
The Lover

"The ruins of the lost empire that the archaeologists called Diablon was said to be founded in early 18th century. Hundreds of thousands of skeletons were scattered on the surface of the city within the empire. Seems like something sinister had happened there..."

"Uh huh. Uh huh..."

This is my wife. The beautiful lady reading aloud to the book of niche historical records. She is a big history nerd. I'm not really that into history. It's just that she is just too pretty to be owned by another man. So I had to pretend like I'm also a history guy. I picked tons and tons of random history books from the library and memorised them in order to impress her by spouting whatever I put in my memory that I read from the books with the name I don't remember anymore.

"Another records showed that not very far away from that ominous city, there was also another ruins which is visually significantly better than it's neighbor city..."

Thanks to my temporary photographic memory, I managed to gain her attention and interest and most importantly...love. So we had marrried. Moved to a new home. With her and my rich backgrounds, we're able to afford our own house without disturbance from outsiders. To be honest, I'm not that much of a big fan of learning old and ancient stuffs. In fact, it was my least favorite subject. I always fell asleep in my class everytime the lessons came up. But I want to try my hardest to immerse into this. I need to keep this relationship stable. I need to relearn more if I had time in the future.

"Those ruins were founded about several years after the discovery of the first. Even though they were really close, the nonexistence road between them made it almost impossible to reach to the ruins of the second city..."

She was so deep into the book, she doesn't even realize the world around her was affecting her. Sunlight outside the window was reflecting on her as it was showcasing a sacred object in spotlight. It is touching her hair that it look shinier than it was already. The imperfect placement of the glasses on her nose, slipping slowly added the charm of the busy and nerdy girl she was. The coffee cup next to her was getting cold. Is she gonna drink it or never. I love coffee. Should I drink that coffee instead.


I love every kind of coffee. When I was bored with my history homeworks, I have them ready at my desk. The warmer the better. I like both sweet and bitter. The type of mug I usually contain my coffe was-


"Oh uh, sorry. I got a bit carried out there."


"Maybe because I stayed up last night. I was so focused into the cool ancient culture videos that I stay passesd my bedtime."

"Oh, that's nice. Get a good sleep tonight, Ok?"

"No problem, honey."

"Oh yeah, one thing..."

"What is it?"

Shit, is she gonna ask me something about the thing she's reading. I had no idea what she was talking. I was focusing on her harder than she was focusing on her book.

"Do you have work tomorrow?"

"Umm... No. Why?"

"Let's go visit there!"


"What do you mean where? I'm talking about the thing I've been reading to you the whole time. Hello? Have you been falling asleep with eyes closed?"

"Oh yeah... right! I told you I was staying up late."

"Well, sleep early tonight. We're going tomorrow morning. You don't need to impress me all the time."

Does she know?

The Next Day...

"Is everything on the car? Alright, let's go!"

We left our home at 7. Due to the traffics, we travelled slower than we should. So we stop for lunch at like 2pm. When we reached to rhe ruins, the sun was already gone. The time was 6:30pm. There are only little tourists and visitors here now. It's getting late for sightseeing. Seeing piles of skeletons here is really creepy.

"Do you still want to go to other ruins?"

"Are you kidding? It's getting dark and what are you gonna find in the dark? Plus, I heard that it's hard to get there."

"But there is already a road shortcut built just recently? I even read it to you. Have you not been paying attention? Even if you aren't that interested, I wanna go. Pretty please..."

Damn, she's making that pitiful face. I can't resist that.

"Alright... let's go. But let's return back to nearby restaurant. It's dinner time already."

We went back for dinner and arrived the restaurant at 8:45pm. Then using the road, we crossed the desert and finally got to the second ruins at 12:15am.

Strangely, the ruins there were completely shrouded in moonlight and the ravaged city was visibly presented clearly to our naked eyes. It is so bright that I could take a picture without needing flashlight. My wife was in joy running around place to place snapping photos. I'm happy for her. Especially at this time in the middle of night with nobody around. Just her and me. It was a peaceful night.

A while later, I saw her standing near the pile of rubbles. She isn't moving for a long period of time. And she is holding something that is not camera. I walk to her in curiosity and concern. She is staring at a jewel like object... an amulet. I tapped her shoulder and she freaked out.

"What are you doing? Staring at the amulet for minutes."

"I... I saw... something."

"Saw what?"

"No... I experienced it... all of them."

"Stop being so dramatic! just say it."

"I can't..."

"Well then, ok... we're getting late and I'm getting sleepy. Let's go back."

"Oh...oh right, sorry."

After us getting into car, she fell asleep in the backseat. I hope nothing strange happened to her. What did she means when she said experiencing everything? Well, it doesn't matter. Let's leave this boring place. On my way, I was thinking where we should go for next vacation.

The End

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