
part 5

Dissolve to Twilight and I walking down a hall, Spike out of sight, and pan to follow her past a few lockers and students. From here, cut to an adjoining hall, some of whose lights are flickering or burned out. She steps into view to regard a dim dead end as Spike peeks from her backpack and one open locker door creaks on its hinges. Cut to an extreme close-up of the staring purple eyes.

 "Can't believe I didn't recognize you earlier", said Sunset


A slight pan shifts the camera angle enough to frame the dimension-jumping thief, leaning against the lockers just behind Twilight. Cut to frame both as she strolls up.

"Can't believe I didn't notice you two early", said Sunset, coming from the shadows. "Should've known Princess Celestia was sending her prize pupil after my crown and  her dog too".

Sunset looks at me and says "But, you were unexpected".

"Mmm", I said.

"No matter, you don't know the first thing about this place and I already rule it", Sunset bragged.

"If that's so why do you even need my crown, you went through a awful lot of trouble to switch it with the one that belongs here", Twilight wondered.

"Pop quiz, what happens when you bring an element of harmony into an alternate world?" Sunset asks Twilight.

"You don't know seriously", said Sunset, then she turned to me. "How about you?"

"Sorry, I do not", I lied.

Sunset saw right through me, and says "Your little friend seems to know better than you, and yet, you're supposed to be Celestia's star student. Then again what are the chances she would find somebody as bright as me to take under her wing after I decided to leave Equestria, a bit of a disappointment, that were the best she could do".

Spike comes out of the bookbag and barks at Sunset.

"Oh and I would keep an eye on your mutt, hate for him to have to be taken away", said Sunset.

"Is that a threat?" asked Spike.

"Oh! Of course not. But, I would keep the chatter down if I was you, don't want everybody to know that you three don't belong here, now do you. You want to be a princess, please", said Sunset. "You don't  know the first thing about fitting in".

Sunset walks away, leaving Twilight, Spike, and I in the dark.

"Don't listen to her, Twilight, we are going to get that crown and go back to Equestria", I said.

"You think so?" asked Twilight, uncertain.

"I know so", I said, then puts my arm around Twilight and we walk together.

The screen switches to Sunset with Snips and Snails.

"I want to follow them, bring me some information on them, just like you did with the last girl who thought she could take on me", said Sunset.

"You got, Sunset Shimmer", said Snips.

"When the crown and it's power are mine, Twilight Sparkle and Kanisha will be sorry that ever stepped hoof into this world, not that they would've been safe in Equestria", said Sunset, facing nobody.

"Yeah in Equestria", said Snips.

"What are you two still doing here? GO!" replied Sunset, then looks at Snips and Snails.

Snips and Snails bump into each other, then run.

The screen switches to Twilight, Spike, and me walking by a vending machine.

Twilight tries to open the vending machine, which didn't work so she tries to kick it down.

I stopped her foot, and says "Let me handle this".

I reached into my bag, put out a coin, put it in the machine, and got a snack for me and Twilight.

"Thank you, but this just proves Sunset Shimmer ́s point, I don't know the first thing about this place, if I'm going to get that crown and win some votes, we need to do some research", Twilight concluded.

"Research?" asked Spike.

I pointed to the library, and led Twilight in it.

Snips and Snails appear.

"Got your camera?" asked Snips.

"Yeah, got yours?" asked Snails.

Snips and Snails sneak into the library.

I leaned on a bookshelf.

"Helping Twilight and trying to not blow my cover is hard", I said, quietly, then I saw Twilight with a bunch of books.

"That's weird, she's not supposed to hold those books yet", I whispered, then helped Twilight and put it on the table with Twilight behind me.

"I wonder if i'm rewriting the movie by accident", I whispered, then I saw Twilight checking out the printer, the light flashed, and she fell on some books. "Yup, I am".

The phone that belongs to Snips and Snails was shown and they high-fived.

"The library will be closing in 8 minutes", announced the speaker.

"I didn't even think about where we're going to sleep", Twilight realized, looking at Spike and I.

"We ́re way ahead of you", said Spike, referring to me and him when he said we.

Spike and I lead Twilight a pill of books covered by a sheet.

"I warn you, it's a bit dusty, but it doesn't look like anybody comes up here", I told Twilight.

"It's perfect", said Twilight.

"So, what did you find?" asked Spike.

"I found this book, it's called a yearbook, seems it keeps a record of everything that happened at this school", said Twilight.

Twilight shows a picture of younger versions of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash.

Spike is excited by seeing there's a Rarity in this world.

"They seem like friends with each other, but not so now. I know Sunset Shimmer has something to do it", said Twilight.

"I agree, but.." I said, putting covers over Twilight.

"She's trying to get your crown, so she can use it for something worse, we need to focus on getting on it", said Spike.

"You're right,you two, eyes on the prize", said Twilight, looking at the moon.

Twilight, Spike, and I walk out the library.

" I made a list of talking points", said Twilight.

"Perfect, you can convince these people that you deserve the crown ", I said.

"Yep", said Twilight.

Then, we know these people laughing.

"Why is everyone laughing at me?" asked Twilight.

Before the door opened, I grabbed Twilight's hand and walked in the room together.

"Why do you lead us in here?" asked Twilight.

'Look", I said.

Twilight sees the human version of Rarity.

"Rarity?" asked Twilight.

Is Twilight a recognized Rarity, Rarity measures me, and Twilight, then put us in a different outfit.

"This is perfect, no one recognized you", said Rarity.

"There you are Twilight in Kanisha, I've been looking all over for you", said Applejack.

"Me too", said Fluttershy.

"Me three", said Pinkie pie, upside down.

"I like your outfit", Pinkie pie compliments us.

"I do for you an eye for these things, not that you care", said Rarity.

"What?" asked Pinkie pie.

Before Twilight could ask her question, I showed her how everybody else reacts.

"Nevermind, why were all you looking for me?" asked Twilight.

'Wait, I rewrote the story which means the video shouldn't exist', I thought.

As I mentioned it, Pinkie pie shows on her computer an article of Twilight sleeping in the library.

"How?!" I gasped, then covered my mouth.

Twilight looked embarrassed.

"Twilight, we can still pull through", I said.

"I don't know", said Twilight, with her head down.

"I refuse to believe that my friend would give up, this easily", I said.

"Exactly, you shouldn't give up so fast", said Applejack.

"Yeah, we can help you", said Pinkie pie.

"I wouldn't trust her", said Fluttershy to Twilight, referring to Pinkie pie.

"That's rude", said Pinkie pie.

"Hold it! Hold it!" I interrupted.

I sighs, as everybody looked at me surprised.

"Listen, nobody can help until this tension between all of you has been switched off", I said.

"Is it that obvious?" asked Rarity.

"Too obvious, now let's dissect what happened", I said.

'Kanisha, you seem different from before', thought Twilight.

'I already rewrote this movie too much, so I might as well speed this up', I thought.

The screen switches to Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

"Kanisha, thank you, but how did you know?" replied Twilight.

"It wasn't just you, who wanted them to act like friends as well", I pointed out.

Twilight hugged me.

Next chapter