woman and a bride. She had grown so much and aged so quickly. It appeared that she had only been born a few weeks ago, and now she was an adult.

It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time.

She could only hope that her daughter's new life would be full of happiness and love, and the Duke wouldn't judge her for who she really was.

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