
003- Shattered calm

The regular sound which was always hear was constant beating of the pickaxe on the rocks was all too familiar to Jarec. It was a noise he had grown accustomed to and which formed part of the unpleasant reality of the lives survived by men in Obsidian Ridge Mine. But today, that sound was suddenly cut short by loud noises and loud calls for help rushing through the tunnels.

Jarec could feel his heart thudding in his chest as quickly put down his pickaxe and ran towards the noises. The sun, the sweat and the dirt which were characteristic of the miners' working environment, now seemed replaced by a tangible feeling of ominousness. Thrown by what they saw, miners looked up with injuries of shock on their faces – confusion and terror.

Too ordinary and common, no longer a door leading to a rather monotonous mining job, but hell's door. Some armed bandits who had their faces covered with black hoods and masks attacked the mine. It was an efficient army, they advanced with determination reflecting their evil plan, their eyes filled with hatred, with weapons in hand they ordered their troops.

Garvin, the overseer was right among those with the first reactions to the plan formulated on the clip. His face contorted with rage, and he began to yell, "What do you think you are doing HERE Let this have repercussions for you!"

His bravado was short-lived. The bandits not appearing to care much for the threats he was making drew closer having an air of resolve on their faces. Instantly, they attacked Garvin and the other overseers as an unemployed and furious mob may attack anyone in sight. Any tiny effort they made was followed by the sound of metal and the violent screams of the overseers, and so their tiny rebellion came to its end. Then their bodies collapsed on the ground as if their life force was drained out of them.

The sight was horrifying. The bandits stood up and directed their laser eyed stare at the miners as if they were animals to be killed. Soon there was a spurt of pandemonium as the miners moved in all the directions possible tearing through the attacks. The bandits however were very brutal and did not spare the captives. These foods directed the weapons contemptuously through the atmosphere

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