

Inside the Escort agency's dimly lit room, Barad, his wife, and the Training Head were locked in a tense conversation.


The Training Head, with a pitying smile, broke the silence, "It seems fate has brought me here at the right time. My offer of providing 20 trained soldiers, coupled with your recent loss of 10 elite soldiers, seems like a perfect match. I'm even willing to add five more soldiers to the deal. What do you think, Brother Barad?"


Barad, deep in thought, weighed the offer. He was acutely aware of the agency's depleted manpower, especially after the significant loss of their elite escort soldiers. A deal with the Training Head seemed like the most prudent course of action.


While Barad pondered the offer, the Training Head's lustful gaze lingered on Barad's wife. She felt his intrusive stare, but chose to ignore it.


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