


I walked into the office and the surprise eyes of the workers never left me as they greeted me one after the other, as I walked pass them they whispered to themselves as they gossip. I ignored them completely as I walked into my office.

They were all surprised to see me and never expected to see me back so soon, I'm as shock as them too and I don't expect to back to Las Vegas this soon.

I sat down tiredly and sighed. My door immediately flung open as my most annoying personal assistant walked in smiling form ear to ear.

He is back into my life now ! What the hell ?

I hate been back here with my annoying personal assistant.

"Ma'am, good to see you again. I had no idea you will be resuming back today, I missed you so much, we all did" he spoke cheerfully as he approached me.

"What do you want now ? Isn't it too early for this ?" I asked and he chuckled.

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