
Chapter 65

Zhan looked up, watching YiBo as he approached and sat beside him. YiBo gently said, "My father wants to speak with you, Zhan." Tears were streaming down Zhan's face, and he couldn't bring himself to respond. YiBo wiped away his tears, stood up, and helped Zhan to his feet as they headed toward the door.

It was around 5 p.m. YiBo led the way, with Zhan following closely, looking as if a breeze might topple him. When they reached Paa's living room, General and his friends were seated. Zhan approached General, kneeling and greeting him softly, with tears still in his eyes. General patted his shoulder with sympathy, speaking gently, "Take heart, son. Your father needs nothing more from you now than prayers. Crying won't help him anymore; just keep praying for him."

Zhan nodded, with fresh tears trailing down his face. General and his friends took turns offering comforting words, their voices full of support. YiBo stood by the door, his heart heavy with pity for his husband, wishing he could ease his pain. He wanted to be alone with Zhan to console him properly, but he hadn't had the chance yet. Finally, General looked at YiBo and said, "You may leave with him."

With a shaky voice, Zhan thanked them and rose to leave with YiBo. As they walked out, General said, "I need to speak with Ren before I leave." YiBo nodded, "Alright, sir." Then he informed Aunty An, as YiBo still couldn't face Ren. Aunty An agreed to pass the message along.

Aunty An went to Ren, who was sitting with her sisters, her aunt, and Grandma, whose swollen eyes hinted at her sorrow. Some elderly relatives sat nearby as well. Aunty An knelt beside Ren and said, "General like to speak with you and sister Bing."

Hearing this, Grandma looked up, frowning. "Who is Bing? And what's her business with General?" She shook her head, bursting into tears. "I won't forgive you if you take her. Why does she need to speak to him? Isn't Ren the widow? I don't want to see Bing in this house tonight."

Aunty An remained silent, not arguing. Grandma then turned to Ren. "Be strong and go," she said quietly. Ren rose, with Aunty An following her to Paa's living room. She found a place to sit, and General greeted her with respect, offering words of comfort. She kept her head down, unable to say anything, her tears falling quietly.

Eventually, General assured her, "Everything will be alright. We'll stay in touch." Ren said nothing; she had expected to hear about Paa's body, as no one in the family had seen him since he was taken away in the middle of the night.

One of General's friends placed an envelope in front of her, saying, "Accept our condolences. He deserves your prayers." The other friends, who had also contributed, did the same. Aunty An expressed gratitude on Ren's behalf, and then they all quietly left the room.

General then looked at YiBo. "Where are all his children?" YiBo stepped out, returning with Zhuo and Lu Jie. General looked at Zhuo, noting he seemed like the oldest. "You're working, right?" Zhuo nodded, explaining he and Paa with their Uncle managed Xiao Empire together. General nodded approvingly, then turned to Lu Jie, who answered, "I work in my husband's town."

Satisfied, General told YiBo, "Have them all come over when things settle. Everyone in the family deserves to know everything. For now, I've kept quiet because of you, Zhuo, and Mr. Xiao's brother, as you requested." YiBo nodded, "Thank you, Dad, for that."

Standing up, General said, "I'll say goodbye to the elderly and return to Shanghai tonight." He moved to the main living room, kneeling in front of Grandma. Offering his condolences, he announced his departure. Overcome with emotion, she began to sob. "Thank you for everything. May you be blessed. You came despite your obligations, and we'll never forget your kindness."

General and his friends left the house, where their convoy awaited. YiBo approached his father, who had already taken a seat in his car. General turned, looking at YiBo. "I'll come with them. I'll call when we're ready for you to send the jet," YiBo told him.

General was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Alright. Call before you come."

Around 6 p.m., Lily approached Ren, letting her know they would be leaving but would visit again before departing for Shanghai. Every evening since they'd arrived, she, Ru, and the twins would leave for their home in Shanghai. YiBo had suggested the twins stay with them for now, given how shaken both he and Zhan were.

Lily went to Ren's quarters to see Zhan, who was there with Aunty An, who was comforting him as he struggled with tears. Lily spent fifteen minutes encouraging him, and Zhan finally promised her he wouldn't cry anymore. Then she left with Ru and the twins.


Late in the evening, Aunty An and Ren's cousin sisters opened the envelope General and his friend had given her, discovering a large sum of money in bundles. Realizing it was too much to count immediately, Aunty An placed the money quietly in Ren's press cabinet. Watching, Ren softly said, "Please, check on Zhang, or tell him I've asked him to come here."

Aunty An replied, "They didn't return from the hospital long ago with YiBo." Ren insisted, "Still, could you see if he's had anything to eat, and ask him to come back here?" Aunty An, full of concern for Zhang, shook her head and said, "If I could, I'd take him with me when I leave. I'm worried his mind might suffer. He's already depressed, but no one has realized yet."

Ren stayed silent, knowing the truth in her sister's words. She herself had wondered if Zhang would make it through the past days, especially with his sense of guilt, now feeling his father's death was his fault.

Aunty An headed to Zhang's room, where she found him slumped against the bed, sweating heavily. Alarmed, she rushed over and asked, "Are you okay, Zhang?" He couldn't respond, but the pain in his expression was evident. Aunty An's eyes widened in fear as she noticed a large amount of blood on the floor and a cut on his wrist. She quickly exclaimed, "What is this?" She hurried back to Ren's room to inform her and their sisters, who all rushed to Zhang's room with urgency. Ren looked at Aunty An after holding Zhang up and said, "Please call YiBo immediately."

Aunty An rushed back to the living room to grab her phone, and there she found Zhan, standing frozen at the doorway, unable to step inside. She quickly called YiBo…

At nearly 11 p.m., Aunty An called Ren, who was struggling to stay calm, overcome by a blend of worry and grief. In a soft, heavy voice, Ren asked, "How is he, An? How is he doing?" Aunty An sighed and replied, "The doctors managed to stabilize him, but he truly tried to end his life, sister. What curse has fallen on our family? Sister Bing seems like nothing but bad luck for us."

Ren couldn't respond, her silent tears full of sorrow. She wished desperately that it was all just a nightmare. Aunty An took a deep breath and added, "That's all for tonight, sister. Tomorrow morning, could you prepare his clothes and light food for him in the hospital?" In a strained voice, Ren said, "Please, take care of him, An." She ended the call.

Early the next morning, Lily prepared a hearty pork soup and cooked white rice, intending to bring it to Zhan, knowing he hadn't eaten much. Once she was done, Ru helped her load it into the car. As Lily was about to leave, her phone rang, and seeing it was Mia, she picked up to greet her. Mia asked, "How is everyone holding up?" Lily replied, "We're grateful for your support," before adding, "Are you still planning to visit us?" Mia answered, "Yes, if I can finish my work, I'll call you."

"Otherwise, just send me the address, and I'll come by to pay my respects," Mia added. "Alright, no problem," Lily replied. After the call, she returned to Ru, who was waiting by the car with Tin and the twins, and said, "I'll be back soon. Make sure everything is packed because our flight back to Shanghai is at 1 p.m." Ru nodded, "Please give Zhan my regards," and Lily replied, "I will," before heading back to the house.

In her bedroom, Grandma sat beside Ren, crying so heavily it seemed her heart would break. "I thought I'd done the right thing, Ren. I gave it a few days before saying anything, but was I wrong to stay quiet?" She trembled, her voice full of anguish, "Just seeing her in this house fills me with anger... do you know what it feels like to lose a child, Ren? My son is gone forever."

Ren, sitting on the edge of the bed, was equally tearful and struggled to find the words to console Grandma. She gently tried to explain why she hadn't told Bing to leave, "For the sake of the children, Grandma.... think of Zhang, please. We still don't fully know what happened. And there are still relatives and close friends here. If we tell her to leave now, people might start to wonder why. Please, don't expose us when the truth isn't known yet."

She cried even more as she pleaded, and Grandma sniffed, saying, "Seeing her here just makes my blood boil. If you won't send her away, then let me stay in your room. I won't leave until they're all gone and she's been made to pack up and go."

Ren shook her head, "For Zhang's sake, Grandma, just try to let things be." Grandma replied, "And yet, where was her concern for him when she caused this? If you hadn't held me back, I'd never have let Bing stay here another night." Ren was quiet as she wiped away fresh tears; it had been four long days since the tragedy, and she'd barely eaten or slept. It was clear that she was only holding on for appearances.

Seeing her Daughter in-law distress, Grandma whispered, "Try to drink some tea or something, Ren. Don't let this get to you so badly." She shook her head, and just then, Aunty An entered, announcing, "Uncle Wei has arrived." Ren looked up, wiping her tears, and Aunty An's heart broke for her. She approached and gently urged, "Please, sister, you need to be strong. I know it's hard, and it hurts, but for your children, you must try to stay strong."

As tears streamed down her face, Ren held her composure in silence, watching Grandma lost in her thoughts, also crying softly. Aunty An wiped her eyes and said, "I moved them all to the living room since there are guests here. Come, let's go." Ren only nodded in response as Aunty An stood up and left the room.

Ren glanced at Zhan, who had finally fallen asleep that morning. Since his father passed, it was the first time he'd slept for nearly three hours, but his days and nights had blended together. Even tonight, YiBo had to give him a sedative after finding him in the car outside, unable to rest.

As Ren looked over at Grandma, she quietly said, "I'll go, Grandma; my uncle has arrived." Grandma simply nodded, and Ren quietly left. Entering the living room, she noticed Lily sitting with Ren's aunt. Lily glanced at her and said, "Maybe have some tea, sis." Ren responded, "I have guests. I'll have something when I'm back." Lily nodded, "Alright, see you soon." Ren's aunt sighed, "She hasn't eaten at all; even this alone could harm her health."

In the living room, Uncle had seated the guests. A dignified elder of nearly 87 years sat alongside a man who appeared around 58, with a woman accompanying them. Ren's sisters had come to greet the guests as well. Ren sat on the carpet, looking at the elder gently and saying, "Welcome, Uncle."

With a nod, the elder replied softly, "Thank you, Ren, thank you. Be strong." Ren replied quietly, "It's okay, Uncle. I hope you had a safe journey." He nodded, "Yes, safe and sound. We would have come yesterday, but we were waiting for Hao to arrive from Shanghai."

Aunty An brought a tray of water and drinks into the room, followed by one of Ren's friends carrying food and plates. After setting everything down, the friend left, and Aunty An found a seat nearby, warmly welcoming the guests once more.

The man next to the elder greeted Ren as well, as did the woman. Ren replied, "Thank you. May you be rewarded for your kindness." The elder, gesturing to the man beside him, said, "You don't know him, do you?" They all looked curiously at the man, who gave them a gentle smile.

The elder chuckled and said, "Family connections are tough these days. You young ones, with your busy lives, have little time for them. This is Hao, my second son."

Aunty Yue chimed in, "Ah, family bonds are indeed difficult, Uncle. Even though he's family, we could pass each other on the street without recognizing him." The elder replied, "Yes, but you must remind yourselves of what matters. Just because your parents are gone doesn't mean the ties are cut. May they rest in peace." They all echoed, "May they rest in peace, Uncle, and may you be blessed with good health. We'll work to repair the bonds."

He gestured toward the woman seated with them and said, "I suppose I don't need to introduce her, but I'm sure you don't know her." Silence fell as they looked at her, and he smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Did your father, Li Yong, ever mention your Uncle Liu chen, who passed nearly thirty years ago?"

Aunty An gasped, "Oh, Uncle Liu! We didn't know him, Uncle. We were just children back then." He nodded, "Well, this is his daughter."

Everyone turned to look at her, and Ren softly said, "Welcome, cousin." Smiling, she replied, "Thank you. Family bonds are indeed challenging these days; see, none of us really know each other." Hao added, "She's as close a cousin as it gets, yet here we are, strangers."

Aunty An added, "It's the way of life, isn't it? May he rest in peace. Now that we've met today, we'll work to reconnect. It's been wonderful meeting her... we knew of her, but didn't know her, becouse Uncle Liu married an American woman, and when he died his wife took the daughter to America and live there. We never hear from her again."

The elder nodded, "Yes, here she is now. Our family was small, just the four of us.... you all know that. I am the eldest, then Liu, followed by your father, and our youngest, Li Na, who passed early. So please, take care of one another. There are few of us; she's Liu's only child, even now. May they rest in peace." They all replied, "May they rest in peace, Uncle, and we'll do our best to keep the family strong."

Aunty An stood up and said, "Let's go to the other living room, sis." Ren nodded, and together with the guests, they all left to leave Uncle and Hao to eat, heading over to Ren's area.


From the moment she entered the living room, Lily stared in shock at Nia's mother, barely believing her eyes. Was that really Mia she was seeing? Mia, however, hadn't even noticed her, too focused as she took a seat in the room. Aunty Yue had just left to fetch some water and food for her when Lily mustered up the courage to say, "MIA??"

Mia spun around quickly in the direction of her name, just as shocked to see Lily. Aunty An said, "Oh, I didn't realize you two knew each other!"

Lily asked, "So, you came here to offer condolences?" Mia, still speechless with surprise, managed to nod, and Lily let out a small laugh, saying, "What a coincidence." Mia nodded and replied, "Quite the coincidence, indeed." Ren, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally spoke, "So, you already know each other?"

Lily answered, "Mia and I are good friends."

Ren said softly, "Well, that's wonderful to hear."

Everyone fell silent after that, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Lily eventually turned to Ren, who seemed lost in her own thoughts, and said, "Sis, some tea has been brought to your room. You should go and drink it; it's not good for you to go so long without eating." Ren answered quietly, "Alright." She got up and headed to her bedroom, with Aunty An following behind her to make the tea.

Turning back to Mia, Lily asked, "So, how have you been, my friend?" Mia let out a deep breath, replying, "I'm alright, though meeting like this is... unexpected." Lily nodded, saying, "It really is. But do you know Zhan's family, or…?"

Mia hesitated before explaining, "Actually, it's Ren I came here to see. But… I don't know quite how to say this…" Lily, confused, asked, "Ren? So you know her, but… how?" Mia took a deep breath before saying, "My late father and her father were siblings, but I only learned this today. After my father passed, my mother moved us to America, and I grew up, studied, and married there. I never got the chance to know my paternal relatives, except for my oldest Uncle, who I came with today. He was the one who reached out, saying I had a close family member here who'd lost her husband, and I should come to pay my respects."

Lily, wide-eyed, placed a hand on her cheek, asking, "You mean to say… Zhan's mother is your cousin?" Mia just nodded, and Lily murmured, "Well, the wonders of fate…"

The room fell into silence again, each person contemplating the unexpected family connection. Mia only sipped water and left most of the food Aunty Yue had brought for her.

Meanwhile, Ren gathered herself and drank the tea Aunty An had prepared, as Aunty An had practically insisted on staying by her side. Zhan was sitting at the edge of the bed, having just woken up. Ren turned to him and, preparing a cup, handed it over, saying, "Drink this, and then head to the living room to greet our guest."

Zhan took the tea and set it on the bedside drawer. He slipped off the bed and went to freshen up in the bathroom. Aunty An mentioned, "There's food here that your mother-in-law brought for you, so take it with your tea." Zhan only nodded as he entered the bathroom.

When he came out, he found the room empty, as Ren and Aunty An had already left. He picked up the tea but found he had no appetite at all, unable to bring himself to drink it. Reality was finally sinking in... he had truly lost his beloved father. He brushed away the tears gathering in his eyes, rose, and went to the living room.

The first person he saw was Mia, he lowered his gaze respectfully. He knelt down on the carpet and greeted her quietly, "Good afternoon." Aunty, in a soft voice, replied, "Good afternoon, and my deepest condolences." Zhan answered, "We are coping as best we can." Mia added, "May he rest in peace, and may you all find strength." Zhan nodded, saying, "Thank you."

Lily had been watching Zhan closely, as was Mia. Aunty An, Aunty Yue, and one of Ren's friends were also there. Lily asked, "Did you eat anything yet?"

Zhan replied, "I'll eat soon."

"Then go eat now," Lily insisted. He got up and returned to his room, lying down on the bed. He didn't even know when sleep overtook him again, the lingering effects of the sedative pulling him into rest once more.


At two o'clock, Lily left the house after their flight was rescheduled to three. Mia was staying until the following day, as she wasn't set to return to Shanghai until then. Lily wasn't able to say goodbye to Zhan, as she left while he was still asleep.

Around five, Zhan stepped out of the house after YiBo called him from Aunty An's phone. The moment Zhan came out of the gate, YiBo had been watching him, and as he walked up to his car, he opened the front seat for him. Once inside, he asked softly, "When did you wake up?"

Without looking at him, he replied, "Thirty minutes ago." He turned to look at him, taking his hand gently, and said quietly, "I know you haven't eaten, have you?" Zhan didn't want him to see his tear up because of the promise he'd made to him, YiBo started the car and drove to an upscale restaurant.

After they sat down, YiBo picked up the menu, handed it to Zhan, and said, "Order something for us." Zhan glanced at him and asked, "Who's paying?" He smiled softly and said, "My husband."

Zhan only smiled, and he called over the server while he pointed out their meal choices. YiBo kept looking at him, and after the server left, Zhan glanced up at him. YiBo winked and said, "I noticed you ordered something expensive. I hope your wallet's heavy?" Zhan responded, "If not, you can wash dishes."

YiBo simply smiled, and soon the food arrived. YiBo continued to distract him with chatter, and he enjoyed watching him eat heartily. While they were there, Lily called him back to let him know they'd arrived home safely. After exchanging greetings, she said, "Please keep an eye on Zhan and make sure he's eating well. You know his situation." He responded, "Alright, I'll do my best; here he is."

He handed the phone to Zhan, who greeted Lily and asked, "Did you get home safely?" She replied, "Yes, thank you. And please remember to eat." Zhan responded, "I will, Mom." They said their goodbyes, and Zhan returned the phone to YiBo.

They left around six after YiBo paid the bill. While parking at the front gate, he said, "I'll check in on Yang." Zhan nodded, opened the door, and took the takeaway bags YiBo handed over with a soft "Thank you." YiBo smiled back, "You're welcome, love." Zhan lowered his gaze, turned, and headed inside as YiBo he parked the car.

Zhan was surprised to see Mia in the living room with his grandma. He greeted them, then entered the room to find Ren sitting with Aunty An. Curious, he asked, "Mama, is Mother's guest still here? I thought she left with Mother."

Ren quietly replied, "She's not just a guest, dear. Call her Aunty; she's my cousin."

Zhan looked at his mom in confusion and said, "I don't understand... she's Mother's's friend, and she's also from Shanghai. I thought she came because of her." Ren said nothing further, preferring not to explain too much, and Aunty An smiled and said, "She's our cousin, Zhan. You might know her from Shanghai because of YiBo's mom, but she's actually very close to us."

Zhan moved closer, visibly puzzled. "I still don't understand, Aunty."

Aunty An urged him to sit, explaining the family ties between them and Mia. Zhan looked back at her in shock, his heart racing. What? Does that mean Nia is his second cousin? he thought. Not knowing about YiBo's marriage plans, Ren and Aunty An didn't understand Zhan's reaction. Aunty An continued, "Just like how you were surprised to see her here, Yibo's mother was as well. You probably thought she was here for YiBo's mom, right?"

Zhan nodded slowly, still too speechless to respond. Aunty An added, "But that's not why she came. She's really our close relative. Her mother lived in America, so we never knew her. I don't think they've been in the country long."

Zhan was at a loss for words, feeling a strange sadness wash over him. Aunty An added, "She also mentioned she has a daughter, and they live together in Shanghai. Do you know her?"

Zhan looked down, not saying a word. Aunty An lowered her voice, sensing that something seemed off with Zhan, and asked, "Did you ever have an issue with her daughter in Shanghai?"

Zhan shook his head quickly, "No, it's just surprising."

Ren quietly observed them, preoccupied with other thoughts. Zhan got up and left the room, still in shock. In the living room, he briefly made eye contact with Mia, who seemed equally lost in thought. Zhan lowered his gaze and left, heading toward Zhang's room, where he found him asleep.

He sat on the edge of the bed, resting his head gently against the headboard, lost in thought.


At 10 a.m., Mia left Zhan's house, eager to return to Shanghai to reunite with Lily. During her stay, she hadn't met YiBo, who wasn't staying in the house and likely didn't even know she was there.


Time passed, and it had been two weeks since Paa left the house. Family members who had traveled from various places had all returned home, leaving only the household members, along with Grandma, who refused to go back to her eldest son's house, and Ren's remaining siblings who had already left.

Aunty Bing was still at the house, but she kept to herself, rarely leaving her room or even coming to the living room. Whenever anyone entered her room, they'd find her seated at the far end of the carpet.

Zhang, was the only one who hadn't stopped crying for his father, grieving day and night, finding no comfort. Zhan's sorrow, meanwhile, was mostly expressed at night when he would cry privately. To soothe Zhang, Ren would remind him that Paa had left his blessing and that one day they'd meet again. However, Zhang remained inconsolable, refusing to believe it.

Aunty Bing barely interacted with anyone in the house, and even Zhang had limited interactions with her. He spent most of his days in Ren's room, finding little relief except with Ren, Aunty An, and now Zhan, who'd become closer to him. He had struggled academically that semester, failing almost all his courses, despite previously having no such issues.

Aunty Bella had called Ren four times, insisting that Ren have Zhan speak with her on each occasion.

Ren was in the room with Aunty An and Zhan, while Zhang lay with his eyes closed, though not asleep. Ren looked over at Aunty An and softly said, "Maybe it's time he goes home to his husband, don't you think, An?" Zhan glanced quickly at Ren, sensing she was referring to him. Aunty An replied, "I agree. It's been two weeks and two days, and given the state of things, with Paa's body needing arrangements, and I'm certain that's why YiBo hasn't left the area yet. We shouldn't become inconsiderate and keep him here too long."

Zhan looked down and said, "Shouldn't we wait to finish the investigations and release the body first?" Ren glanced at him and replied, "What's left for you here until then?" Aunty An added, "Wherever you are, we'll call you when the time comes. It's not necessary for you to be here, Zhan. Besides, you've married someone truly rare, from an outstanding family known for their humility and warmth. Let's not appear small-minded by keeping you here too long. Tomorrow, you should be ready for YiBo to take you home."

Tears welled up in Zhan's eyes, and he was reluctant to return to Shanghai, where the sorrow over his father's passing would resurface. Being with his mother and his family brought him relief. Wiping his eyes, he whispered, "Then can I take Zhang along?" Aunty An replied, "It's up to your husband." Zhang opened his eyes and quietly responded, "I'll come, but not right now." Zhan didn't argue further, and Aunty An began packing his things.

Later, while Aunty An and Zhang were watching a movie in the living room, YiBo called her. She answered, and after exchanging greetings, he said, "Aunty, I'm on my way with a guest who would like to greet mother." Aunty An replied, "Alright, we'll be expecting you."

Meanwhile, Zhan sat with Ren, who was advising him to show patience and bring pride to the family in his marriage, and he quietly packed his things, despite no one having directly told YiBo to take him back the next day. Aunty An came in and said, "Sister, come out; you have guests." Ren stood up and walked toward the door, while Zhan followed her with his gaze, tears brimming.

As Ren entered the living room, she greeted a foreign visitor who was there to express his condolences. YiBo greeted Ren, as he hadn't been able to visit the house earlier. Aunty An went to get water for the guest, as Zhang was too lost in thought to move. The visitor, noticing his absence of mind, finally looked toward Zhang and said, "Hi Zhan, I'm so sorry for your loss; may your father rest in peace." YiBo, smiling, clarified to him, "That's his twin brother, Zhang." Ren gently nudged Zhang, who hadn't noticed the conversation, and YiBo added, "He's here to greet you…"

Although unsure of what had been said, Zhang replied, "Thank you," while Zhan entered the living room, recognizing the guest's voice. Smiling, he greeted, "Hi, Ryan," and they exchanged pleasantries. Ryan, noticing Zhang and Zhan, remarked, "You two look so alike, apart from complexion." Smiling, Zhan replied, "Yes, he's my twin brother, Zhang."

Ryan turned to Zhang and said, "It's nice meeting you, Zhang." Zhang nodded politely, preferring not to talk. Ryan didn't stay long in the living room. After drinking some water and giving his condolences, he said his farewells, leaving Ren and Aunty An astonished by the large sum of money he left.

Ren asked Zhan, "Who is he?" Smiling, Zhan replied, "Aunty Bella introduced me to him when I first came to Shanghai." Aunty An was surprised, asking, "Before they know about your marriage to YiBo?"

Zhan chuckled, saying nothing. Aunty An continued, "Did he know about YiBo?" He shook his head, saying, "He might have learned later. Aunty Bella likely told him about Paa's passing, which prompted him to visit. He travels to China often but lives in the UK." Ren replied, "I see."

YiBo didn't return to the house until night, at which point Aunty An informed him he was to take Zhan back home the next day. YiBo stayed silent, not commenting. Later, in the living room, YiBo noticed Zhang sitting and pushing his food around his plate and asked, "Where's your phone, Zhang?" Zhang looked up, replying, "In my room." He asked, "Is it on?" Zhang shook his head, having not used it for over a month. YiBo said, "Turn it on; you'll get a call…"

Zhang just stared at him as he said, "Did you hear?" He nodded but said nothing more. Just then, Zhan entered, bringing food and setting it before YiBo. As he began serving, YiBo watched him intently, unable to look away.

Zhang stood and took his food to Ren's room, while Zhan quietly asked, "Should I add more?" In a low voice, YiBo replied, "I'd rather feed on you than the food…"


Next chapter