
Chapter 50

Lily opened her mouth, but couldn't find the right words to say. After gathering her strength, she finally spoke, "Wherever you are, come back immediately, I need you right now. And don't make the mistake of going home.... come straight to Mia's house and meet me there."

There was a brief silence, then YiBo replied, "Okay." Lily was about to end the call when Mia said, "But you didn't ask him about the boy." Lily, realizing she had forgotten, added, "Oh, and what about the boy? I hope he went back home?"

YiBo stayed quiet for a moment, then said, "Yes." Lily nodded, "Good. Make sure to tell his parents that he's not settling in Shanghai. It would be better if they arranged a transfer for him to Beijing, where he can continue his studies." YiBo didn't respond. Lily pressed, "Did you hear me?" In a low voice, he replied, "Yes, I heard." She then said, "Good. Do as I say. And hurry to Mia's house, I'm waiting."

He said, "I'm not in Shanghai right now." Lily, surprised, asked, "Where are you?" He replied, "I'm in Beijing." Her eyes widened, "You're in Beijing? Do you mean you've already left for Beijing or you're on your way there? Well, well, you've done a fine job. Find the next available flight and get to Shanghai now."

YiBo responded, "There's no flight today because of the weather." Lily, frustrated, snapped, "Well, that's your problem. Find a train or a car and get back here immediately!"

With that, she hung up, her face showing clear irritation. "This is ridiculous! Since that boy came to the house, neither his parents nor anyone else has called to check on him. Can you imagine? He's just here as if he has no family. If you had a child, would you rest easy if he wasn't with you? No one's keeping tabs on him, and I'm telling you, I've been watching everything.

The audacity of him! he left for Beijing just last night without a second thought. A small boy who isn't used to such freedom wouldn't do that. He didn't even fear traveling alone at night."

Mia let out a sigh, and Lily continued, "From the very beginning, when we had trouble with Ai Bo father, I told Ai Bo to leave go to USA, but he refused. Then I suggested he go to the UK, and again, he refused. All that time, I didn't even know he was in Beijing... I just knew he was somewhere in China".

"What kind of people let their teenage son roam so freely in this day and age? You let your son wander off, and this is the result. Three months haven't even passed, and yet this is what he's done. Unbelievable!"

Mia responded gently, "Please, Lily, calm down. Take things slowly. Call YiBo and tell him to forget about coming today. Since there are no flights, traveling from Beijing to Shanghai by car will be too difficult. Just let him wait until tomorrow. I'll call him."

With that, Mia called YiBo and informed him to wait and take a flight the next morning. After hanging up, Lily said, "When he gets back, I'm going to take those papers and return them to his father. I don't want any trouble. If he wants to handle it, he can."

Mia tried to reason with her, "No, don't do that. Leave the issue between him and his father. Don't involve yourself. You didn't help him before, and now that he help himself, you want to return them? Why?"

Lily responded, "Returning them is the best thing for all of us. You know General.... he's unpredictable, and I want no part in it. I'm even afraid to go to the hospital now because of the way I feel. It wouldn't surprise me if my blood pressure has spiked."

Mia reassured her, "We won't hear such news. Please, calm down, and everything will be fine."


After 1 p.m., when YiBo hadn't come inside, Ren turned to Zhan and said, "Go tell him to come in and eat." Zhan, who was sitting on the bedroom carpet, stood up and left. he went to his own room, gathered the rest of his things, and brought them to his Mother's side of the house. Even by then, Aunty Bing hadn't returned home yet, and the main living room was empty. Zhan stepped outside into the compound and saw YiBo sitting with Yang.

While YiBo sat outside, Yang had been filling him in on everything that had happened at the house since they left... everything, down to the smallest detail. He told him about Paa's constant bad mood, Aunty Bing's regular comings and goings before Paa returned home, and how the car always came back covered in mud.

He even told him about how Zhan's grandmother had come to the house crying non-stop about how Zhan had been married off to a village man, and now he himself had become a village boy. He mentioned the new driver, with his bad breath and body odor, who also loved to gossip.

YiBo just smiled, listening to Yang, who was passionately recounting everything without skipping a beat. He even acted out some parts, rising to demonstrate, then sitting back down.

Just as Yang was telling him how the bank came and locked up the house at the end of the street due to an outrageous debt, Zhan approached. YiBo hadn't been paying attention to anything Yang was saying since Zhan appeared, the familiar scent he carried filling the air. Still, he didn't look up at him. Yang stood up with a wide grin, saying, "Welcome, Young master Zhan! Welcome back!"

Zhan nodded, "Thank you, Yang." he then turned to YiBo and said, "Mama said you should come in and eat."

It was only then that YiBo finally looked at him. He was silent for a moment before he said, "Bring it here." Zhan hesitated, staring at him before turning and walking away.

YiBo watched him as he left, the scent of his perfume still lingering in the air. Once he was out of sight, Yang sat back down with a mischievous grin and said, "My friend, you've done a great job straightening out that boy.

I can't believe how much he's changed. He's like a whole different person! It's hard to believe he's the same boy I knew before. The calm he has now is impressive. That's why, when I saw him return yesterday, I immediately called you to find out where you were. I thought he had run away. But it turns out he's matured. And by the way..."

YiBo cut him off, "I'm listening. So the bank locked up his house?"

Yang adjusted his position and replied, "Yes, let me tell you, it was quite the scene. The man came out and threw a fit right there in the street, and we all gathered around to watch. His wives and children stood to the side...it was really pitiful. People are saying he's addicted to gambling and that he's a heavy drinker..."

As Yang spoke, YiBo kept glancing at Zhan, who had reappeared, causing Yang to trail off, realizing YiBo wasn't listening to him anymore. Zhan approached with a tray of food and knelt in front of YiBo, placing it down. YiBo just kept watching him. Zhan stood and asked, "Would you like cold water?"

YiBo finally looked away and said, "Whatever you bring will be fine." Zhan turned and walked away, and once again, YiBo's eyes followed him. His perfume was just... something else. Yang, amused, couldn't help but chuckle, noting the change. Zhan, who once refused to even serve food to YiBo in the house, was now humbly bringing YiBo a meal. Yang rubbed his chin, deep in thought.


Later in the afternoon, YiBo entered the house after Lian came to tell him that Ren was calling for him. He found her in the living room, and Ren said, "You've been sitting outside for a while, Lee." He smiled slightly and replied, "I was just with Yang." She added, "And not in the sun?" He shook his head, "No, we were in the shade." She nodded, "Alright, later on, go visit Zhan's grandma house to greet her." He said, "Okay." Not staying long since they weren't having a conversation, YiBo left and returned to Yang.

Ren returned to her living room and looked at Zhan, saying, "Why didn't you go to your brother's room, Zhan?" Zhan, still engrossed in playing a game on Ren's phone, replied, "I feel like he doesn't want to talk, and I don't want to bother him." Ren sat down and glanced at him, "But he come here several times because of you, Zhan."

Zhan responded, "Even when he comes, he doesn't speak. I don't know why he's so quiet." Ren didn't say anything more, and after a few minutes, she asked, "Where did you stay?" Zhan remained silent for a moment, then looked up at Ren, seeing her watching him. He lowered his gaze slowly and replied, "Shanghai."

Ren raised an eyebrow, "Shanghai? Is there another Shanghai besides the one I know?"

Zhan shook his head, indicating that it was indeed that Shanghai. Ren asked in surprise, "Who were you staying with in Shanghai?" Zhuo had reassured her, telling her not to worry and that Zhan was doing very well. He had promised to discuss everything with her when he comes back to Beijing, but he didn't specify which area Zhan was in. Ren looked puzzled, "You're quiet." Zhan slowly put the phone down and said, "His parents' house... No, Palace"

Ren was even more confused, "Whose parents?" Zhan lowered his gaze and said, "He's the son of General Wang Hong." Ren just stared at him, then asked, "Are you okay, Zhan?" Zhan looked up at her and, speaking softly, said, "He disguised himself Mom. I don't know his reasons, but they're rich. He's the son of a General, and the richest man in Shanghai, his name isn't Lee either, he's Wang Hong YiBo."

Ren, still trying to process what Zhan was saying, replied, "Wait, what? Which General? Isn't Leo the son of General Wang? Are you sure you're okay, Zhan? Maybe you should rest…"

Zhan gave a small smile, shook his head, and wiped away the tears gathering in his eyes. "Leo lied to me. He's not the son of Wang. General Wang was just his uncle... YiBo's father." Then, Zhan broke down in soft sobs, continuing, "I've seen so much in just three months, from every angle. YiBo isn't who we thought he was. I don't know his intentions in coming to our house, or why he posed as a driver. They're incredibly wealthy. His father was a former 2nd Rank General and the owner of the Wang Cooperation Company in Shanghai, and his mother is Chinese/American. I just don't…"

Zhan rested his head on his knees and quietly cried, overwhelmed by the memories flooding back. Ren was speechless, not knowing what to say. She just watched Zhan, utterly confused and unsure if she should believe what she had just heard. It seemed impossible to her.

Ren stood up and gently lifted Zhan, saying, "You need to rest. Go lie down." She led him to his room and tucked him into bed, watching him until his eyes closed before quietly leaving the room.

Later that evening, Zhan finished getting ready. Since telling his Mother everything earlier, she hadn't fully recovered, and it wasn't that she believed Zhan's story, but rather, she was concerned that his mind was becoming unhinged from all that he had been through. Ren felt that Zhan wasn't in his right mind and that he was just rambling.

Ren pointed out where her car keys were, and Zhan took them, softly saying, "We'll be back soon, Mama." She couldn't respond, watching Zhan leave the room. She slumped into a chair, distressed. She knew something wasn't right with Zhan. His cold demeanor had become too intense. Without realizing it, she started crying, praying it wasn't a sign of his mental breakdown.

YiBo stood by the car after greeting Zhan's Father. There wasn't much to discuss, so the conversation was brief. He was waiting for Zhan, who approached and handed him the keys. YiBo took them, observing Zhan, who avoided eye contact, though he noticed YiBo had changed his clothes. He walked around the car to open the front passenger door, but YiBo said, "No, go back to your usual seat."

Zhan hesitated for a moment, then walked back to the back seat. Through the rearview mirror, YiBo kept an eye on Zhan as he started the car and warmed it up before driving off.

He didn't seem like the Zhan he had known for the past two months. So many things weighed on his mind. Lost in thought, Zhan didn't realize they had arrived at his uncle's house until YiBo parked the car.

He glanced up, taking in his surroundings before getting out of the car. YiBo got out as well, following him as they entered the house. Zhan greeted Hang, who was seated in the living room, before heading to his grandmother's room.

YiBo approached Hang and shook his hand before following Zhan to his grandmother's room. Zhan Grandma was standing with a fan in her hand, watching Zhan intently. Suddenly, she broke into tears like a little girl, setting the fan down beside the bed. She sat on the floor, crying, "I will never forgive whoever caused us to be separated, no matter who they are. They will suffer in this life…"

Then she glared at YiBo, who was bowing by the door, her face tightening with anger. "And you, how dare you take someone's child and drag him off to your village, all because you were lucky enough to marry him without spending a dime! Now you have the audacity to show your face here? You're nobody, yet you took my grandson to your village?"

"And to think we believed foreigners had manners and decency, but it seems we were wrong. You didn't even pay for his wedding price, yet you took him to your village like a prize. Do you think you're so smart, taking advantage of a beautiful and handsome boy like this, you scoundrel?"

YiBo kept his head down, smiling slightly, while Zhan sat pouting, shooting daggers at his grandmother. Grandma held her chin and said, "Since the day my mother gave birth to me, I've never seen such stubbornness. What would Zhan possibly do with you, my boy? You're not in his league; he's far beyond you in every way. You should just do your job as a driver and go your way. But what could you possibly offer him? He's the boyfriend of a general's son! The same young man you disrespected not long ago".

"If it weren't for my dignity and his father's, he would've had you locked up for life. He and I have exchanged pleasantries on the phone more times than I can count. And let me tell you, not just anyone gets his number. He doesn't chat with just anyone, unless he's the one calling."

Zhan that had, had enough he forced a smile and said, "We just came to greet you grandma." Grandma responded, "Well, let him leave, so that you can have some peace. Honestly, he's just chilling his time, while Zhen sends him money left and right. Look at him, getting more handsome, his chest filling out like it'll burst. And you? You're all worn out, looking like a shadow of your former self, a cat that has no owner or a wet cock, despite your father's wealth. I know in that Village he took you, he can barely afford to offer three meals a day."

YiBo looked up at her and said quietly, "I'll go get his things now, Grandma."

She gave him a sharp look and asked, "Where?"

"The house where we left them," YiBo replied.

"And which house is that?" she demanded.

"It's in the city," he said.

Grandma opened her mouth, still glaring at him, and then said, "Well, hurry up and get his things, from whichever village you're talking about. Does he look like a village boy or someone that belongs there to you?. And if you think you're off the hook, Zhen is also responsible for Zhan's well-being. He ruined his life, and karma will come for him too. Even though I suggested that it might not be a bad idea for him to marry you, I didn't know you were such a snake. If village life is so great, why did you run away to the city to become a driver? Hurry up and bring his things back here."

Zhan interjected, "But I'll pick the things I need. I won't be wearing everything."

Grandma insisted, "Even so, bring them all. Didn't you hear him say they're stored elsewhere? If everything is gone, where will you even start?"

Zhan replied softly, "Okay."

As YiBo glanced at Grandma, he said, "We'll be back soon," and she quickly answered, "Good."

YiBo stood up and left the house, Zhan trailing behind him. As they walked to the car, neither of them said a word. After they pulled out of the neighborhood, YiBo glanced at Zhan and asked, "How much are you planning to bring?"

Zhan stayed silent. He asked again, "Are we taking everything?"

With a frown, Zhan said, "Did I say I was coming back?"

"I wouldn't know," YiBo replied.

Zhan didn't respond further, and after about thirty minutes of driving, they pulled up in front of a hotel. He looked at YiBo curiously. YiBo's phone rang, and seeing that it was his mother, he leaned back in the driver's seat and answered, "Hello?"

Without any pleasantries, she curtly asked, "What time are you heading back tomorrow?"

"In the morning," YiBo replied.

"I tell you where you need to go when you arrive" she snapped.

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Oh, you're asking why? If you don't know what's good for you, go ahead and step into his house when you get to Shanghai. Do you have some hidden agenda in your mind that's driving you to insist on retrieving those papers from him, despite not lacking anything now?" she retorted.

YiBo paused for a moment and then said, "It's nothing, just in case it becomes necessary."

"Once you arrive in Shanghai, hand those papers over to me, and I'll return them to him," she demanded.

He hesitated and asked, "Return them? Why?"

"That's what I said," she replied firmly.

YiBo remained silent as she hung up the phone. After a few seconds, he turned to Zhan and said, "Let's go get the clothes you left in Shanghai. I brought some for you."

With that, he opened the door and got out. Zhan watched him, then followed, and after he locked the car, they headed into the hotel together. He picked up the room key, and he walked behind him up to the room where he had stayed earlier in the morning. Zhan walked slowly, observing the room once inside, but noticed no bags or clothes in sight.

He even checked the bathroom, but found nothing. When he emerged, YiBo was lying on the bed, his eyes closed as if he were asleep, but he wasn't. He seemed lost, weighed down by the mess he was in. He didn't even know where to begin. It was clear that he wouldn't return his papers no matter what, but that wasn't YiBo's main worry. His real problem was much more pressing, one that made his heart race with anxiety whenever he thought about it.

The entire day passed without hearing from Nia.

Eventually, YiBo opened his eyes and saw Zhan resting his head on the bed, sitting on the carpet, fast asleep. He got up quietly and turned off the light, then returned to his side, gently patting him awake. Zhan opened his eyes suddenly, startled by the darkness, and quickly adjusted himself, wide-eyed.

In a low voice, YiBo said, "Get up…"

Zhan heart pounded as he replied nervously, "Aren't you going to take me home? It's late."

Before he could react, he felt YiBo pull him up, and he gasped, the scent of Zhan perfume nearly knocking YiBo off balance. He felt his legs weaken beneath him. As Zhan struggled to kneel on the floor, YiBo wouldn't let him, instead pulling him down with him onto the bed. Zhan quickly tried to move off him, his voice trembling as he pleaded, "Please, let's go home. It's getting late."

With his eyes half-closed, YiBo murmured, "Why?"

Zhan voice shook as she answered, "They'll be looking for me."

YiBo responded, "Who did you leave with?"

Zhan couldn't answer, his heart racing, eyes wide. YiBo's voice dropped to a whisper as he asked again, "Who did you leave with?"

Still, Zhan said nothing, trying to get off the bed, but YiBo pinned him down. He gasped, and in a soft, hushed tone, YiBo asked, "Answer me."

Zhan body trembling, he finally whispered, "My husband."

Not sooner had he spoken those words, YiBo pressed his lips to his, giving him a deep, intense kiss...


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