

"Y-you're a Vampire?" Jacquelyn pointed her shaky fingers at the girl who was still grinning at her.

The young girl shook her head slowly. "I'm here as your maid, but this time with fangs."

"What?" Jacquelyn asked, raising her brows slightly. "You are not the maid that came in earlier."

The girl nodded. "Yes, yes... our faces might be different, but we have the same intentions, which is to serve you." Saying this, the vampire girl bowed deeply.

Jacquelyn tried to push herself back, but her back ached, reminding her of her earlier unwise decision of jumping on the bed. She contemplated the girl's words, wondering if it was normal to have a vampire serving in a castle filled with humans.

"Don't discriminate, Princess. We might not be the same kind, but the kindness in our hearts remains the same. Why the hate?" The vampire girl moved her eyes to the sides, staring blankly into space as she spoke those motivational words.

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