
Farewell Michigan

Cora didn't want to leave. The lake property had grown on her over the winter, and she had been looking forward to the summer here. In fact, she had grown so fond of the area that she wouldn't mind staying here indefinitely.

There was only one thing that kept her from flat refusing to leave. What would happen if Margo remembered them? Would all of Dark descend on their country home? Cora couldn't discount the fear that Dark might find them.

Begrudgingly, Cora began packing to leave. She had spent so much time preparing the nursery for her daughter. Now she was leaving most of it behind. She had told the men that there would be checked luggage and neither of them had said a word against it.

She knew she was cranky, but Cora was being asked to do a lot of things that she really didn't want to. She had to leave the home she felt safe in. She had to break her soulmate bond with Margo who was supposed to her forever and now just wasn't.

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