
Chapter 139: Mommy Long Xiurong (II)

There was a deafening silence after Long Xiurong uttered her request. She regretted nothing as she knew it was her only chance to have a place in this castle. 

Even so, she was still scared considering how the Beast King seemed unmoved even after she explained everything. 

She felt small, and vulnerable in front of the majestic king, and lowered her head immediately. 

"P-please give it some thought, Your Majesty. I am a healthy woman who comes from a royal family. My blood is pure enough to give you a strong cub," Long Xiurong added. 

Gale was still quiet after a while before he asked, "Who told you that my wife is infertile?" 


"I said; Who told you that my wife is INFERTILE!?" Gale raised his voice, and Long Xiurong fell to the floor immediately. Her whole body trembled like she had a heart attack just now, and a strange aura engulfed the throne room the moment the Beast King yelled at her. 

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