I gathered the team and told them of my findings.
We decided to surround the hill. Bobby and I would go up front and confront Yang Kun.
He didn't know who we were; that should buy us some time.
Amy Lee, Ti Zhi, and Zhao Rui would ambush him from behind.
A refreshing change from what we were used to.
Finally, we got the chance to be the ones doing all the hunting.
With the plan set, it was time to begin the hunt.
Since the rest of the team had to bash through bushes and come from behind, we let them start off first. Bobby and I waited for five minutes before we made our move.
We walked up the road the kid had pointed out to me.
As we got close to the bushes the kid had mentioned, we moved cautiously.
At the edge of the bushes, we waited for Ti Zhi's message.
We could see from the bushes that there was a dilapidated house, with the roof half crumbled in, and a well next to it.
It looked deserted.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: