
Ch. 36: Bonus Chapter— Talos

Ch. 36: Bonus Chapter— Talos


No that wasn't right, the culprit used a fake account to hide the funds. This is too easy, I took this case because they said it was hard but it's too easy. Done! The culprit of the crime is none other than the victim himself, he tried to frame his co worker while robbing himself in the process.

Hard to think a suspect a victim would rob himself blind just for revenge— no not revenge. Such human emotions are just baseless to me. There must have been a much bigger motive, a grander scheme but--


That's where it ends, that's where it always ends. Every mystery always never part of a grander scheme, I feel empty inside. That grumly feeling in my stomach again, just when it was starting to get good I lost that feeling again.

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