
-Chapter 16-

Sorry everyone I wasn't feeling very well yesterday so I took some time off to rest but here we are again.

Here's the third and final extra chapter from last week which you've won by breaking the 300 power stone barrier congratulations to you all and thank you for your support it makes me extremely happy.


-Chapter 16-

-POV 3rd-

The gates of Highgarden slowly opened, revealing the splendor of the verdant city. In the distance, Ronnet's cavalry appeared on the horizon, like a blazing tide of steel.

Each knight bore the colors of House Connington, and their advance was in perfect synchronization, moving as one entity.

The Griffin banners flew high in the sky, contrasting with the lush greenery of Highgarden.

The townspeople, curious and amazed, gathered at the ramparts and in the streets to welcome these unexpected guests.

Ronnet, mounted on his majestic horse, led the way, his determined gaze fixed on the city gates.


-POV Renly-

When I saw Ronnet arrive, I was immediately impressed. It wasn't the first time I had seen what he called the Order of the Bloody Griffin or the Red Griffin, but the discipline and training of his men were always as impressive as ever. It even seemed unparalleled.

He exuded such an aura of power and control, as well as charisma. I understand why he is one of the most feared commanders and fighters in Westeros. I had seen him fight in battles, and he crushed all his opponents one after another with disconcerting ease.

As for command, I hadn't personally seen what he was capable of, but he had managed to return alive from Harlaw Island with a Valyrian steel sword at only 15 years old, along with ships, so I thought he knew his business quite well.

I had never seen such a cohesive force; every knight seemed to know his place, moving with an almost unreal synchronization.

The respect I already had for him multiplied as I thought about the letter he had sent me and the possibility of an alliance.

If his men fought as well as they appeared disciplined, we had a formidable force to count on.


-POV Margaery Tyrell-

Ronnet's arrival at Highgarden was spectacular, an impressive parade of knights in gleaming steel armor, clad in white surcoats and wearing blazing capes. Their shields bore the Connington sigil: two griffins, red and white, facing each other.

Ronnet himself was as handsome and impressive as ever. It wasn't the first time our paths had crossed, but every time I saw him, he always displayed such self-mastery, and his men seemed to reflect that same mastery and determination.

They were the very definition of discipline. My brothers and I watched from the balcony, discussing the strength Ronnet could bring to our cause.

When our eyes met, I greeted him with a polite wave, to which he responded with a small nod. I exchanged looks with Loras and Garlan; both seemed as impressed as I was by the spectacle.

I suddenly thought that an alliance with him would be beneficial, especially in the troubled times ahead.


-POV Ronnet-

As I approached the gates of the inner courtyard of Highgarden, I felt the weight of the gazes on me and my men.

We had traveled a long way at a gallop, and every meter was the fruit of our discipline and training.

I could feel the admiration, and perhaps even a bit of envy, emanating from those who watched us.

It was gratifying, but I knew the real challenges still awaited us. As we entered the city, I silently vowed to protect my men and stay true to my cause, whatever path we chose... I would be the ultimate victor.

I dismounted and removed my helmet just in time as my liege lord, or should I say my king, arrived wearing a crown on his head. He had a broad smile and practically grabbed me in an embrace.

I awkwardly patted his shoulder before stepping back and kneeling, saying, "I came as quickly as I could, Your Majesty."

I could see in his eyes that he enjoyed his newfound power, and he cooperated like a dignified and just monarch by grabbing my shoulders and raising me up: "You need not kneel. You have proven yourself to be a just and loyal man many times over."

I bowed my head, and everyone around us applauded, mostly for the new king. I offered a small smile and said, "I heard the Lannisters sought to eliminate you."

He sighed and showed me the way to follow him: "If I had stayed in the capital, I fear my head would be next to Ned Stark's as we speak."

I said, trying to contain my surprise, "So he is dead."

Renly nodded, and I said, "I really tried to piece things together, but the Lannisters have poisoned the capital too deeply, they soil everything as they always do."

Renly said, "I'll let you rest. Dinner will be ready soon."

I nodded and continued on my way, this time accompanied by a maid who showed me to my quarters.


-23rd day, 3rd moon, 299 AC-

-POV Robb-

Everything had completely gone wrong since the king's visit to Winterfell. Connington had fallen out with the Lannisters and fled to protect his life and that of his entourage. Bran had been attacked by a swordsman sent to silence him because we thought he had caught the queen and the kingslayer in the act, my mother had captured the dwarf on the Kingsroad, and the beheading of my father—all seemed surreal.

It was as if suddenly all our gods had abandoned us at once.

I swept away my bad feelings by thinking about our three victories over the Lannisters.

'Soon we will all be reunited,' I thought quietly to myself.

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