(Mew and her friends are hiking toward a mountain called Mount Moon.)
(There have been strange and astonishing tales told about this mysterious place.)
(Pikachu and Eevee are fast asleep.)
(Both Pokemon are sleeping in Mew's bag.)
Misty: "Mount Moon. Doesn't the name sound romantic?"
(Misty says.)
Brock: "People say that a huge meteor crashed into the mountain back in prehistoric times."
(Brock says.)
Mew: "A meteor?"
(Mew says, interested.)
(Then Misty asks.)
Misty: "Is it really true?"
Brocks: "The meteor is called the Moon Stone."
(Brocks says.)
Misty: "Now that's romantic."
(Misty says.)
Mew: "I remember Professor Oak told me that the Moon Stones are used to help some Pokemon evolve."
(Mew says.)
(they hear a loud scream, waking the two Pokemon up.)
(Mew looks ahead.)
Mew: "Look! Over there!"
(The group rushes over to see The group rushes to help the one who is in distress.)
(Up ahead, a large flock of blue and purple color bats, known as Zubat's, are attacking a man with short brown hair, wearing a lab coat and glasses.)
(When Mew and her friends arrive, they see the man being attacked by Zubat's.)
Mew: "Those are Zubat's."
(Mew says.)
Misty: "They're attacking that guy!"
(Misty says.)
(Mew brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)
Dexter: "Zubat, the bat Pokemon. A Poison and Flying Type! This flying Pokemon with supersonic powers. Zubat lives in caves and hates to fly outside in daylight."
Mew: "Something is wrong, unless they have a trainer, Wild Zubat's usually sleep in the day and hate sunlight."
(Mew says.)
Misty: "We'll have to worry about that later, that guy needs help."
(Misty says.)
Mew: "Right,"
(Mew says with a nod.)
(Then she calls out.)
Mew: "Pikachu, Use Thunder Shock!"
(Pikachu, who is standing on Mew's head, lights up his cheeks and electricity comes out.)
(The man in trouble turns his head to see Mew and Pikachu.)
(Pikachu jumps up and sends out a thunder shock to the bat Pokemon.)
(They are electrocuted and they fly back into the cave.)
(The man who is laying on the ground is still in pain from the attack.)
(Mew runs to the man holding Pikachu and Eevee and asks.)
Mew: "Are you okay?"
(Suddenly, the man stands up and hugs Mew.)
The Man: "Wow! You guys were the greatest!"
Mew: "Really! It was nothing!"
(Mew muffles, being squished.)
(Same with Pikachu and Eevee, being sandwiched between his trainer and the man.)
(The man says in excitement.)
The man: "I'm talking super fantastic! I mean, two thumbs up! Way up! The best rescue I've ever had!"
(Unable to stand it, Pikachu lets out a Thunderbolt, electricity and both in the process.)
(The man falls to the ground, but Mew isn't phased by it.)
(Eevee however, does feel the attack.)
(The man stands up again and says.)
The man: "They say that man's best friend is a Pokemon, and with those two, I believe it."
Mew: "Oh. That's nice,"
(Mew replies.)
(The man happily says.)
The man: "I'm so moved! Such friendship I thought I'd never see when the Zubat began attacking me. I thought I was done for, but who should arrive? Some heroes, thanks to whom, I'm alive!"
(Then screams at the top of his lunges.)
The man: "I'M ALIVE!"
(His yell echoes through the mountain.)
The man: "Thank you so much! Thank you!"
Misty: "He certainly doesn't look like the poetic type."
(Misty says.)
(The man walks over to them and says.)
The man: "Did I mention how grateful I am?"
Mew: "Yeah. Um, anyway, why were the Zubat attacking you, mister?"
(Mew asks.)
(The man gasps and says.)
Seymour: "Never call me mister! My name is Seymour. Seymour the Scientist. Knowledge. Research. I'm Seymour the Scientist!"
(The three humans and two Pokemon look at Seymour with confused expressions.)
(Mew then asks.)
Mew: "Um, so, why were the Zubat's attacking you?"
Seymour: "Follow me, I'll show you."
(Seymour says.)
(The group enters the cave and walks deep inside.)
(They notice that lights are on the ceiling and lighting up the whole cave.)
Seymour: "See? The cave is all lit up inside. Somebody has strung these lights through the whole cave. But the Pokemon in this cave need the dark. These lights are upsetting them and making them confused."
(Seymour says.)
Brock: "Which is probably why the Zubat left the cave and attacked you."
(Brock suspects.)
(Seymour turns his head and says.)
Seymour: "Look here These Paras are planting their mushrooms everywhere."
(The group turns their heads to see the orange crab Pokemon, Paras are putting their mushrooms on the ground.)
Seymour: "And the hot lights are drying up these Sandshrew."
(Seymour adds.)
(And they see the Sandshrew laying down and looking weak.)
Mew: "Poor Sandshrew."
(Mew says worried.)
(Mew hurries to the Sandshrew and kneels down to it.)
(Mew then brings a water bottle with a cup, an Oran Berry, and some Pokemon food.)
(Mew pours the water in the cup and presents it to Sandshrew.)
Mew: "Here, it will make you feel better."
(Mew says.)
(The Sandshrew drinks the water and feels a little better and is able to stand up.)
Mew: "Here's an Oran Berry and some Pokemon food for you."
(Mew says.)
(The Sandshrew eats the Oran Berry and the Pokemon food, and feels good as new.)
Sandshrew: "Sandshrew," (Thank you.)
Mew: "You're welcome."
(Mew happily says.)
Seymour: "Wow! Your friend has a way with Pokemon, and I never seen anyone who is this caring."
(Seymour says.)
Misty: "That's Mew alright, helping Pokemon in need."
(Misty says.)
(Then Seymour grows concern.)
Seymour: "Still, that's why I'm here. On patrol to protect the mountain from the troublemakers' attacks against these caves."
Misty: "Troublemakers? Why attack a cave?"
(Misty asks.)
(Seymour turns to the group.)
Seymour: "I'm afraid it's because of the Moon Stone."
Mew: "The Moon Stone?"
(Mew asks.)
Seymour: "Exactly,"
(Seymour says.)
(Then explains.)
Seymour: "The Moon Stone is an awesome boulder, a million years old or even older. Deep in these caves the meteor hides, though no explorer has found the place of the legendary rock from space. We've studied it's fragments for many an hour, and discovered it increases a Pokemon's power. And that is why the attackers are here. They've come to take the Moon Stone, or so I fear."
Mew: "So the troublemakers are after it."
(Mew asks.)
(Seymour nods his head.)
Seymour: "Yes. Ever since I was a little boy, I've believed that Pokemon came to Earth from outer space."
Everyone: "From outer space?"
(Everyone asks, surprised.)
Seymour: "Yes. And where, you ask, is the spacecraft that brought them here? In this cave. It's the Moon Stone."
(Seymour says.)
Misty: "It sure is an original theory."
(Misty says.)
Seymour: "But don't you see? It means that the Moon Stone belongs to the Pokemon. We humans must not take it from them!"
(Seymour says.)
(He then grabs Mew's hands and asks.)
Seymour: "You agree with me, don't you?"
(Mew nods her head in reply.)
(A light Pink Pokemon hops past the group and is holding a grayish blue stone with yellow and purple markings on it.)
(It keeps calling out.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy Clefairy!" (Worship the Moon Stone! Gather the Moon Stone!)
Brock: "That looks like a Clefairy!"
(Brock says.)
Mew: "It's so cute!"
(Mew happily says.)
(Mew brings out Dexter and it says.)
Dexter: "Clefairy, the Fairy Pokemon. A Fairy Type. This impish Pokemon is friendly, peaceful, and shy. It is believed to live inside Mount Moon, although very few have ever been seen by humans."
Mew: "Hmm, I wonder where it's going,"
(Mew wonders.)
Misty: "Wherever it's going, it has one of the Moon Stones."
(Misty says.)
(Suddenly they hear Clefairy screams.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy!" (Help me!)
(The group turns their heads to the tunnel Clefairy leaves to.)
Misty: "That sounds like Clefairy."
(Misty says.)
(Mew runs ahead.)
Mew: "It's in trouble!"
(Down the tunnel of the cave, Clefairy is back against the wall holding the Moon Stone, shaking in fear.)
[Just then...]
(a shadow overshadows it, revealing it to be Meowth from Team Rocket.)
Meowth: "Don't be scared of Meowth."
(Meowth says)
(Just then, everyone arrives on the scene.)
Mew: "It's Meowth!"
(Mew says, shocked.)
(Meowth turns to see the group.)
Meowth: "Meowth! What are you doing here?"
Mew: "Looking for troublemakers, like you!"
(Mew sternly says.)
(Pikachu and Eevee head to Clefairy.)
(Pikachu says.)
Pikachu: "Pika!" (There's no need to worry.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy? (Really?)
(Clefairy asks.)
Eevee: "Eev. Eev Eevee Eevee," (Yes. We're here to help you.)
(Eevee says.)
(Clefairy smiles and nods its head.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy," (Okay.)
(Pikachu, Eevee and Clefairy hurry to Mew.)
(Clefairy stands behind Mew.)
(Mew kneels down to Clefairy.)
Mew: "Don't worry, we'll protect you."
Clefairy: "Clefairy," (Thank you,)
(Clefairy says.)
(Mew then stands and turns to Meowth.)
Mew: "So, Team Rocket is causing all the trouble around here. What a surprise."
Misty: "We gotta stop them before they cause anymore trouble."
(Misty says.)
(Jessie's voice says.)
Jessie: "Trouble!"
James: "Make that double!"
(James's voice comes up.)
Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.
James: To unite all peoples within our nation.
Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love.
James: To extend our reach to the stars above.
Jessie: Jessie.
James: James.
Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light.
James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.
Meowth: Meowth, that's right.
Seymour: "They sure are showoffs!"
(Seymour comments.)
Mew: "Don't you guys ever get tired of saying the same things over and over?"
(Mew asks.)
Jessie: "You're just jealous, girl!"
(Jessie says.)
James: "Because we won't let you join us."
(James adds.)
(Mew angrily says.)
Mew: "I'd never join up with you!"
Brock: "You put the lights in this cave! It's your fault the Pokemon who live here are confused!"
(Brock angrily says.)
Jessie: "What a shame,"
(Jessie says.)
(James sarcastically says.)
James: "How will we ever forgive ourselves?"
Meowth: "We wanna get our hands on the Moon Stone so we can power up our Pokemon with it!"
(Meowth says.)
(Then Jessie says.)
Jessie: "With the Moon Stone in our hands, nothing will stop us!"
Mew: "We won't let you get away with this."
(Mew says.)
(Then Brock says.)
Brock: "You want a rock, take one of these, then get lost!"
Jessie: "Get lost? How rude."
(Jessie sternly says.)
James: "Let's teach him manners."
(James adds.)
(Mew and Brock then bring out their Pokeballs.)
(Mew turns to Misty.)
Mew: "Keep an eye on Seymour and Clefairy. Make a run for it when you get the chance."
Misty: "Right,"
(Misty answers.)
(Team Rocket jumps up and throws their Pokeballs.)
Jessie and James: "Ready or not! Koffing/Ekans!"
(Mew throws her Pokeball.)
Mew: "Pidgeotto, I choose you!"
Brock: "Here we go!"
(Brock says, and throws his Pokeball.)
(The Pokeballs hit the ground, and Ekans and Koffing come out of their Pokeballs.)
(And soon, Mew's Pidgeotto comes out, and a Zubat comes out of Brock's Pokeball.)
Mew: "A Zubat!?"
(Mew says, surprised.)
Brock: "I caught one too!"
(Brock says.)
Mew: "Hmm, I see,"
(Mew says.)
[Just then...]
(James calls out.)
James: "Koffing, Smog attack!"
(Koffing begins to fly around, spraying smog around the cave.)
(Mew calls out.)
Mew: "Pidgeotto, Whirlwind, now!"
Brock: "Zubat, Double Team, now!"
(Brock calls out.)
(Pidgeotto and Zubat join forces and flap their wings together to blow the smog away.)
James: "What's this?"
(James asks, until he and Jessie are trapped in the smog.)
Mew: "Not bad!"
(Mew says.)
(Misty turns to Seymour and Clefairy.)
Misty: "Now's our chance!"
(Mew turns to Clefairy.)
Mew: "Clefairy, go with Misty and Seymour."
Clefairy: "Clefairy," (Okay.)
(Clefairy says.)
(Misty, Seymour, and Clefairy make their escape.)
(Just then, Ekans bite into Pidgeotto.)
(Mew gasps.)
Mew: "Pidgeotto!"
(Then Koffing tackles Brock's Zubat.)
Brock: "Zubat, hang on!"
(Brock calls out.)
(As the group battle, Meowth is able to sneak away to go after Clefairy.)
(Then Brock calls out.)
Brock: "Go, Supersonic!"
(Zubat then performs Supersonic that hit both Ekans and Koffing.)
James: "Oh no!"
(James exclaims.)
(Ekans and Koffing are getting confused and attacking each other.)
(Jessie shouts.)
Jessie: "Ekans! Koffing!"
James: "What's the matter with you weaklings?"
(James shouts.)
Brock: "Ekans and Koffing are getting all confused!"
(Brock says.)
(Then Mew calls out.)
Mew: "Pidgeotto, Whirlwind, now! Blow them all out of the cave!"
(Pidgeotto flies in the air and flaps its wings fast and hard.)
(Soon, Jessie and James are caught in the wind.)
(Ekans and Koffing hit them and are being blown away.)
James: "It's time Team Rocket blasted off!"
(James screams.)
(Jessie calls out.)
Jessie: "You may have won this round, but we'll be back!"
(Soon, Team Rocket is gone.)
Mew: "We did it!"
(Mew happily cheers.)
Brock: "Excellent teamwork!"
(Brock says.)
(Suddenly, Mew realizes something.)
Mew: "Wait, aren't we missing someone?"
Brock: "Yeah, something's missing."
(Brock says.)
(Suddenly, they realize.)
Mew and Brock: "Where's Meowth?"
(Mew feels a nudge and turns her head to see Sandshrew.)
(She recognizes it to be the same one she helped earlier.)
(Mew kneels down.)
Mew: "What is it, Sandshrew?"
(Sandshrew points it's finger to a direction and says.)
Sandshrew: "Sandshrew Sandshrew Sandshrew," (The Meowth you're talking about went this way. Follow me.)
(Mew turns to Brock.)
Mew: "Sandshrew knows where Meowth went, let's follow it."
(Outside of the cave, Clefairy hops away out of the cave.)
(Misty and Seymour are able to follow.)
Misty: "Oh no, Clefairy's running away!"
(Misty panics.)
(Clefairy continues to hop up the hill as Misty and Seymour climb up the wall.)
(Seymour calls out.)
Seymour: "Clefairy! Come back!"
(Clefairy continues to hop along the path until Meowth stands in front of it.)
Meowth: "Meowth's got you now!"
(Clefairy cries out.)
Clefairy: "Fairy!" (Oh no!)
(Misty looks up.)
Misty: "Clefairy!"
(Clefairy then jumps off and hits Misty on the head.)
(Soon, she, Clefairy, and Seymour fall off the cliff side and land in the water.)
(Just then, Meowth jumps on the rock and says.)
Meowth: "Alright! Give Meowth that Moon Stone!"
(and shows off his claws.)
(Seymour nervously says.)
Seymour: "Meowth, I'm sure we can be reasonable about this!"
(Meowth pounces in the air.)
Meowth: "No, we can't!"
Misty: "Not so fast, Meowth!"
(Misty says and throws her Pokeball.)
(The Pokeball falls into the water and lands on the ground.)
(It opens to reveal a golden-brown, starfish-like Pokémon with five appendages.)
(These appendages surround an exterior organ called the core.)
(The core resembles a golden metal casing with a red gem in the center, which is held in place by a golden ring looped around Staryu's lower left point.)
(Misty calls out.)
Misty: "Staryu, Swift Attack!"
(Staryu then uses it's Swift attack to strike at Meowth.)
(Meowth cries out in pain.)
Misty: "Water Gun, Staryu!"
(Misty calls out.)
(Staryu lands on the rock and sprays a water gun into Meowth's mouth and bloats him like a water balloon.)
(Then it flies in the air as water sprays from its mouth.)
(Misty waves goodbye and says.)
Misty: "Bye, Meowth! Have a nice Trip!
Clefairy: "Clefairy,"
(Clefairy replies.)
(Misty then calls back her Pokemon.)
Misty: "Staryu, return."
(Suddenly, Mew calls out.)
Mew: "Hey!"
(Misty and Seymour turn to see Mew, Brock, Eevee, Pikachu, and Sandshrew hurrying towards them.)
(When they arrive, Mew asks.)
Mew: "Is everybody alright?"
Misty: "We won't be bothered by Meowth anymore thanks to Misty the Mighty."
(Misty says.)
(As the sun sets, our heroes are having something to eat.)
(Mew and Brock give their Pokemon to food and they really love it.)
(Mew smiles.)
Mew: "The Pokemon really love your food Brock.
Brock: "Thanks Mew, This Pokemon food is made from my own secret recipe. The ingredients are specially blended for each Pokemon."
(Brock says.)
(Mew then takes a piece from the jar and begins to eat the food.)
Mew: "They're really good, it's no wonder the Pokemon loves it."
(Mew says.)
Brock: "I've been developing it for years. I keep improving on the recipe. I'll make a batch for Pikachu."
(Brock says, feeding Zubat.)
Seymour: "I'll try some,"
(Seymour says.)
(Seymour takes the piece and eats it.)
(Then says.)
Seymour: "Not bad."
Misty: "Hmm, I always wonder how Pokemon food tastes."
(Misty says, and takes a piece of it herself.)
(Then chews on it, but she flinches and doesn't seem to like it.)
Brock: "You might not like it, but the Pokemon sure do."
(Brock says.)
(Pikachu, Eevee, Sandshrew, and Clefairy are having conversation on the boulder close by.)
(Mew and her friends turn to see the Pokemon talking to each other.)
(Since Mew can understand them, she knows what Clefairy and the others are saying.)
Misty: "Hey guys, what's clefairy talking about?"
Pikachu: "Pika Pi," (We need to get going.)
(Pikachu says.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy," (Right now.)
(Clefairy says.)
Mew: "What's up?"
(Mew asks.)
Eevee: "Eevee Eevee," (Follow Clefairy.)
(Eevee says.)
(With that, the four Pokemon hurry off.)
(Mew turns to the others.)
Mew: "We'll need to follow them."
(Mew and the others follow them as well.)
(Sandshrew stays with them as well.)
(The Pokemon continue leading the others up the hill.)
(Mew asks.)
Mew: "Pikachu. Eevee. where on Earth are you taking us?"
(Clefairy and the other Pokemon jump out of the bushes and come to a stop.)
(Mew and the others walk over to notice a cave ahead.)
Mew: "It's another cave!"
(Mew says.)
(Clefairy and the Pokemon enter the cave and walk out of the other side, Mew and the others follow.)
(When they enter the cave, they are in awe to see a large glittering stone shining under the brightness of the full moon that shines through a large opening above.)
(There are also small stones circling around it.)
Seymour: "It's the core of the Moon Stone!"
(Seymour says, astonished.)
Misty: "This feels like a dream!"
(Misty says, amazed.)
Brock: "So the Moon Stone legend is true!"
(Brock says.)
(Suddenly, Mew notices.)
Mew: "Look! Clefairy's doing something!"
(The Clefairy from earlier hops on a small pillar and places its stone with the others.)
(Soon, all the stone including the core begins to glow bright blue.)
(Then all the Clefairy comes out of and in front of the stone.)
(Not just Clefairy, their pre-evolve form Cleffa and their evolved form, Clefable arrive as well.)
Misty: "There are so many of them!"
(Misty says, amazed.)
Seymour: "Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable,"
(Seymour says, astonished.)
(One of the Clefairy steps forward and says.)
Clefairy: "Clefairy! Fairy Fairy, Clefairy!"
Brock: "I think they're saying hello."
(Brock says.)
(Mew says.)
Mew: "The Clefairy says, 'Greetings, friends. And welcome to our Moon Stone Celebration.'"
Misty, Brock and Seymour: "Celebration?"
(The group says, confused.)
(Misty notices something amazing.)
Misty: "Look at them!"
(The Cleffa are moving as they hop up and down.)
(Clefairy does the same, but they spin as they hop and in a different direction.)
(The Clefable spins like the Clefairy, but in the same direction as the Cleffa.)
Seymour: "Amazing. These Pokemon have formed their own society. This is an incredible sight."
(Seymour says, impressed.)
(Soon, Pikachu and Eevee begin to talk to Clefairy.)
(Clefairy talks to them back.)
(When Clefairy explains, Pikachu and Eevee are really surprised.)
(Mew turns to her Pokemon.)
Mew: "Say Pikachu, Eevee, what's Clefairy been telling you anyways, huh?"
(Pikachu and Eevee then explain to them about what the Clefairy has told them.)
(Mew is soon amazed to hear it.)
Mew: "Wow! It's amazing!"
(Mew says, amazed.)
Misty: "So what did they say?"
(Misty asks.)
(Mew turns to her friends.)
Mew: "It's actually a celebration for Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable. They called it the Moon Stone Moonlight Prayer."
Misty, Brock and Seymour: "Moon Stone Moonlight Prayer!"
(The group says, surprised.)
Mew: "Yes. Every full moon, all the Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable gather together, each having a Moon Stone Fragment. They placed it around the core and they prayed to it as they performed a dance around it. Sometimes, some of the Clefairy even evolve into Clefable.
Brock: "That's amazing."
(Brock says.)
Misty: "But the question is why?"
(Misty wonders.)
(Seymour then suggests.)
Seymour: "Is it because the Moon Stone fell from the heavens?"
Misty: "Then maybe the legends are true. Maybe the Moon Stone really did come from space."
(Misty says.)
Mew: "Yeah,"
(Mew says.)
(Seymour shouts in excitement.)
Seymour: "Of course! It all makes sense now!"
Mew: "What does?"
(Mew asks.)
(Seymour explains.)
Seymour: "Outer space! Pokemon and the human race will ride the Moon Stone into space! First to the moon, then to Mars, then together to the stars!"
(Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice.)
Jessie: "Stars? That's our cue!"
(Everyone turns around to see Team Rocket.)
Misty: "You guys don't know when to quit!"
(Misty says, and sticks her tongue out.)
Mew: "This is an important ceremony for Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable, and the Moon Stone is important to them. So don't go disrupting it."
(Mew says.)
(Seymour stands in front and angrily says.)
Seymour: "You keep away from the Moon Stone or else!"
James: "Or else?"
(James remarks.)
Jessie: "I think we've been threatened."
(Jessie replies.)
(Seymour knees begin to shake and nervously says.)
Seymour: "The Moon Stone belongs to the Clefairy, not to you troublemakers! Leave this cave at once!"
James: "What's that unusual sound?"
(James replies.)
Jessie: "His knees are shaking."
(Jessie says.)
Meowth: "Sounds like a wimp!"
(Meowth mocks.)
(Seymour angrily says.)
Seymour: "I'll show you!"
(Then charges at them.)
Mew: "Don't! Seymour!
(Mew shouts.)
(Seymour screams as he charges at Team Rocket.)
(However, Meowth trips him, and he falls to the ground.)
(Meowth mocks.)
Meowth: "Ha! Did you have a nice trip?"
(Seymour stands up to notice his glasses are off and begins to look around.)
Seymour: "My glasses! I can't see a thing!"
Misty: "Oh. Seymour!"
(Misty says, worried.)
Mew: "That wasn't fair!"
(Mew angrily says.)
(Team Rocket holds their Pokeballs.)
Jessie: "All's fair in a Pokemon match, you little twrep,"
(Jessie says.)
James: "Enough talk!"
(James says.)
Mew: "I agree! Let's go, Pikachu! Eevee!"
(Mew calls out.)
Pikachu: "Pika!" (You got it!)
(Pikachu says.)
Eevee: "Eevee!" (Let's go)
(Eevee says.)
Brocks: "Onix, let's go!"
(Brocks says, and throws his Pokeball.)
(Soon, all the pokemon are released from their Pokeballs.)
(The fairy Pokemon are scared.)
(Jessie says.)
Jessie: "Let's show them that size doesn't matter. Ekans, underground!"
James: "Koffing, Smokescreen!"
(James says.)
(Ekans burrows underground while Koffing lets out a smokescreen that surrounds the area.)
(Soon, everyone isn't able to see.)
(Mew coughs as she brings out her Pokeball.)
Mew: "Smoke won't stop us! Pidgeotto, I choose you!"
(She throws her Pokeball and Pidgeotto comes out of it.)
(Then Mew calls out.)
Mew: "Pidgeotto, Whirlwind the smoke!"
(Pidgeotto flaps its wings and the smoke is cleared.)
(Team Rocket is gone, and so is the Moon Stone and there is a huge hole.)
Mew: "Oh no! The Moon Stone is gone!"
(Mew exclaims.)
Misty: "Team Rocket stole it!"
(Misty says.)
Mew: "The match was just a trick so they could sneak away with it."
(Mew says.)
(Brock turns to his Onix.)
Brock: "All right, Onix! Follow them underground!"
(Mew turns to Sandshrew.)
Mew: "Sandshrew, you go with Onix."
(Sandshrew nods its head in reply.)
(Onix and Sandshrew then burrow underground to find Team Rocket.)
Mew: "There's still a chance to catch them!"
(Mew says.)
(With that, Mew and the others leave through the entrance they arrive from to find Team Rocket.)
(Seymour is still looking for his glasses.)
(Just then, Clefairy brings Seymour his glasses.)
Seymour: "I beg your pardon?"
(Seymour replies.)
(Then is able to take his glasses and put it on his face.)
Seymour: "Oh, thank you."
(Then asks.)
Seymour: "But why aren't you chasing after the robbers that took your Moon Stone?"
(The Pokemon become confused.)
(Seymour then says.)
Seymour: "The Moon Stone is sacred to you, isn't it? It's your responsibility to take it back from those robbers, don't you understand me?"
(Soon the Pokemon nod their heads and know what they need to do.)
(Team Rocket has the Moon Stone on a wooden sled and strapped on to it as they ride down the hill.)
(They all laugh of their triumph.)
Jessie: "Nice guys always…"
(Jessie says.)
(Then James says.)
James: "Finish last!"
Meowth: "We just went from worst to first! Heh!"
(Meowth replies.)
(Suddenly, Brock's Onix and the wild Sandshrew burst up from underground, knocking Team Rocket and the Moon Stone core off their sled and falling to the ground.)
(Soon, Mew and the others arrive on the scene.)
Mew: "Got them!"
(Mew says.)
(Brock calls out.)
Brock: "Nice work, Onix, grab them, now!"
(Onix then slithers over to capture them.)
(But James calls out.)
James: "Koffing, counterattack!"
(Koffing then hits Onix right on top of it's head and knocks it down.)
(Of course, Koffing then falls to the ground as well.)
Brock: "Onix!"
(Brock says, concern.)
(Suddenly Mew notices someone coming out of the hole.)
Mew: Hey, look!"
(Everyone notices that Seymour is coming out of the hole.)
Misty: "It's Seymour!"
(Misty says.)
(Soon, the Clefairy, Cleffa, and Clefable are coming out as well.)
Mew: "And the Clefairy Cleffa, and Clefable too."
(Mew says.)
(Soon, Clefairy, Clefable raises their rings and begins to move them while Cleffa hops up and down.)
Jessie: "What are they doing?"
(Jessie asks.)
James: "Waving their fingers."
(James replies.)
(Soon, everyone begins to move their heads like the Clefairy and Clefable.)
Meowth: "This way and that way and this way and that way."
(Meowth says.)
Misty: "I'm getting dizzy."
(Misty says.)
Seymour: "This is an attack the Clefairy use called the Metronome."
(Seymour says.)
Mew: "He's right the Metronome is very unpredictable."
(Mew says.)
(Then Seymour says.)
Seymour: "I've never seen Clefairy use the Metronome before. Who knows what will happen?"
(all the Pokemon stop and begin to glow bright.)
(Soon, a large explosion surrounds the area.)
(And then, Team Rocket is flying in the air again.)
(Jessie panics.)
Jessie: "Well, it looks like Team Rocket is…"
James: "Blasting off again!"
(James adds.)
Meowth: "That was the Metronome!"
(Meowth screams.)
(Jessie screams.)
Jessie: "I give it two thumbs down!"
James: "Me too!"
(James agrees.)
Meowth: "Meowth three!"
(Meowth adds.)
(Soon, Team Rocket is gone as Mew and her friends see the sight of the massive explosion.)
Mew: "Wow!"
(Mew says.)
(Soon, glittering fragments begin to fall from the sky.)
Seymour: "The Moon Stone."
(Seymour replies.)
(Some of the Moon Stone pieces land on some of the Clefairy and evolve and Clefable.)
Brock: "The Clefairy are…"
(Brock says, amazed.)
Misty: "Evolving,"
(Misty adds.)
(Mew then brings out her Pokedex, Dexter says.)
Dexter: "Clefable, the Fairy Pokemon. A Fairy Type. And the evolved form of Clefairy. These unique creatures are among the rarest Pokemon in the world."
(Then turns to Cleffa.)
Dexter: "Cleffa the Star Shape Pokemon. A Fairy Type, and the Pre-evolved form of Clefairy. It is often seen when shooting stars fill the night skies. It's said to arrive riding on a shooting star."
Ben: Much like Clefairy, Clefable has rarely ever been seen by humans, due to their timidness and shy nature. In fact, since they have super sensitive ears that can detect sounds from over half a mile away.
Seymour: "The power of the Moon Stone did this."
(Seymour says.)
(Soon, everyone returns to the cave as the Clefairy, Clefable, and Cleffa continue with their ceremony.)
(Seymour turns to the group.)
Seymour: "I've decided to live here with them."
(Everyone becomes confused.)
Seymour: "It's been my life's dream to find the Moon Stone, someday I will travel to the stars with them."
(Seymour says.)
Misty: "Wow,"
(Misty says, amazed.)
Brock: "When you do get to outer space, I hope you remember to send us a postcard."
(Brock says.)
(Mew smiles then turns her head to see Sandshrew is with Pikachu and Eevee.)
(Mew kneels to Sandshrew.)
Mew: "What is it, Sandshrew?"
Sandshrew: "Sandshrew Sandshrew sand sand," (I want to come with you on your adventure.)
(Sandshrew says.)
Mew: "You want to come with me?"
(Mew asks.)
(Hearing this, Misty says.)
Misty: "Mew, I think Sandshrew wants to be yours."
Mew: "Well, how can I say no. Okay, you can come."
(Mew says.)
(She then taps her Pokeball on Sandshrew and it goes inside.)
(Then with a click, Sandshrew is now in the Pokeball.)
(Just then, Clefable and two Clefairy walk over to the ground.)
(Clefable is holding a pink egg decorated with white stars, while the other two hold a larger fragment of the moon stone and a Pokeball.)
(The Pokeball is like a Pokeball, but on the top one side is bluish teal and the other side is black. In the center is a yellow crescent moon.)
(Clefable says.)
Clefable: "Clefable Clefable Clefable," (Thank you for helping us. We like to give these to you to thank you. Treat it with love and care.)
Mew: "That's for me?"
(Mew asks, surprised.)
Misty: "Wow! They're giving you a Pokemon Egg."
(Misty says.)
Seymour: "And a piece of their Moon Stone."
(Seymour says.)
(Then Brock says.)
Brock: "And they're giving you a Moon Ball."
Mew: "Moon Ball?"
(Mew says, confused.)
Brock: "It's a special Pokeball that allows you to catch Pokemon that uses Moon Stones to evolve."
(Brock says.)
Mew: "Wow. Thank you."
(Mew says.)
(Mew takes the Pokeball and Moon Stone and places them in her bag.)
(Then takes the Pokemon Egg.)
Mew: "I promise to take care of this egg, and take good care of the Pokemon that hatches from it."
[The next day...]
(Seymour, Cleffa, Clefairy, and Clefable wave goodbye to Mew and the others as they set off on their journey.)
Mew: "So long, Seymour! Goodbye, Cleffa, Clefairy and Clefable!"
(Mew says.)
Seymour: "Goodbye, Mew! Goodbye, Pikachu! Goodbye Eevee! And thank you all!"
(Seymour says, waving goodbye.)
(Mew asks.)
Mew: "Do you really think that the Clefairy really came to Earth from outer space?"
Misty: "It's fun to imagine they did,"
(Misty says.)
[Later on...]
(Mew and the others are able to reach the cross road and soon see a sign that reads' Cerulean City' and it points to the right.)
Brock: "This road leads to, Cerulean City. Well, I guess we're going the right way."
(Brock says, but Misty saddens to see the sign.)
(Then Brock notices something on the sign.)
Brock: "And there's something else scribbled here."
Mew: "What?"
(Mew says, curious.)
(Mew looks at the signs and says.)
Mew: "Gary was here. Mew Mew? LOSER?!"
(Mew puffs up her cheeks irritated.)
Mew: "I hate it when Gary calls me that nickname."
Misty: "Mew Mew?"
(Misty says, confused.)
Mew: "Yeah. It's a nickname Garry calls me just to tease me. That writing on the sign is just another way for Gary to get on my nerves."
(Mew says.)
Brock: "Aw, don't pay attention to it."
(Brock says.)
Misty: "He's right. You're no loser and like you said, it's just a way for Gary to tease you, so don't worry."
(Misty says.)
Mew: "Thanks,"
(Mew says.)
(Then says.)
Mew: "And now, let's go to Cerulean City."
Pikachu and Eevee: "Pika!/Eevee!" (Yeah!)
(Pikachu and Eevee say.)
(With that, Mew and her friends continue to walk down the path to Cerulean City and to earn her next badge.)
[To be continued...]
Mew's Files
Pokemon: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Shellder (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Metapod (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male). 2 Pokemon Eggs
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.
Badges: Boulder Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu.
Items: Fishing Rod
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude. Onix. Zubat
stay tuned for next chapter.
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love from odisha ❤️