
The best chance of survival

The plane was now flying towards the northern half of the Allerdyce Continent.

Very beautiful but nothing to see but rocks at first then they reached an area with nothing but sloping hills and trees.

Even with Zen acting like a bodyguard to keep the others at bay.

Interceding on the behalf of flight attendants when passengers tried to shout or bully them because of the intense situation.

He was doing a fantastic job of blocking out the interference so she could concentrate fully. 

Where was Lithe in all of this you might ask, sitting in his seat quietly and fretting just like everyone else. 

Zen could not sit still and had gone back to assist the purser. 

Since he didn't want to add to Zen's pressure or have him worrying about Lithe when the purser needed him more, Lithe decided to be selfless for a change and keep himself quiet.

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