
Chapter 59

Zhan had just finished getting ready for bed in Ren's bedroom around 9:30. Aunty An, who hadn't left that day, kept watching him in disbelief. Once Zhan was settled, she finally said, "So, you're still so clueless, huh, Zhan?" He turned to look at her, and she continued, "Your husband has been here for hours, but you haven't even bothered to check if he's eaten or if he needs anything. It's like you don't care. All you focus on is your own business, but if you keep up that 'I don't care' attitude, don't be surprised if someone else takes him away right in front of you."

Zhan sat up, absorbing her words. Aunty An added, "Let me tell you, you need to cherish a husband. There are people out there watching him, while you're just fooling around. The moment he entered the house, you should've gone to see him, even if you knew sister Ren would make sure he's eaten."

At that moment, Ren entered the room and, looking at Zhan, said, "Aren't you going to check if he needs anything?" Aunty An nodded, "Exactly what I was telling him, sister." Zhan slowly got out of bed, heading for the door, then paused. "But I don't even know where he is." Ren replied, "He's in Zhuo's room."

Zhan left the room, and Aunty An held her chin thoughtfully, "I honestly think he needs counseling about marriage because I don't think he understands it at all." Ren sighed and replied, "Well, if you don't, then who will, sister An?" Aunty An chuckled, "Well, here's hoping tomorrow brings some change."

Ren then asked, "Aren't you eating anything?" Aunty An responded, "No, I just had some tea with Dumplings. But sister, we still haven't discussed what's really bothering us." Ren looked at her curiously, "What do you mean?" Aunty An shook her head, "About sister Bing, Just the sting of seeing good fortune land unexpectedly. She probably thought it was her own doing, building such a trap without realizing she could be the one to fall in."

Ren could only let out a heavy sigh, at a loss for words.

Zhan walked slowly to Zhuo's room and knocked on the door. When it opened, he saw YiBo standing there. He entered and asked, "Do you need anything?" YiBo gazed at him silently, then locked the door and pulled him close. Zhan widened his eyes, "What are you doing?" In a low voice, YiBo murmured, "I don't need anything… except you."

Zhan pouted, "Let me go, or Zhuo ge will come in! Mama told me to check if you needed anything...that's the only reason I came…" But YiBo simply looked at his lips as he spoke, ignoring the protests. Seeing this, Zhan added, "Just let me go…what are you doing?" YiBo didn't let him finish before pulling him into a deep kiss. Zhan's legs grew weak, and YiBo leaned him back against the wall, kissing him passionately. Just then, someone knocked on the door. YiBo quickly stepped back, but Zhuo had already entered the room, immediately bowing his head and leaving without a word.

Zhan gave YiBo a frustrated glare and rushed toward the door. YiBo watched him go, running his hand through his hair, while Zhan hurried back to Ren's living room, hoping to avoid Zhuo. Once there, he threw himself onto the three-seater sofa, too flustered to return to Ren's bedroom. His heart pounded, and he could still feel the lingering sensation of YiBo's lips. He touched his own lips softly, his whole body feeling faint with the memory.

Zhuo, meanwhile, headed to one of the guest rooms for the night. He had just left Aunty Bing's room, where she'd refused to explain her sudden, grief-stricken tears. He'd tried everything to comfort her, but she had insisted it was just her injured hand causing the pain. Left with no other choice, he had left her room.

That night was filled with torment for Aunty Bing, and she eventually left her room to find some peace in Zhan's. Her thoughts spiraled, unlike anything she'd experienced before. Then a thought crossed her mind—Paa couldn't have heard her phone conversation. How could he have, with the bathroom door closed? She consoled herself that it was just the way she'd spoken that had upset him, not what he'd actually heard, which brought her a small amount of relief.

But despite her attempts to calm down, she remained restless until dawn, her dislocated shoulder aching, and her head now throbbing with pain.


The next morning, Ren came in to check on her. Aunty Bing avoided eye contact, saying, "I'm feeling much better, thank you." Ren replied, "I hope so—may it be a form of atonement for you." Bing nodded and replied, "Amen, amen." Ren lingered in the living room for a few minutes before heading to the kitchen. As soon as Bing heard her moving around in there, she slipped out of the main living room and quickly headed toward Paa's part.

Finding his living room empty, which was unusual, she grew increasingly anxious. Her heart pounded as she headed toward his bedroom door and slowly turned the handle. She saw him sitting on his bed, leaning against a pillow, lost in thought. He looked up at her, and her heart sank even more. Trying to stay composed, she moved further into the room and sat on a chair near his bed, saying softly, "Good morning, brother-in-law."

Paa looked at her for a moment, as if he wouldn't respond, then said, "Good morning." Relieved that he at least responded, Bing tried to compose herself and began, "Yesterday, I was in the bathroom… and you know…" Paa held up his hand to stop her, "I didn't ask you anything, Bing."

As Ren opened the bedroom door, she froze upon seeing Aunty Bing inside. "Oh, I didn't know you were here..." Ren murmured. Aunty Bing looked down, unable to say anything, and just as Ren was about to close the door, Paa spoke up, "What's going on, Ren?"

Ren replied, "Oh, I was just checking if you wanted your black tea now." Paa shook his head, "No, later is fine." Ren nodded, "Alright then." With that, she turned and closed the door, leaving Aunty Bing speechless as she sat there, feeling uneasy. For almost three minutes, they sat in silence, with a heavy atmosphere in the room. Did he really hear that phone conversation?

Finally, Paa broke the silence. "Bing." Her heart pounded, and she struggled to lift her gaze to meet his. She couldn't bring herself to respond. He continued, "You're willing to give 500k to bloggers to ensure Zhan's video resurfaces on social media. You've shown such bitterness towards the household Zhan married into, all for your selfish reasons. You even said you sold off your gold ring to take to the spiritual guides. I won't even bother tracing all the things they told you to do, Bing... I won't go that far. But I am glad I finally know you never supported Zhan with a sincere heart. You have your own hidden motives, and it's truly unfortunate, Bing."

"And if it's said you were involved in making this video public, I wouldn't be surprised. You've tainted his reputation and left him with a scar that won't ever heal. You've wronged him deeply."

Aunty Bing broke into heavy sobs. "I swear, brother-in-law, I don't know how that video got out! Believe me, I know nothing about it. If I'm lying, then do whatever you feel is right." She was sobbing hard, looking at him pleadingly. Paa responded, "It's okay, Bing. No matter what, I'm convinced, after hearing you and your friend on that call, that you never truly cared about Zhan. You've always put on a two-faced act with him. If you haven't harmed him before now, then you're at the root of everything he's gone through. May he find justice swiftly."

"You may continue living in this house. Out of respect for your age, I won't ask you to leave, but you'll be here only on account of your sister. You can stay with your child and go about your business here, but as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing left between us. This matter stays between you and me, and, for certain reasons, Ren, who has to be aware. I don't want your child or anyone else to know anything. Go about your life here, but there's no longer any relationship between you and me."

Paa's tone was bitter. Aunty Bing was in shock, staring at him, unable to say anything. He added, "You may leave, Bing." Aunty Bing broke into another fit of anguished tears, pleading, "I never meant to harm Zhan, not even for a day. Please, forgive me, out of the love I've shown for your children."

Paa replied, "That's why I'm allowing you to stay here and continue as you were. And I won't even tell my own mother about what you've done. I'll keep it to myself, unless you decide to go around telling others."

Aunty Bing sobbed intensely, as though her heart was breaking. "Please, Bing, get up and leave now before you draw attention. You can leave," Paa said firmly. She got up, crying uncontrollably, and exited his room.

Once back in her room, Aunty Bing continued to cry, oblivious to Shu watching her. Shu finally asked, "So, didn't you call Ms. Tu?" Ignoring her, Aunty Bing only cried harder, consumed by her own distress.


Aunty Bella shook her head, looking at Lily, and said, "Sister, I'm not supporting I Bo in any way. Please understand me, sister. Now, if even General opposed this marriage, you'd still reach a point where you'd have to let it go, right? Try to appreciate the kindness of this young man's family, and you might find peace by embracing their marriage fully. The boy's father said he accepted I Bo because of his good character, and even though I Bo went to a village and hired people to act as his family, the boy's father didn't mind and still gave him his blessing. We visited their home, and there was nothing questionable about them; you can tell they're a respectable rich family."

Lily cut her off. "Bella, I don't want to hear this nonsense. Whether I like this marriage or not, the deed is done, and I'll remain silent. Do you think I'm going to tell him to divorce him? What bothers me is that he could hide the marriage from me like that! There isn't a single day that I don't call Ai Bo...I call him three, even four times a day! If your son did this to you, wouldn't it hurt? He knows I would never abandon him over this, even if I'd be upset for a while, but he still hid it from me like I'm nothing. So, whatever happens with his marriage, I'm not involved."

Aunty Bella softened her tone. "It's hard, but please calm down and don't let your anger affect him. He made a big mistake hiding it from you, even if he hid it from everyone else. Please forgive him, sister, and give your blessing to his marriage with Zhan. Accept Zhan as your son-in-law, if only for the respect his parents showed your son. You saw his mother is a good, peaceful person, and his father is a dignified man who values people. Think about that, have patience, and embrace him as your son-in-law, please."

Lily stood up. "Mia is waiting for me. I'll be back, Bella." With that, she headed for the door, and Aunty Bella watched her go.

It was a few minutes past six in the evening, and Zhan had finished getting ready since YiBo had informed Aunty An that their flight was at eight that night. Aunty An motioned for Zhan to sit on the edge of the bed. Zhan kept his head down, avoiding eye contact with her. Aunty An handed him a cup, urging him to drink. It was filled with herbal tonics meant to restore strength and energy. Zhan couldn't refuse. After finishing it, Aunty An gave him another mixture. Then she left the room, and Zhan found himself surprisingly enjoying the taste of the last thing he ate, a mix of coconut and milk, finishing it without even realizing.

Lian peeked into the room, saying, "Young master, your husband is waiting for you outside."

Zhan quickly got up, went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth with mouthwash, and came out. He entered Ren's living room, finding her sitting with Aunty An. Kneeling beside the chair, he couldn't bring himself to look at them. Softly, he said, "We're leaving now."

Aunty An replied, "Alright, Zhan, aren't you taking anything with you?"

Zhan shook his head. "There are clothes there."

Aunty An nodded. "Alright then. He just stepped out as well; he's outside waiting for you. Don't ignore what I told you earlier." Zhan stayed silent, then looked up at Ren, who was watching him. Ren lowered her gaze and said, "Go Son, my blessings are always with you, i wish you a happy and blesseful marriage life."

Quietly, Zhan replied, "Thank you." Ren told Aunty An, "Remind him to go see Aunty Bing before he leaves since he didn't listen to me." Aunty An asked, "Which Aunty Bing? Didn't you see her leave earlier?" Ren was surprised. "Oh, really?"

Aunty An nodded, "Yes, she left this afternoon with a big bandage on her forehead. I thought she was going to the hospital, but I haven't seen her come back yet."

Ren nodded, "Alright then. Go on, he's waiting for you outside."

Zhan stood up, keeping his head down, gave his goodbyes, and headed to the door, watched by everyone as he left.

In the compound, he found YiBo sitting by the gate next to Yang, while the driver waited for them in the car. Yang, with a wide grin, kept looking at YiBo like he was seeing him for the first time. YiBo took out a hundred thousand in cash, placing it beside Yang on the bench, and said, "Keep enjoying your snacks and bottled drinks every night. And if you hear about any good plots of land for sale, let me know."

Yang was speechless, just staring at him like he was in shock. Lin and Sheng, who were clinging by the door of Yang's room like they were spying on an idol, kept their heads low, looking like conspirators. YiBo stood up, pulled out fifty thousand, and handed it to the two of them before heading to the parking area. Seeing him approach, Zhan opened the back seat and got in, and YiBo joined him in the back as well. Yang, with happy tears in his eyes, opened the gate for them.

Without speaking, he just waved and nodded as they drove away.

Lin and Sheng immediately began counting their money, while Yang, wiping his tears, looked at them and said, "Now you've seen the importance of respecting people in this life. You outright refused him a room when he first came, treated him poorly, and only straightened up after he showed you he's not to be messed with. Yet you wouldn't act that way even to a snake! If I were him, I'd have fed you nothing but crumbs."

He then burst out laughing, but they could only glare at him.

Almost to the airport, YiBo kept glancing at Zhan, but he avoided eye contact. Finally, he lowered his voice and asked, "Why don't we skip today's trip altogether?" Zhan looked at him but didn't respond, feeling weak and drained since they'd left home. He leaned closer, asking quietly, "I know you don't want to leave Beijing already?" Zhan nodded gently, replying, "Yes." Yibo added, "Should we just go back, and I'll make another booking for tomorrow?" Again, Zhan nodded softly, and he replied, "Alright."  he looked at the driver and said, "Mister, just turn the car around."

The driver replied respectfully, "Where to, sir?" YiBo responded, "Just find a spot and park; I'll drive from here." The driver protested, "Oh, sir, no need; I've been at this for thirty years, even driving trailers." But YiBo simply repeated, "Just park." Without further protest, the driver pulled over to the side, and YiBo switched seats with him, taking over the driving.

Zhan kept glancing back at the spot YiBo had chosen to park after about thirty-five minutes of driving. YiBo looked at the driver and said, "You can get out here and head home," slipping him a ten thousand tip. The driver gratefully accepted, got out of the car, and walked back to the driver's seat after YiBo exited. YiBo opened the back door, looking at Zhan with a smirk as he frowned, asking, "What's the meaning of this?"

"You're wasting his time," he replied. He was about to respond, but he took his hand, helping him out of the car. Quickly, he stepped out, and he locked the car, waved to the driver, who drove off, and then led him by the hand toward the hotel entrance.

Zhan couldn't help but look up, recognizing it as a hotel he had visited countless times with Zan Jin, and followed YiBo inside, walking slowly.

Zhan stepped into the hotel room, sitting gently at the edge of the bed. YiBo placed his phones on the side table, glanced at him, and said, "I'll be right back." Zhan didn't reply, just watched him leave, following YiBo's figure with his eyes until he exited the room. Zhan looked around, taking in the familiar room with a mixture of nostalgia and discomfort, memories he preferred to forget surfacing and making him feel unexpectedly sad. He rested his head on the bed, closing his eyes for a moment to clear his mind.

A few minutes later, Zhan straightened up and headed to the bathroom. When he returned and took a seat on the bed, YiBo's phone started ringing on the side table. Glancing at the screen, he saw the name "Nia" flash across it. Zhan's expression hardened, and, without hesitation, he rejected the call. When it rang again, he did the same, repeating this for three rounds until the calls finally stopped. Setting the phone down, he felt an intense irritation rising within him. Although he couldn't pinpoint what exactly Nia had done to make him feel this way, he disliked her immensely.

Right then, the door opened, and YiBo returned. Zhan watched as YiBo entered, placed a bag on the table, took off his watch, and disappeared into the bathroom. Curious, Zhan pulled the bag toward him and opened it. Inside, he found roasted chicken emitting a mouthwatering aroma, along with chilled yogurt and a pack of juice. Without hesitation, he began eating, alternating bites of chicken with sips of the cold drink, devouring the food quickly.

Afterward, feeling slightly guilty for finishing most of it, he brushed his teeth in the bathroom before lying down on the bed.

Around 9 p.m., YiBo returned with a small suitcase containing fresh clothes and essentials he had bought for both of them for their journey to Shanghai the next day. He glanced over to see Zhan, pretending to sleep with his back turned toward him. Sitting beside him, YiBo leaned close, whispering, "Are you awake?"

Zhan opened his eyes slowly, meeting his gaze. YiBo gently pulled him to a seated position, reaching for the bag with the remaining chicken. "I bought…," YiBo started, but then paused, surprised to see how little was left in the bag. Zhan turned away from him, pouting, and lay back down. YiBo chuckled lightly before heading to the bathroom with a new soap.

A little later, he coaxed Zhan to shower again, which he reluctantly did, and then he found a set of sleepwear YiBo had left for him on the bed.

When Zhan came out, YiBo was already on the bed, wearing just his pajama pants, focused intently on his phone, his fingers typing away. From the look on his face, it was clear he was deep in a text conversation. Ignoring the clothes YiBo had provided, Zhan slipped on his bathrobe and lay down, back to YiBo. After finishing his text and setting his phone to flight mode, YiBo turned off the room lights, shifting to lie beside Zhan, facing him in the darkness.

As Zhan attempted to move away, YiBo pulled him gently closer, his voice low. "After eating all my chicken, you think it's free?" Zhan's voice softened. "I'm feeling tired. I want to sleep."

"You can sleep, but first, we need to talk," YiBo murmured. Zhan fell silent, listening, and YiBo asked, "Are you ready?" Though he couldn't see YiBo's face, Zhan could feel his warm breath close. As he looked up, YiBo positioned Zhan's head on his chest, wrapping his arms around him. Zhan felt an unexpected peace as he closed his eyes, breathing in sync with YiBo.

In a voice barely audible, YiBo said, "A few months ago, I saw you in this hotel… with some tall, dark guy. Why were you here?"

Zhan's eyes opened instantly. He was silent, trying to process his words. Tall and dark? He didn't recall anything like that. Before he could think further, YiBo's voice cut in again, firm and direct. "Answer me." After a pause, Zhan replied quietly, "I can't remember."

YiBo pressed on, "Try. He was tall and dark." Zhan searched his memory, but nothing came up, and he shook his head, answering softly, "I don't know… whenever I come here, it's usually with Zan Jin and his friends. I don't know who you mean; maybe I just came to meet them."

YiBo nodded slightly. "I see. But what keeps bringing you to these hotels? You've been to almost all of them in Beijing." Zhan hesitated, feeling a sudden wave of shame. YiBo encouraged him, "I'm listening." He lowered her head, reluctant to answer, wondering how he even knew he'd been frequenting hotels. Ling often dropped him off or picked him up, but he had never stayed in YiBo's company long enough to explain.

YiBo finally broke the silence, "Is it just for the AC and constant power?" Zhan nodded slowly, whispering, "It's just a place to meet up with Zan Jin's group. Nothing more." YiBo seemed unconvinced. "Zan Jin's group, huh? That would explain the codeine and prophylactics."

Zhan's heart pounded in shame. "Those weren't mine. They belonged to Zan Jin, and I didn't even know they were in my bag," he stammered.

YiBo's voice softened, "And the weed?"

He felt his body tense as he continued, "What about that video?"

Zhan barely whispered, "I have no idea about it."

"But you know where it was filmed," YiBo challenged gently.

Zhan shook his head, "I saw it once… and I don't remember anything." YiBo nodded slowly. "Alright. But when we get back to Shanghai, you'll need to look at it again. You need to remember where it was filmed."

Tears welled up in Zhan's eyes, but he stayed silent, feeling a deep ache in his chest. YiBo let him cry, feeling his shudder against him as all the emotions and regrets he'd suppressed resurfaced. After a moment, YiBo began to undress him gently, his hands soft but firm.

Zhan resisted slightly, feeling exposed, but YiBo's soothing voice whispered, "Just let go." Eventually, he did, surrendering to YiBo's touch and allowing himself to be vulnerable. It was a moment of pure connection, and YiBo showed Zhan a love filled with genuine care. As they lay together, their hearts beating as one, YiBo made sure that Zhan savored every second of it, sealing the night as one they'd both remember.

That night, the boundaries between them dissolved, replaced by a feeling that Zhan knew he would hold on to forever.


It was almost 1 am when YiBo finally managed to soothe Zhan to sleep, his heart melting as he clung to him. After he drifted off, he sat up, turned on the room light, and watched him, feeling incredibly blessed. For the first time, he felt as if all his worries had disappeared; he felt relieved, like a heavy burden had been lifted. With renewed confidence, he sensed he could face his remaining challenges without fear.

They slept peacefully through the night, holding each other close.

In the morning, Zhan sat at the far end of the bed, fully dressed but avoiding eye contact with YiBo, feeling an intense shyness around him. He couldn't quite understand what had come over him last night. Although things had been difficult at first, he eventually found himself letting go. Thinking about how he had expressed his feelings to YiBo made him want to sink into the floor.

YiBo noticed his hesitation, and after getting ready, he sat down beside him with a smile on his face. But Zhan still wouldn't meet his gaze, looking down instead, as if he wished the ground would swallow him up.

In a low voice, YiBo asked, "Should we wait until tomorrow?" Zhan lifted his large, clear eyes to look at him, and they locked gazes for nearly thirty seconds, each lost in thought, neither one looking away. Slowly, YiBo pressed his forehead against his, breathing deeply, then brushed his nose against his. Before he realized it, YiBo lips were on Zhan's, and the story changed entirely. Turns out, last night was nothing in comparison.

This time, he didn't stop until Zhan was exhausted, tears streaming down his face, YiBo coaxed Zhan and then he held him close under the duvet until they both fell asleep.

It wasn't until almost 12:30 PM that YiBo woke up, startled by the time. Their flight had been booked for 11 AM, but he knew they'd missed it. Quietly, he got up, went to the bathroom, and started making new plans.

That same day, he rebooked their flight for 6 PM. Zhan looked up when he came back to the room around 4:30 PM. He sat beside him, placing a bag in his lap and asked, "Won't you eat?" Zhan shook his head, avoiding his gaze. YiBo picked up the bag and handed it to him, watching him as he inspected it without blinking. He eventually opened it to reveal the latest iPhone model, which had only just been released. Surprised, Zhan looked up at him, his face full of amazement, and he gave him a heart-melting smile. Speechless, he didn't know what to do. YiBo took the box, unwrapped it, and placed the new phone on his lap. Zhan closed his eyes, clearly overjoyed, then hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much," he whispered.

YiBo leaned in, whispering, "I... I love you." Tears welled in Zhan eyes, but he didn't say a word. They remained in each other's arms for nearly five minutes until YiBo let go, stood up, and said, "Let's not miss our flight again." Gathering their things into a trolley, he quickly packed, then slid Zhan new phone into his bag, placed the box in the trolley, and reached out his hand to him. Zhan looked up at him, then placed his hand in his, and they headed out the door.


They landed at Shanghai's airport at 8:30 PM. Zhan's mood shifted as they drove through his old neighborhood. Sitting beside YiBo in the car, tears quietly welled up in his eyes, though he didn't let him see. When the driver stopped in front of YiBo's family home, he helped him out, grabbed their trolley, and they entered the house.

They found the main living room empty and continued on to Lily's section of the house. YiBo's mood shifted as well; he felt his heart racing, a mixture of nerves and reverence as he prepared to see his mother. Zhan stayed close behind him as he knocked gently on Lily's door without entering. She opened it, paused when she saw him, and he lowered his head respectfully.

"Good evening, Mom," he greeted softly.

"Fine," she replied curtly before returning to her bedroom. Zhan watched the exchange, feeling equally disheartened. YiBo stood by the door for a few seconds, then entered quietly and closed the door behind him. He saw her sitting on the couch, so he knelt in front of her, saying, "I know I wronged you, Mom. Please, forgive me, and don't let your anger weigh on me."

Lily responded, "I don't have any issues with your foolish actions, AiBo. Spare me!" He lowered his head, his voice almost a whisper, "I'm sorry, Mom."

She replied, "Didn't you hear what I just said?" He stayed silent, then slowly stood up and left the room. When he entered the living room, he told Zhan, "Go inside and greet Mom." Zhan didn't say anything but stood up and walked to the door, knocked, and waited until Lily acknowledged him. Then he entered, knelt where YiBo had knelt earlier, and said, "Good evening, Mother."

"Fine. How is everyone at home?" Lily asked.

"They're well," Zhan replied.

"That's good. Welcome."

Zhan remained silent, keeping his head down. After a moment, Lily asked, "Have you eaten?" he shook his head, and Lily said, "Then go eat something." Zhan stood and left, looking around the living room but not seeing YiBo. He found a spot to sit quietly.

While he waited, Ru came into the living room, her eyes lighting up when she saw Zhan. Rushing over, she hugged him warmly, "Welcome, Zhan!"

Zhan smiled back, "Thank you."

After leaving his mother's room, YiBo went to his own to freshen up, grabbed his car keys, and left the house to visit Nia's home.


YiBo was sitting in the compound after knocking and asking the housekeeper to call Nia for him. Usually, they stayed outside whenever he visited, but almost 30 minutes had passed, and she hadn't come out. He'd tried calling her, but her phone was off. Finally, he stood up and walked to the main door, opened it quietly, and knocked before stepping inside.

The living room was empty, so he sat down, waiting for the housekeeper. He hadn't been seated long when Nia's mother appeared on her way to the kitchen, surprised to see him. They exchanged greetings, and she went to Nia's room. About five minutes later, Nia entered the living room. She walked over with her head lowered, sat down on the sofa, adjusted her gown, and fiddled with her ring, not saying a word.

In a low voice, he said, "I'm sorry, Nia. That's all I can say to you." Tears filled her eyes, and she shook her head, replying, "It's okay." He ran his hand through his hair, at a loss for words. Gathering courage, he looked up and said, "You know I care for you, right, Nia?" She didn't respond, tears silently rolling down her cheeks. Quietly, he continued, "Please, let's accept things the way God has planned them. I never wanted things to go this way; it's all destiny. For the sake of the love you have for me, please forgive me and stand by me as we face this together, Nia."

"I'll never forget what you've done for me," he added solemnly. "I'm begging you, please, forgive me, Nia." Tears continued to flow down her face, and he felt his heart sink. He knew Nia had sacrificed so much for him, offering a loyalty few women would for their partners.

He got up and moved closer, sitting beside her with a worried expression. "Please, don't cry like this, Nia. You're making me feel guilty. I know I was wrong to keep all of this from you, given how close we are. But I couldn't even tell my own mom because I didn't want to hurt her, and I hid it from you because I didn't want to hurt you either. Trust me, Nia, you will always have a special place in my heart. Please, stand by me as you always have. I promise to be fair to you...I owe you that much, Nia…."

Taking her hand, he could sense that she wouldn't be able to respond; when she cried, she usually stayed silent. In a soft voice, he added, "Send me the amount you spent with your friends for the wedding, and I'll transfer it to you. If there's anything else, just let me know." She stood up, wiping her eyes, and said, "I'll go inside." With that, she turned and left the room, and he watched her go, feeling utterly defeated. He knew she didn't deserve this from him, but he had never expected things to turn out this way. He sat there for almost 10 minutes, then stood up slowly and left the living room, feeling drained.

YiBo drove home, but his mind was restless. He parked as he saw General's convoy entering the neighborhood, waited for them to pass, then continued to his house. After parking, he sat in his car for a while before slowly making his way inside, heading directly to his mother's section of the house. He entered the first living room, where no one was present, and moved to the second one.

Zhan was the only one there, with food in front of him that he hadn't touched.

Zhan watched him from head to toe, noticing his crisp white attire and subtle fragrance, then quickly looked away. YiBo walked over and knelt in front of him, uncovering the food and serving him a portion with extra meat. He took a bite, then held the chopsticks out for Zhan. Just then, his mother entered the room.

He froze, holding the chopsticks close to Zhan's mouth. Zhan felt like he wanted to sink into the floor. YiBo lowered his gaze, unable to look at Lily. His phone rang in his pocket, and he quickly answered—it was his father. After General finished speaking, he hung up. YiBo slowly turned, stealing a glance at his mother, then stood up and left the room, heading to his father's wing. Sitting down, he looked at General and said, "Good evening, Sir."

General replied, "So now tell me, how did my $800 million vanish, Bo?" YiBo said, "I don't know." General said, "You don't know? Don't forget you asked for $300 million two days before, and I refused because I still haven't seen any returns from the funds I gave you previously. Then, two days later, $800 million disappeared. You brought it into this house, no one else."

(Noting: I changed the context of how $800M vanished from the company with his signature to taking it as raw cash in the house. 😅)

"You alone knew about the money...not even your mother or Yu knew. Only you have access to my safe in this house; no one else enters that room but you. If I give you money for joint business, you end up squandering my funds. It's happened too many times to count. If I entrust you with business, that business will never run smoothly."

YiBo stayed silent, then eventually said quietly, "But it's always not my fault. I try my best, but I don't know what keeps happening."

General replied, "Leo is not like you. If I entrust him with my business, it runs smoothly...I have never lost even five yuan or seen anything out of order. Yet, you want me to believe you didn't take my money?"

YiBo didn't respond. General said, "Then, tell me, what did you do with the $800 million, especially if you still end up driving in the end?"

YiBo quickly said, "I don't know anything about your money, and I didn't start driving because I ran out of funds. I can take care of myself for years to come even if I'm not driving..."

The General, watching him keenly, said, "With whose money will you fend for yourself? Wasn't your account frozen at the time?"

YiBo replied, "Mom didn't leave me high and dry. Neither did my aunties."

The General scoffed, saying, "I'll never stop believing that you didn't took my money." YiBo just looked at him, then finally said, "Alright, I hope the truth comes out one day so you'll see I didn't take your money."

The General added, "I'm sending you $20 million now. Go buy some decent suits and casual clothes for Your 'baby husband.'"

Looking at him, YiBo replied, "Thank you, but that's not necessary, Dad. I can handle his expenses."

The General replied, "I know, but I don't care. He's my baby son-in-law…no, my second son, so he should look like one."

The General then asked, "Are we going to live together or separately?" YiBo looked down and said, "Whatever Mom decides."

The General replied, "Oh, so you expect your mom to live with you two?" YiBo shook his head and said, "I just want her opinion."

The General said, "It's up to you…you may go now." YiBo thanked him, stood up, and left the living room, heading back to his room. As he sat on the bed, deep in thought, he received an alert for the $20 million transfer from the General.

He got up and went to see Lily. She was alone in her sitting room, on a call with Aunt Bella, who had left that evening to visit her in-laws. YiBo waited until she ended the call. She didn't look his way, and he finally let out a quiet sigh, saying, "Mom, Dad just transferred $20 million for Zhan's clothing."

When she ignored him, giving no reaction as he hoped, he got up and left the room. He went to Zhan's room, opened the door, and found it empty. Standing there, he tried to imagine where Zhan might be. Perhaps he was in Mom's room? Eventually, he went to Ru's room to ask her.

He knocked, then opened the door, scanning the room. No one was there, but he noticed Zhan's luggage, which meant he was around. Just then, Zhan emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. YiBo stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him. Zhan frowned, reaching for his shirt, but YiBo grabbed it first, pulled Zhan close, and softly asked, "Did you eat?"

Zhan said nothing, his face tense. YiBo asked gently, "Did something happen?" Zhan replied shortly, "Where were you earlier in those white clothes?" YiBo was surprised by the unexpected question. "Nowhere," he said, stumbling a bit. "I...just...met an old friend nearby. Did someone say I went somewhere?"

Tears welled up in Zhan's eyes. "I don't believe you. You're hesitating, which means you're lying." YiBo pulled him into a hug to hide his smile, whispering, "Where would I go while you're here?"

In a shaky voice, Zhan said, "You went to see your girlfriend, didn't you? I knew it." YiBo's eyes widened. "Which girlfriend besides my husband?" Without waiting for Zhan's reply, he locked their lips kissing him deeply.

Zhan tried to resist, but YiBo held him close, intensifying the kiss. Zhan's voice shook as he whispered, "Please, stop…Ru might walk in any moment…" YiBo murmured softly, "Then come with me to my room."

Zhan looked uncertain, saying, "I can't…someone might see us."

Ignoring his protests, YiBo continued, while Zhan's objections gradually faded, and he finally surrendered. Both became lost in the moment.

Eventually, Zhan covered his face with his hands, hiding his embarrassment against YiBo's chest. YiBo held him close, murmuring, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Now I understand why I left home, why I had to go through what I did…"

Zhan stayed quiet, feeling drowsy as he relaxed against him. Just then, the door handle turned, and Zhan sat up abruptly, wide-eyed. He let out a quiet sigh of relief, realizing YiBo had locked the door.

Zhan looked down, embarrassed, but YiBo gently lifted his chin, looking into his eyes. "Tell me the name of your perfume," he whispered. Zhan stammered, "I… I will." Then he quickly grabbed his towel and slipped off the bed, heading into the bathroom as YiBo watched him go.

YiBo exhaled, catching his breath. After a few minutes, he left the room and returned to his own.

When Ru returned to the room, Zhan quickly ran to his own, feeling as if Ru might sense something was off.

In Ru's room, apart from her brother's lingering scent, everything was quiet. She picked up his watch from the floor, carefully placed it on the bedside drawer, then turned off the lights and lay down.

The next morning, YiBo went to his mother's wing to greet her. After greeting Lily, he turned to Aunty Bella, who was watching him, and respectfully greeted her as well. She huffed and got up, saying, "Let's go to your room. I need to speak with you privately."

He nodded and followed her. Once in his room, she sat on the edge of his bed and said, "Do you think what you did was appropriate, I Bo? What made you act so impulsively?"

As he began to speak, she interrupted him, "Nothing you say can justify your recklessness. You went ahead without thinking. Your father may support you because he's a man, and men have their own way of seeing things."

He replied softly, "Please forgive me, Aunty." She responded, "Oh, I already have. But despite what you and Zhan put me through, making me feel like a fool while I'm trying to matched him with someone, the fault still lies with both of you."

YiBo couldn't help but smile slightly, which earned him a glare from Aunty Bella. He sat beside her, saying quietly, "Aunty, how could I have refused his father's proposal? You know the weight of it, and with everything going on, I couldn't very well suggest to meet in my family's home…"

Aunty Bella sighed and said, "May God grant you peace. As for your mother, you'll need to be patient and work on calming her down. A mother's anger is no small matter, so don't stop until you've won her forgiveness." YiBo nodded, smiling, as Aunty Bella stood and said, "I have to go. Your mother and I are heading out shortly."


Around eleven o'clock, YiBo returned to Lily's quarters, still wanting to apologize, as her anger was weighing on his mind. Finding her alone in her bedroom, he knelt down, prompting her to turn and look at him. She asked, "Yes? What is it?"

In a gentle voice, he pleaded, "Please, Mom, forgive me. I won't find peace if you stay upset with me."

Lily replied, "Why would I be upset with you? You did what you wanted, so there's no issue. There's just one thing I want you to know: your baby husband will stay here in my wing for now. I want to see his character and how he manages the twins. Everyone knows he's good with children, and even the twins ask about him still. I'm sure he wants to see them too, though he may be hesitant to say it. So I'll have the twins brought here to spend time with him, so they can bond.

"As for you, you should also start making an effort with your responsibilities to your children. I'll speak to the General...it's time for him to let you take on your duties now that you've gone and married yourself off."

YiBo looked at her, unable to find any words in response...

Long chapter, single update from now on... 😉


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