
Chapter 3

Nurse Room

I'm staring up at the ceiling while I lay down. Status.

{ Name: Eduard Moon

Height: 5'10

Class: Blade Mage

Level: 3

Strength: 14

Endurance: 9

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 18

Chraism: 15

Wisdom: 14

Mana Pool: 20

Magic Element Affinity: Darkness

Trait: Hidden Savant, Reincarnator, Battle Instincts}

Well, that's new. I focus on my new Trait, and a new window shows up.

{ Battle Instincts: The way of battle is now a subconscious thought. You can now know what a good move in battle is. }

Well, that can help a lot. I wonder where the healer is?

"Well it seems either the Gods are cruel or we need more than one nurse room in this giant academy." I look to see Darren is laying on the other bed that is to the left of mine. I sigh and say "If the gods are how I imagined they are, then they do stuff like this for entertainment. All that power must get boring after a few hundred years."

Darren chuckles and asks "So you see the gods as all powerful beings that have gotten bored and have planned scenarios to be entertained? You are either the biggest pessimist I know, or you're a crazy man." I laugh and say "A few would agree with you after I did that stunt during our little death match."

Darren nods, and I get the feeling this is the first time he and I have had a civil conversation. Odd. { Ask why he hates you} Really! Fuck it.

"Why do you hate me?" Darren turns his head to look at me with a look that screams he was not ready for me to ask that. He nervously says "I ddon't hate you...….. My dad doesn't like you."

I sat up after hearing that. Darren Gallger's father hates me. Why! I never met the man. Wait maybe at those early school events that happened but that is it.

"My dad kinda got this idea for our whole family. He wants us to move up in station. Since we are an earl family my dad wants to be the one that gets us to marquess or a duke. He wanted to do this by me befriending the Leoheart twins. I- Why am I telling you this?"

Me too but I say "Maybe you're tired of it all or you're done with all the bs that your dad is talking about. Heck maybe you finally got your rebellious phase. You can give many lifetimes and I might not know."

Darren chuckles and says "Seems you're still an odd one. I forgot exactly what you said but in elementary school the teacher asked us what we wanted to do and you talked about how you wanted to overcome your inability to use light magic to become a twilight magic user. I was kinda jealous you had the option to do what you wanted."

He just stared at his hand for a moment without counting his story but I could fill in the blanks. Either by befriending the two scions of a family that has mostly given an excellent sword fighter every generation or by trying to make a match with Travis's sister. Honestly if it worked it would be a good plan. Travis has no passion for being a Duke. Now Juliette does seem to have interest in it.

I ask to finally end the uneasy silence "How about a truce? We forget the last few years and just live our lives. No need to force us to be friends. Sounds good?"

Darren looks away from his hand and nods. "Yeah, Eduard sounds good. I wonder where the healer is?" I'm actually wondering that too. The door opens like it was queued to open at Darren's question.

Now I was expecting the normal nurse/healer we have. A nice lady we call Ms. Dean. I wasn't expecting Princess Camilla in a white uniform. This feels like a very forced situation. { Don't look at us, we had no part in this} Yeah right.

The Princess gives us a smile and says "Sorry I was doing some studying in the office. Ok. Let me get a look at you first Mr. Gallger." Why is the princess a nurse? Did we lose the last one?

Darren holds a nervous look as the Princess uses her healing magic on his bruises. I can tell even from here her magic is divine in nature. She is no druid. The rumors are wrong. There isn't even a hint of the magic of nature. That must mean she is a cleric or paladin. The worst would be a saint.

"Well, it seems you got to talk to me now. No running off. So first off while I heal your wounds you can tell me why you ran away from me so fast." She closes her eyes and I can feel the soft threat in her voice. No way she follows a god of peace or non violence.

{ Answer her} Fuck. "I don't want nor need the attention you bring. My life is mostly quiet and befriending someone who will be surrounded by people who want something is not my definition of quiet." The Princess nods and goes to heal my cut.

The divine magic does its job as I see the wound close. Kinda cool. The Princess smiles and says "Well I can understand that. Here I thought it was my looks." She laughs a little but a look in her eyes tells me that has been an issue. Well I'll regret this later.

"Trust me that is not something you should be worried about." I feel the magic stop as the Princess looks at me with her deep purple eyes and a shocked look on her face. Yeah I knew I would regret this. { +1 point to charisma} Ok.

The Princess nods and quickly heads back to the office. Crap I didn't ask why she was the active nurse. Darren fails at hiding his laughter and says "Hahahaha. Did you just flirt with the princess? Oh boy that is one ballsy move. If you charging at me like a bat out of hell didn't prove it then that just did you crazy bastard."

"Prove what?" Darren tries to stop laughing and says "You and I are definitely going to be hanging out a lot more than ever." { You just gained a friend outside the Protagonist. Good job. As reward you can the skill RPG Eyes}

{ Skill RPG Eyes: You have gained the ability to see info like you like in a rpg. You can now see the Stats of other people and know what items do.}

The bell rings and if I remember correctly that should be lunch. I say "Well since we are both healed I'd say we should go get lunch. What do you say Darren? You feel like having chicken or beef." Darren scratches his cheeks and says " Chicken." We both get up and head to get some food

A few minutes later

Camilla has changed back to her school uniform and the actual school nurse comes in. Ms Dean asks "So how was your first day of being the nurse for a period?" Camilla smiles as she says "Mostly quiet but I had two people come in. One is a fellow classmate." She thought back to the comment Eduard made and a soft blush came to her face.

Camilla says in a hurry "I should head out real quick." The Princess runs to the cafeteria and keeps replaying the first part of his words. People who want something

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