
Gulp it all down till you can't feel no more pain

Dongwoo looked at Minwoo who just called out 'father' to the person on the line. It made him flinch.

It scared him, in a way.

"Excuse me," Minwoo said and got up to leave.

Dongwoo watched him. Geez, he could've done that before answering the call. Now, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

So many years had passed and he had very much forgotten what his parents looked like. Hm, were they warm like other parents?

No, he shook his head, he didn't remember anything like warmth from his memories.

If he was remembering properly then what he felt... Being around the people who gave birth to him... Was no more than emptiness and even with all the attention, wished they could notice 'him'.

He was just four years old, how was it that he had such complex feelings then?

He refilled his glass of Soju and gulped it down.


A very talented four-year-old, he was.

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