
Chapter 152 : Dry Bone Ridge (1)

The next outdoor shooting location for Shen Jingwei required him and Zhu Dongyi to travel another eight hours with car. This time around, Zhu Dongyi was a lot happier.

First of all, the road leading to their destination was not as empty as the previous one because it was close to an amusement park.

Cars kept coming and going, carrying various park visitors.

And because it was close to an amusement park, the surrounding area prospered into a town, allowing them to tank their gas, take a break, and indulge in a satisfying warm meal.

Second of all, they were accompanied by a trailer, loaded with filming equipment and six dedicated crew members who liked to have fun.

While one of them focused on driving the trailer, the other five enjoyed the best time of their lives playing games and watching TV.

They even offered to ride Zhu Dongyi's car and invited Shen Jingwei and Zhu Dongyi into the trailer for some entertainment.

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