

''Mister, you are awesome!''

The confused expression immediately disappeared, turned into reverence. The small curls into fluffy again as he looked at him with admiration.

''Mister, I did not think about it. But I understand your intention now. In August, you don't want the players to take a shortcut by buying powerful equipments immediately from the store. You want them to go through the grinding for equipment by constantly fighting dungeon bosses for experience!''

Raven's eyes started to blank. The hint he wants to convey was not understood, huh. 

He can only sigh. 

''Later, do you have to go to your part time job?''

Dwayne shook his head. ''No. I have a day off.''

''Then come with me later. I will teach you how to raised August's experience and gain the best equipments.''


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