
Chapter 183 : Happy Birthday, Shen Jingwei (1)

"No," Shen Jingwei heard himself saying. "Nothing urgent. Good luck with the shooting."


Yan Renzhong waved at Shen Jingwei's retreating form, unaware of the dejection blooming in the latter's heart.

When Shen Jingwei was waiting at Peak Point Shooting Studio's lobby, waiting for Zhu Dongyi to come pick him up, he fell into a deep thought.

Truthfully, it was not that surprising that Yan Renzhong forgot his birthday.

After all, they were separated for three years, spent another year bickering with each other on the set of "Dance Of The Dragons", and only recently started dating each other again.

Like a grown, mature man in a relationship, he should have just reminded Yan Renzhong that it was his birthday. Then probably he wouldn't feel this awful about not speaking up.

Then again, it was just a birthday.

It was not very important.

It came up every year without fail.

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