
Tang Yue

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"Hahaha, young master Mu Bai has reached five stars!"

"Wow, really? That's awesome!"

"God, how the heck are these monsters even cultivating? I'm stuck at three stars."

"Bro, don't worry. Just follow my instructions. I'm also very close to casting primary magic."

"Really? How many stars can you control?"

"Haha, only two stars."

"Get lost."

'How noisy,' Damon thought. After living in silence for a whole month, the noisy classroom felt kind of annoying to his ears.

Damon was back in Bo City, back at school, sitting at his old desk where he used to spend time either staring out the window in a daze or tinkering with a map.

'Anyway, this atmosphere feels more natural to me...' Looking at the bustling class, Damon felt a wave of nostalgia. He used to be like these students before his rebirth in this world. After being reborn as a kid in a completely different culture, Damon never quite felt at home, but coming to high school here finally gave him a strange sense of comfort that he had missed for the past 16 years.

'Nevertheless, being a loner is what I'm accustomed to now.' Even after joining this school, Damon didn't interact much with anyone. At first, a few students approached him for small talk, but his passive social nature and loner personality made them give up on the idea of becoming friends.

Damon never actively approached anyone either, finding solace in cultivation and isolation.

Turning his body to the side, Damon rested his head on his hand, once again looking outside to pass the time. Watching the scenery outside had become a habit, a way to stave off boredom. There were other activities, like playing games or reading online novels on his phone, but Damon found this method most suitable. Besides, he didn't want to become a phone addict again.

As Damon was busy gazing out the window, many eyes—both boys' and girls'—fell on him. The image of Damon sitting by the window as the gentle breeze swayed his hair was too picturesque for the teenagers, especially the girls, who had secretly fostered crushes on him, even forming fan clubs in his name.

Unbeknownst to Damon, his aloof and mysterious personality had won the hearts of his classmates. His talent that outshone others, his looks that rivaled models, and his calm, detached demeanor made him seem unapproachable, like some sort of royalty in their eyes.

The class had yet to begin, and the teenagers continued to chat, sharing their vacation tales.

As time passed, Damon frowned at the sudden change in the atmosphere. The background noise abruptly stopped, and the silence echoed through the crowded classroom, prompting Damon to turn around and look for the source.

"Good morning, class. Your Practical Magic teacher has fallen ill and is currently at home recuperating. From today on, I'll be in charge of your Practical Magic classes. My name is Tangyue!" A mature, beautiful voice resounded.

This teacher, Tangyue, wore a standard, black suit. In between the outer black suit and the white shirt on the inside were a bulging, majestic, and glamorous mountain peaks that were about to burst.

'Now I understand..' Damon thought as he watched the other students, the girls were in shock while boys.. they all have their mouths hung open as they salivate, their eyes filled with lust and looked like wolves who all wanted to just pounce.

'What the fuck dude?' Damon was almost shocked by the reaction of boys, only he and Mu Bai were the one who didn't looked like shameful..

Is he blushing? Mu Bai was also blushing but appeared composed as he looked at Tang Yue leaving only Damon, the only boy in the class who was calm.

"It's been half a year since you awakened, and there's only a single person who has been able to use their magic. However, I hope you understand that being able to control an immense power does not signify that you know how to use it. If you don't properly control your powers, then they'll backfire on you," Mrs. Tangyue quickly entered her teaching state causing Damon to also look at her.

Tang Yue also looked at Damon at the same time with a calm expression but had her eyebrows raised as she looked at Damon stating her surprise.

'He surely has really good talent, I didn't expect to find someone like him in this small place' Tang Yue thought in surprise as she observed Damon.

Tang Yue, who currently is disguised as a teacher is actually a top tier intermediate mage working for Enforcement Union who is assigned to investigate about Black Vatican in Bo City.

She has currently taken the role of practical teacher for the class. Before coming to the class Tang Yue had done a thorough investigation of the school and the students whom she is teaching too and was really surprise when she first saw the file about Damon.

Scoring perfect in every exam and has talent that made him reach primary rank magician even less than five months on his own without any external help. The growth was extraordinary even in Tang Yue's opinion, she may have seen people reaching the stage at same time but they are all members of large clans or offsprings of some high ranking officers but they were all well guided and used anlot of resources to develope but Damon was different, his talent was real deal.

She also did a bit of investigation on her own to dig deeper about Damon, orphaned at a young age by a terrorist attack by black Vatican she really pitied Damon and life he had lived.

The eye contact with Damon was just for a second before she slept her gaze throughout the class as she took the role of teacher.

Soon she turned around and started writing on the board as the boys got the introduction to the true roundness that made entire class experience the nosebleed.

'pathetic.. have they never heard of porn before? Sigh.. by the way the scene looks familiar on which site was it'

The first day of Tang Yue soon came to an end with her winning over the boys and girls with her charm and incredible magic both. Her class was super successful that even the Damon who never paid any attention to the class was for the very first time was super attentive.

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