
096. Wanda Fainted! Su Yi And Gwen's Plan Is A Success!

After returning to the rented house.When the four of them went in, Su Yi first covered the house with a layer of soundproofing.That way there won't be any sound coming out of the house.And here are two beds, day because of a small two rooms.It must have been Hela who slept little.Su Yi slept with the two girls.Ok, deal.And Hela is tired from running today.When she got back to her room she fell asleep.It's already night now.And there are not so many people in Xijing Town at night.Everyone is at home.in the bedroom.Wanda made the bed with magic, and put on her own cushions and coats.And Gwen saw this.She stretched out her shoe and kicked Su Yi's shoe.Then he gestured to Su Yi to start the plan.Su Yi nodded expectantly.Then Gwen said."Wanda, I'm going to take a shower first, and I'll change you later."Wanda made the bed and nodded in answer."Okay, you go first."So Gwen blinked at Su Yi and left.And what's the plan for the two of them?Step 1: Gwen says to go out to take a shower by herself.The second step: Su Yi looks for opportunities to take advantage of the witch.Step 3: Gwen washes up and comes back.Step 4: Torturing Witches Together!Step 5: Be a Spider Jockey Again!how to say.Plan to pass!So follow the plan.The first step has already begun.Su Yi began to execute the second step.He stepped forward and put his arms around Wanda who had just made the bed sheet."Thanks for your hard work."Wanda smiled."How can it be hard to be lazy with magic? You taught me before."Su Yi held Wanda's hand: "You're right."Obviously this is not the key.Su Yi hugged Wanda's waist with his left hand, and held Wanda's hand with his right hand while stroking."Gwen told me it would take a long time, and she would come over after soaking for a while.""Um?"Wanda was taken aback."Did she say that?""Yes." Su Yi nodded.It was just added by him.But Wanda obviously feels that time is not enough.She leaned on Su Yi and said."You've had too much time, and Gwen will definitely be back.""Not coming back."Su Yi whispered in Wanda's ear."Just the two of us, once in a while."Hearing that Su Yi can do it once.Wanda was stunned for a moment.Every time Su Yi had to wait until she couldn't take it anymore.It's okay this time?to be honest.That would be if Gwen was soaking. 01Wanda was moved.And Gwen was nearby.She doesn't know yet!Wanda thought for a while, but didn't speak.Then Su Yi will try it out.Wanda hasn't refused yet.That's it!The second step is successful!Then since the second step is successful.Su Yi secretly sent a signal to Gwen.third step!Gwen, who had been waiting for a long time, showed a "cruel" smile."If you want to eat secretly by yourself, you will be punished!"the fourth step!"you!"Don't care, don't care, don't stop."etc!"still the same.Don't care, don't care, don't stop.Then it was the same.No matter what Wanda says, no matter how much she begs for mercy.The two pretended not to hear.I'm blind, I'm deaf, I don't know.Don't ask me, don't want to hear, don't accept surrender.In short, it is cultivation.that's all.Wait until the fourth step is successful.At the moment it's already late at night.Wanda has passed out.Then comes step five!Sleep at last.dawn.the next day.Today is the happiest day Su Yi has ever had.He got up.Humming a song and taking a shower.Even rubbing your hair has a rhythm!no way.It was such a great time last night.His first dream came true!That's Jenga!You know how difficult it is in general!And what about him?!He grasped every reality!From the meeting of two women.To the confession of the two women in exchange for sincerity.Then the grudge between the two women.Finally Gwen's revenge!~~~!It was a god help me too.Su Yi knew that if he could succeed in stacking this time, it must be due to the right time, place and people.If it's at home, it probably won't work.But after I came out, I had this vindictiveness instead!You say this, you say this!Isn't this wow?This is so cruel!Su Yi was overjoyed!Take a good shower."Crack~"Su Yi snapped his fingers.Then the body is completely dry.Then she looked at the two rooms where both were sleeping.So he went out to buy some breakfast first... No, Wanda and Gwen estimated that they would not get up until noon.So go ahead and buy some Chinese food.Yesterday's bread, jam, salad, and some garden are almost enough.If it doesn't work, he also has fried rice with eggs.This has to make up for the two girls.Because I played too much last night.Didn't I say it before?Now use the metaphor again.Su Yi is, Wanda is 1, Gwen is 2At the beginning.That's 2 crazy targets → 1Put 1 to even cry and turn white.Then wait until 1 exits.It's him and 2's solo.The result is definitely beyond doubt.·Won.Big win.How could Su Yi, who is getting more and more courageous, lose?"That's it? How do you let me lose?"That's at least 11 and 22.1 and 2 are not enough.that's all.Su Yi went out to buy a lot of vegetables and food.But what a coincidence.During this time he met Gladys again.This town is really not big.It is easy to run into familiar people.Just like going to a rural market."Hi!"Seeing Su Yi coming to buy food for the family.Grady was shocked.But still respectfully say hello first.Su Yi looked at Graty and nodded."Good morning, how is the investigation going?"Su Yi was just talking politely.But Gratti thought it was true.So she looked left and right to see if anyone was there.Then he said to Su Yi."We can probably learn that the culprit behind the magician's disappearance is a dark female magician."I don't know about the rest for now."Su Yi nodded.It's none of his business.So Su Yi took a few more dishes, asked the waiter to wrap them up and said."Not bad, then I wish you success."Then Su Yi took the food and gave it to Yuan.Watching the waiter ask for change for his rice cents.Su Yi had no place to put it and didn't bother to ask for it.So he waved his hand and said.Keep the change, please.Finally left.Glady looked at Su Yi's leisurely and unrestrained back and fell into deep thought."This is the real God..."Gratti thinks about those bosses with suits, ties and leather boots.What kind of introverted aura do those people seem to have.It just looks awesome.But in fact, it is nothing in the eyes of superhero.But what about the man that the two female superheroes fell in love with just now?Cool! Okay!Whether it's temperament, appearance, conversation, figure, etc., it's all wow level for women!Yes.Men rate women.Women will also mark men with grades which are average, which are good, which are excellent, and which must be won.And Su Yi is obviously the highest priority in their eyes.But when I think of this male god's object is two female superheroes.Gladys breathed a sigh of relief immediately."Oh, good men are only worthy of pushing women to own them..."Wait for Su Yi to return home with the food.It turned out that Gwen had woken up and was taking a shower."Wow~"Su Yi put the dishes on the table.It so happened that Gwen also liked coming out wrapped in a towel."Ha~~~"Gwen yawned.After seeing Su Yi, he became much more energetic.Then immediately come over and give the ball a hug."hug~"Su Yi definitely chose to hug Gwen.Then he carried her to sit on the sofa.Gwen sat sideways on Su Yi.Then he rested his head on Su Yi's shoulder and closed his eyes."Sleepy...so tired.....it was crazy last night..."Su Yi smiled after hearing this."Sleep if you are tired.""I don't..." Gwen closed her eyes and snorted against Su Yi's neck: "Let's rest while chatting, if I fall asleep, I will sleep on you."It doesn't matter to Su Yi, anyway, he won't feel tired due to his physique."Okay, let's rest.""Um."Gwen made a nasal sound.Then leaned against Su Yi's arms and began to rest.And Su Yi leaned on the sofa and took out his mobile phone to play.Wouldn't it be nice to hold Gwen in your arms while playing with your phone like this?Can this be called torture?This is joy!Su Yi played with the phone for a while.Gwen did not fall asleep.She didn't know what to think of, suddenly smiled and said."Wanda is still asleep, she had such a funny expression last night."Su Yi recalled Wanda's expression.He and Gwen "torture" Wanda together.Almost drove Wanda crazy.The most basic cooperation between the two is.Gwen grabbed Wanda's hands, Yat squeezed her big ears.Finally passed out directly.Wanda a magician.How could it be possible to resist Gwen's capture.Also resist Su Yi's recklessness.That expression is really cough...It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words."Forget it next time, let's treat it as a special case this time, I think Wanda will cry in the end."To be on the safe side, Su Yi still kept his words calm.Gwen nodded after listening."I know, it was a bit hard to bully her yesterday.""But she will definitely hold a grudge against me, and then find time to change it back."change back?how to changeOr the same routine as Gwen?Isn't that good!?It's exactly what Su Yi wants!You are not fighting, how can I steal fish?Cough cough cough."It's okay." Su Yi patted Gwen's chest: "I will help you.""Us?" Gwen was taken aback."Cough cough cough help you, I was wrong.yes.Gwen helps Gwen when she has an idea.Wanda helps Wanda when she has an idea.Today, Su Yi's real name is making wall grass!And Gwen didn't care what Su Yi said.help who.Anyway, she was very happy.So she rubbed back and forth on Su Yi's collarbone.muttered in his mouth."Love you so much~mua~"Su Yi pushed Gwen's head."Don't suck, how can you meet people if you leave a mark when you go out."Gwen smiled."Mr. Tony Stark got marks on his neck when he gave a press conference.""He's a playboy, and he doesn't care about these things." Su Yi wiped his saliva helplessly: "That's his character design, not mine."And that was the old Tony.Now Tony has changed his ways.He was already only good to Pepper."Aren't you sleepy anymore?" After talking so much, Gwen didn't sleep anymore.So Su Yi picked up the remote control and turned on the TV."Then watch TV and cook at noon.""Okay." Gwen still hugged.The TV turns on.The two were stacked together, chatting while watching TV.until noon."pata~"The door opened.But not the master bedroom, but Hela's.Little Hela came out barefoot.Then he yelled at Su Yi."I want to play a game"Yep, the Internet addiction of the Internet addicted girl has come up.Su Yi picked it up in the void.He directly took out a handheld and a tablet and said."One can play various handheld games.""One can play the original""Forget it, you can play with the handheld."Su Yi put the tablet back.Then he threw the handheld to little Hela.Little Hela took over the handheld.Then when I opened it, I found that there were many games in it.Such as Zelda, Pokémon, Pokemon, Mario Land and so on."~~~!"Little Hela flew up with joy.She thought that she would not be able to play games when she came to this place.But I didn't expect there to be such an artifact as a handheld.Doesn't this smell better than Tesseract!?"That's great~!"So little Hela flew back to her bed to play video games.But then again.Gwen looked at the door of the master bedroom and was a little panicked."Did we be too ruthless last night?"Su Yi looked towards the room that hadn't responded yet.I also think it might be a bit harsh.The most powerful level last night.There is almost water on the ceiling."Let me go take a look at 177."Su Yi put Gwen down, then got up and went to have a look.Open the door.Su Yi walked in.Wanda was still sleeping under a thin blanket.Just look at the ups and downs of the even breathing and you know it's nothing.Probably just too tired.Su Yi came to Wanda's side.There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, and she was so "uncomfortable" last night that she didn't know whether to cry or laugh."It's really too ruthless."Thinking of this, Su Yi also felt that it was time to help Wanda improve her physical fitness.Otherwise, it would be hard for her to follow her recovery speed.But Su Yi still helped her recover first.Otherwise, Wanda probably would have slept through the night.Su Yi stretched out his hand to put on Wanda's heart, and pinched it by the way.Then Phoenix force entered her body.Help her regain her strength and spirit.And Su Yi only needs to input a little bit of energy... that's enough.next moment.Wanda opened her eyes as if waking up from sleep.She was in a daze for a while.Wait until after the brain is rewired.Wanda only looked at Su Yi.Su Yi put away the hand that held his conscience.Then asked gently."Do you feel better."In fact, it must be fine.He has used Phoenix force.Wanda is now full.But he was there to care.Do you understand?Wanda looked at Su Yi, then spread her body into a big character, stretched her waist, and took a long, deep breath.Then he jumped up and pressed Su Yi to the ground.Then he said angrily."You bullied me with Gwen."No matter what I say, you don't stop until you pass out!""I really misjudged you two, you are too bad!"Wanda waved her small fist while talking.Su Yi stretched out his hand to give her a high five.Wanda's small fist swung slowly, and he slapped it away lightly.At the same time, he comforted her softly."Ahem, that's Gwendy's opinion."When I came back yesterday afternoon, it was Gwen who told me from behind.""No, you find time to get revenge on her."I, Su Yi, will definitely help you!"Hearing that Su Yi must help him.Wanda stopped and asked."real?""Very steamy!"Anyway cheap yourself.I will help whoever has a plan."Well."Wanda put away her hands and also got off Su Yi's body.But she thought about it, and said in distress."Even if you help me, I still can't last long, what should I do?"right.With the experience of last night.Wanda also admits how weak she is.So she was worried too."fine."But Su Yi waved his hand."I have a treasure that can help you, I will give it to you tonight.""Really? Great!"Wanda cheered and hugged Su Yi.Su Yi patted her on the back."Let's go, Gwen is still waiting for us outside, let's cook.The two came out of the master bedroom.Gwen looked at Wanda, who was not at all angry, a little strange.Especially after seeing Wanda quietly enter the kitchen to cook.As soon as her Gwen was excited, she told her that there must be a plan behind this matter!.
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