
Passive aggression

As they walked down the corridor to get to the entrance, for some strange reason it seemed even longer than before.

Perhaps because the atmosphere was now tense between both Lithe and Zen as they walked in uncomfortable silence together.

Lithe was too upset to even look in Zen's direction and any attempts Zen made to start a conversation ended in awkward silence with glaring looks from Lithe.

Just being near Zen at the moment felt oppressive and in his usual act of passive aggression Lithe would stubbornly not turn his head in Zen's direction or encourage him to keep talking. 

Everything about Zen grated on his last nerves, never before had he found Zen to be too broad, too strong, too arrogant and domineering in every manner. 

Servants were still milling about scenting drama in the air and Lithe would rather not give them gossip material to talk about behind his back while he was away on the mission.

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