
The ugly truth

Morgan took a long drag off his cigar and blew a circle of smoke away from their table.

"See Zen, look who's heading your way. I knew you wouldn't regret coming out with me tonight."

"Shut up Morgan. I am not amused," retorted Zen as he leaned back into his chair.

He heard Morgan suck in another drag of his expensive foreign cigar and Zen ignored him.

Below the table he felt what was in his britches expand and grow more snug below the waist.

"If this is your latest ploy to trick me into greasing your palm with more money, it's working."

"It's a pity I can't claim that one since I've never seen those two before tonight."

Usually Morgan and Zen had differing tastes and he would never go for the bait that Morgan put out.

Tonight was different.

Normally he would find such a delectable spread easy to resist but this enticing beauty was going to prove a challenge.

Zen watched the blue eyed bombshell walk slowly towards their table.

Like a statuesque model gracefully walking down the catwalk. 

Even with head held high the intriguing little minx was a mixed basket of emotions.

Hyperfocused on Zen.

Obviously scared while being gutsy but determined to meet with him for some strange reason.

The beauty was gorgeous, with thick, luxuriously long blonde hair with golden streaks in it.

Possessed flawless skin a bit too pale for the summer month of July like they rarely left the house. 

Petite in comparison to Zen but the slender frame couldn't hide those delectable thighs.

That made Zen want to lift the model up off the ground and forcibly thrust his way inside if he must. 

Clear blue eyes like the sky on a hot summer's day met his dark eyes straight on.

There was no teasing, no flirtatious build up to foreplay, just direct with that unswerving determination he noted earlier. 

Just a whiff of his pheromones when he passed by their table earlier and the little minx was attracted to him.

What was occurring between them was dangerous.

Neither could resist the irresistible allure that they had on each other.

At first glance the blue eyed bombshell seemed so ordinary.

Judging by the black latex material of the dress in contrast with innocent sensuality.

Zen guessed that his little minx was late teens to early twenties. 

"Hmmm… I wonder what you're thinking about?"

"None of your business but didn't you have a lot to drink and feel the sudden urge to visit the bathroom?"

"I can take a hint. I'll be taking my leave now." 

He took a last drag off his cigar before dropping into his half empty glass of cognac. 

"One more thing before I go. Here's an extra keycard to my apartment, don't wait up."

Morgan winked as he slid the keycard across the table to Zen who caught it before it slid off the table.

Then Morgan sauntered over to speak with another regular at the bar.

A recently widowed milf with vibrant red hair and money to burn, Morgan loved a good gamble.

Why did the sight of Zen Starke make Lithe's pulse race?

His mouth dry, the fancy thong he was wearing to flatten his penis damp and his inner thighs throb with arousal. 

Zen did not look wary or surprised to see Lithe at his table. 

While Lithe froze at the worst moment possible Zen looked unbothered.

His dark hair was tousled, his demeanor was relaxed.

Unconcerned about being approached by a stranger at a bar.

His smile was friendly and Lithe couldn't help but relax.

Breaking the ice, Zen offered, "take a seat. Would you like a drink?"

Lithe shook his head, the plan was already going wrong.

He was supposed to be the one offering Zen a drink, good thing he had a back up plan. 

"No? Fancy that."

He shrugged with that sexy grin showcasing his pearly whites.

"Interesting, it was worth a try, let me know if you change your mind, the offer is still on the table."

"Aren't you curious about why I'm at your table?" asked Lithe.

Zen in return gave Lithe a teasing look of disapproval.

"There is no need to rush even if we are at a hook up bar. Let's take the time to get to know each other a little better."

Already it felt like Zen had the upper hand, that he was deliberately toying with Lithe.

It made Lithe scream on the inside with frustration. 

While Zen was being all seductive and cheerful.

Lithe couldn't help but worry that he was making a huge mistake.

He had lived a sheltered existence all his life but he was letting his guards down for a man he was attracted to.

Just because he smiled at him perhaps he was a bit naïve and a little too trusting.

As much as Lithe wouldn't mind losing his virginity that night.

There wasn't anything in his report on Zen Starke that said he was interested in anything besides women.

If Lithe stuck to the plan then there would be no need for Zen to resort to violence.

Should he found out the ugly truth about Lithe.

That thought was enough to make Lithe squirm uncomfortably in his seat.

But Lithe had others relying on him and he couldn't let them down.

"What's your name?"

"It's Lithe."

"Hello Lithe, nice to meet you. I'm Zen."

Introductions over Zen held out his right hand for a handshake.

Lithe accepted and a chill went through his body the moment their skin made contact.

Was it Lithe's imagination or did Zen seem much closer to him now. 


When had Zen moved his chair next to Lithe's?

He leaned in closely to whisper directly for Lithe's ears only. 

Lithe could feel Zen's breath on his cheek.

Hot and inexplicably sensual, sending shivers down Lithe's spine.

Zen was definitely probing for something but Lithe, unused to flirting felt irritated at first.

But the intensity and boldness of Zen made Lithe more daring than he would normally be.

Then Zen spoke some unusual words that brought Lithe back to reality.

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