


"Son, since you haven't found any girls as your future wife, I will be hosting a special party this weekend. This time, you HAVE to choose someone. There are so many choices," said my father with a serious expression.

I was not in the mood for talking to anyone, and now he is hosting a shitty goddamn party?! This old man will be the end of me.

I sighed, getting out of my throne with a heavy groan. I had been sitting there like a clown for the past five hours. What a headache!

"Don't start with that shitty stuff again, Dad!" I grumbled, giving him a death stare. He sighed, not getting mad.

"Look, son, I understand I am forcing you to do this, but you know how the rules are. Please find someone for yourself because I hate the fact that I have to force you to marry someone when you can choose them yourself," he explained, making me less angry.

It wasn't his fault anyway. He got forced to be with Mom too, from Grandma. These generational rules are so stupid they are melting my last brain cells off, I swear!

I groaned. "Whatever…" This made him smirk slightly and nod, letting me go. 

I went outside, shifting into my wolf form, and headed to the backyard. In the corner of my eye, I saw my stupid brother Asmodeus Astaroth.

He is my step brother and a really annoying one at that. His dad died, but he left his surname as Astaroth to honor him or some shit. 

I don't know myself.

"Heyyy, big broo," he grinned, teleporting to me as I shifted back to my demon form. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Is that how you greet your little brother, big bro? That's offensive," he smiled, but I could see an ugly grin beneath it.

"What do you want?" I sighed, crossing my arms and staring at him, waiting for him to spit out whatever nonsense he had.

"Nothing~ I just wanted to see my big brother. Is it a bad thing—" I interrupted him.

"Get. To. The. Fucking point!" I sneered.

He stopped, and a slow grin spread across his face. 

He looked back and forth before leaning closer. "Who is that girl in the basement you were hugging yesterday?"

Of course, he followed me. He can never mind his own business… How annoying.

"That is none of your business—"

"Come on, please?? Pretty please?" he begged, putting on those fake puppy eyes.

"No," I said simply and walked past him, turning back into my wolf form. Before he could say anything more, I just teleported away.

What was his deal with her anyways? He was never interested into human's saying they are too weak for him

The image of Venneca's frightened eyes flashed in my mind. If Asmodeus ever laid a finger on her, I would rip his heart out. 

He wouldn't stand a chance against my rage. 

The thought of his blood staining my hands, the sheer satisfaction of ending his annoying existence, surged through me. 

No one, not even my own brother, would be spared if they dared to harm her.

I could see it now: his smug face contorting in pain, the life draining from his eyes as I exacted my vengeance. 

The thrill of his last breath escaping his body, the silence that would follow—blissful, deserved. He always pushed too far, and touching her would be his final mistake.

But then, as quickly as the rage came, it dissipated. I stopped myself, shaking my head.

No, wait… why should I even care anyways?..

. . .

Five days had passed since my father's declaration, and now the grand hall was transformed into a scene of opulence and splendor. 

As I entered, the overwhelming blend of sights, sounds, and scents hit me. 

The massive crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling like frozen waterfalls of light, casting their glittering glow across the entire room. 

Their multifaceted prisms scattered light in all directions, turning the grand hall into a shimmering spectacle. 

The intricate gold and crimson tapestries that adorned the walls caught the light, their elaborate patterns seeming to dance with every shift in illumination.

The floor beneath was a sprawling expanse of polished marble, each tile a mirror reflecting the splendor of the decorations above. 

The marble gleamed with a pristine shine, adding a sense of opulence to the environment. 

Every step on it felt like walking on a smooth, luxurious surface, contributing to the grandeur of the evening.

Long banquet tables stretched across the hall, their surfaces covered with an array of sumptuous foods that created a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. 

Platters of roasted meats, glistening with rich sauces and herbs, were surrounded by vibrant arrays of exotic fruits, their colors a feast for the eyes. Delicate pastries, intricately decorated and smelling of buttery sweetness, added a final touch to the lavish spread.

The aroma of the evening was a heady mix of rich, spiced wine and the fragrance of fresh flowers. 

The wine, with its complex bouquet, mingled with the scent of roses, lilies, and orchids, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that was both elegant and inviting.

Servants, dressed in immaculate uniforms, moved with practiced grace among the guests. 

Their movements were smooth and unobtrusive, ensuring that glasses were never empty and plates were always full. 

They navigated the room with quiet efficiency, a silent testament to the meticulous planning that had gone into the event.

The hall was alive with the murmur of conversation, punctuated by bursts of laughter and the clinking of glasses. 

The strains of a live orchestra filled the air, their classical melodies weaving through the room and adding an air of sophistication to the evening. 

The musicians, dressed in elegant black attire, were positioned on a raised platform at the far end of the hall. 

Their instruments, from the delicate strings of the violin to the deep notes of the cello, blended into a harmonious symphony that enhanced the ambiance of the gathering.

Overall, the setting was a picture of refined elegance and grandeur, meticulously crafted to create an atmosphere of high society and festivity. 

It was a world of luxury and tradition, a stark contrast to the chaotic and raw world I was more accustomed to.

The guests, dressed in their finest, were a dazzling sight. So fucking hot and cute ladies. Fuck i should not get horny right now 

It's not the right fucking time for that type of shit

The women at the party were a vision of opulence and elegance, each one draped in extravagant gowns crafted from the finest silk and satin. 

The gowns came in every imaginable shade, from deep, rich burgundies to shimmering silvers and blues. The fabric flowed gracefully as they moved, catching the light and adding a fluid, almost ethereal quality to their presence. 

Their necks and wrists were adorned with a dazzling array of glittering jewels—necklaces that sparkled with every movement, bracelets that caught the light with their intricate designs, and earrings that added a touch of brilliance to their already stunning appearance.

The men, too, were dressed to impress, wearing tailored suits that exuded sophistication and refinement. 

Their suits were impeccably cut, each detail meticulously crafted to highlight their stature and poise. 

Many wore cloaks draped over their shoulders, adding an extra layer of grandeur to their attire. The men's faces were a mix of genuine politeness and practiced charm, their smiles often appearing as polished as their outfits.

However, beneath the surface, there was a sense of artifice—many smiles seemed forced, masking the underlying superficiality of their interactions.

Conversations among the guests were filled with shallow pleasantries. 

They engaged in polite small talk, discussing the weather, the latest gossip, and the evening's festivities with a veneer of interest. 

Yet, beneath the surface, there was a palpable sense of competition and subtle scrutiny.

The social exchanges were as carefully curated as their outfits, each word and gesture calculated to maintain appearances and navigate the complex web of social hierarchies and expectations.

I could hear snippets of conversation as I moved through the crowd:

"Did you hear about the latest treaty with the Northern Kingdom?"

"Yes, it seems promising. We may finally have peace."

"Have you tried the roast pheasant? It's divine."

"I wonder which lady will catch Prince Lucifer's eye tonight…"

The curiosity and speculation were palpable. I could feel eyes on me, assessing, judging. Fuck people dude

I ignored them, making my way to the dais where my father and Asmodeus already sat. The dais was raised above the rest of the hall, offering a commanding view of the proceedings. 

My father sat in the center, regal and composed in his dark, embroidered robes. Asmodeus lounged beside him, a smirk playing on his lips, dressed in his usual flamboyant attire that seemed to mock the solemnity of the occasion.

I took my place beside them, forcing myself to maintain a stoic expression. 

My father glanced at me, a hint of approval in his eyes, while Asmodeus leaned over with a grin.

"Quite the turnout, don't you think, big bro?" he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

I ignored him, focusing instead on the crowd below. The guests mingled, danced, and laughed, oblivious to the tension that radiated from our thrones. 

My father raised his hand, and the room fell silent. All eyes turned to us as he stood, his presence commanding respect.

"Welcome, honored guests," he began, his voice carrying effortlessly through the hall.

"Tonight, we celebrate not just our lineage but the future of our kingdom. My son, Prince Lucifer, is tasked with a great duty—to find a companion who will stand by his side and strengthen our realm. Enjoy the evening, and may it be a memorable one."

With that, he sat down, and the room erupted in applause.

The music resumed, and the guests returned to their revelry, though I could still feel their curious glances directed at me.

I sighed inwardly, knowing that this night was just the beginning of the pressure to come. 

The weight of expectation hung heavy, and the thought of choosing a bride from this assembly seemed more daunting than ever. 

But for now, all I could do was to fucking endure, waiting for the night to end.

As the night wore on, I danced with so many girls that I lost count. 

Each one seemed to blur into the next, their faces indistinguishable, their chatter meaningless. 

My feet ached, and the forced smile on my face felt more like a grimace. Eventually, I excused myself and sat down, grateful for a moment of respite.

As I scanned the crowd, something caught my eye. Asmodeus was missing from his place beside my father. 

I looked around the hall and spotted him slipping through a side door, heading towards the basement. 

My heart pounded with sudden realization—I knew exactly where he was going.

I sprang to my feet, ignoring the surprised looks from the guests around me. 

Some girls thought I was approaching them and reached out, but I pushed them aside, running towards the door Asmodeus had disappeared through. 

I navigated the crowd, my pace quickening with every step.

I ran downstairs, my pulse hammering in my ears. When I reached the basement entrance, two bodyguards stood in front of the gate. 

"Did you guys let Asmodeus in?" I demanded.

"Yes, Your Highness," one of them answered.

I growled in frustration. "You all are useless!!"

Pushing past them, I reached the gate, but it was closed. Fury surged through me. I couldn't waste any more time. 

Channeling my power, I focused on the gate. With a burst of energy, I shattered it, splintering the wood and metal.

I stormed into the basement and saw him—Asmodeus, looming over Venneca. She was on all fours, trembling and crying. He was already pointing his fifty cock's tip into Venneca's pussy!

Rage like I'd never known boiled within me.

In an instant, I was upon him. I slapped him hard across the face, the sound echoing in the confined space. 

Then I punched him, feeling the satisfying crunch of bone beneath my knuckles. I grabbed him by the throat, lifting him into the air with one hand.

"You should fucking leave her alone before I burn you alive, stab you, shoot you, turn you into dust, and make wild dogs and lions eat you alive," I snarled, each word dripping with venom.

"She is only fucking mine, you got it?!!"

Asmodeus struggled, gasping for breath, his eyes wide with fear. 

I tightened my grip, feeling the surge of power and fury coursing through me. 

Venneca's sobs were the only sound in the room now, each one fueling my anger further.

"Understand?" I hissed, my face inches from his.

He managed a weak nod, his eyes pleading for mercy. I threw him to the ground, watching as he scrambled away, clutching his throat. 

Turning to Venneca, I softened my expression, but the rage still simmered beneath the surface.

"It's okay," I whispered, kneeling beside her. "You're safe now."

But as I looked at her, I couldn't shake the feeling of possessiveness that had surged within me. 

Venneca was mine to protect, and I would destroy anyone who dared to harm her.

Next chapter