
The Birth of a Ghoul

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Vampire Rule N°18: A Priest is only dangerous if you're an eight-year-old boy.

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Reginald Cousins, better known as Bubbles on the streets, had been through a lot in his life.

He's seen the ups and downs, made all the wrong choices and lived to regret them. The self-destruction and the struggle to survive had shaped him into the man he was today. But nothing had prepared him for the whirlwind of change that had come his way since he met John Harker.

Fresh out of rehab, his mind clear for the first time in years, Bubbles was looking at the small empire John had been quietly building.

What had started as a humble scrap metal scavenging gig had grown into a legitimate business, putting bread on the table not just for him, but for a growing number of men and women who had been down on their luck.

People who just needed a little bit of help, just a bit of breathing room and support to get their lives back.

John had given them all a chance—drivers, mechanics, shopkeepers, people who had been living on the edge just like Bubbles had been. Now, they had steady jobs, a purpose, and a sense of belonging that had been missing from their lives for too long.

And it was all because of John.

Bubbles had heard the whispers. The guys around the garage, the drivers on the scrap collection routes, even the folks setting up the cafe and bakery for that Maxine girl—everyone spoke about John with a mixture of awe and gratitude. He was young, younger than any of them expected, but there was something about him, something that made you want to follow him, trust him, and, in Bubbles' case, even idolize him.

Now, John wanted to meet him in his brand new apartment in Gotham Heights, now that's something.

Gotham Heights was a world apart from Brideshead or even the East End. It was cleaner, quieter, and had a kind of peace that Bubbles had never known.

He almost had a heart attack when he passed by a bona fide beat cop walking around the neighbourhood, and nobody screaming 'Five O' or 'Shop Closed' and running away.

Nah, people just went about their days, or nights in this case.

'Boss should really try to fix his sleep schedule.' He thought, the man was strong and quick like the best of them, but he was still young and needed proper rest.

Reginald made his way through the streets, he couldn't help but wonder if he too would one day leave behind the grime and danger of his old neighborhood. Maybe, if he stuck with John, he could. But parts of him were curious, yearning to know more about the man who had turned his life around.

By the time he reached the apartment building, Bubbles felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. He knew John was special, but there was something more, something deeper that he hadn't quite grasped yet.

Today, he felt, would change everything.

John's apartment was on the top floor, accessible by an elevator that was worlds apart from the creaking, graffiti-covered ones he was used to.

When the doors opened, Bubbles stepped into a hallway that was immaculate, with plush carpets and soft lighting that made the place feel warm and inviting. He walked up to the door John had told him about and knocked.

"Come in!" John's voice called out from inside.

Bubbles opened the door and stepped into the apartment. It was classy but had a warmth to it, a far cry from the sterile, lifeless spaces he imagined rich folks lived in. The living room was spacious, with large windows letting in the afternoon light, and a comfortable couch facing a low table with a cup of coffee resting on it.

Bubbles let out a whistle of admiration and just a bit of envy, his place was a dump in comparison, but he quickly reminded himself that John was the only reason he could afford the place instead of squatting or sleeping in a literall dump.

Sleeping with the rats and bugs wasn't a pleasant experience, but it beat getting stabbed, shot then raped in Park Row because he couldn't find a shelter.

Yes, in that order.

Think he's exaggerating? Ask Fatty Boo, he won't answer though, his chubby arse is dead.

John was sitting cross-legged on the couch, a small smile on his face as he looked up at Bubbles. He looked relaxed, almost at peace, a stark contrast to the sharp, driven energy he usually exuded when they talked business.

"Hey, Bubbles," John said, his voice casual but warm. "Glad you could make it. Have a seat."

Bubbles nodded, feeling a little out of his depth but comforted by John's easygoing demeanor. He walked over and sat down on the other end of the couch.

'Dag,' He cursed, marvelling at how utterly soft and comfortable it felt, 'A man's behind shouldn't feel that good, that's gay as all hell.'

"Want a cup?" John asked, motioning to the coffee.

"Uh, sure," Bubbles replied, still a bit hesitant.

"Stay calm," John said, his tone gentle but firm.

Bubbles was about to ask what he meant when John suddenly disappeared in a blur. One moment he was sitting on the couch, and the next, he was across the room, filling a cup with coffee from a pot on the counter.

Before Bubbles could fully register what had happened, another blur of motion brought John right back in front of him, handing him the cup.

Bubbles stared at John, mouth wide open, trying to make sense of what he had just seen. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his mind raced with questions, but all he could manage was a dumbfounded, "What the fuck…?"

John chuckled, the sound light and almost musical.

"Yeah, I get that reaction a lot, but they usually don't last enough to actually think about it. Drink up, we've got a lot to talk about." He said, his voice full of mirth.

Bubbles took the cup with trembling hands, his mind still reeling from the shock. He took a sip, the warmth of the coffee grounding him a little as he tried to find his voice.

"What… What was that?" he finally managed to ask.

John set his own cup down and leaned back on the couch, his expression serious now. "That, Bubbles, is a little glimpse into what I am. I'm not technically human—at least, not in the way you think. I'm something closer to what the superstitious would call a vampire."

Bubbles blinked, the words not quite registering at first.

"A… vampire? You mean, like, fangs and drinking blood and all that?" He stammered, trying to make sense of all this foolishness he was seeing.

"Pretty much," John said, his tone still calm and matter-of-fact. "But it's more complicated than that. I have powers, yes, but I also have responsibilities—duties to protect this world, to protect mankind from threats that most people don't even know exist, monsters whose strenght would put the Superman to shame, empires whose firepower makes Hydrogen Bombs look like firecrackers...and worse."

"Worse?"Bubbles blurted, what in the flying flip could be worse than that? He stared at John, trying to wrap his head around what he was hearing. "And… you're telling me this because…?"

"Because, Bubbles, I've chosen you to be the first of my retainers. My own faithful ghoul. You'll be gifted with enhanced strength, regeneration, and freedom from the chains of time, as long as you stay loyal and reaffirm your oaths." John leaned forward, his gaze intense but not unkind.

Bubbles' heart skipped a beat.

This was… this was insane. But as he looked into John's eyes, saw the sincerity and power there, something in him shifted. This wasn't a joke. This wasn't some kind of elaborate prank. John was serious, dead serious.

"What do you mean, a ghoul?" Bubbles asked, his voice a little shaky.

"It means you'll be something more than human," John explained. "You'll have a longer life, better health, and strength beyond what you've ever known. But it also means you'll be bound to me. My blood will give you these gifts, but it will also tie you to me. You'll need to renew your oath for three nights in a row to become a true ghoul, and after that, maybe once every month or so."

Bubbles felt a mix of fear and excitement welling up inside him.

This was an opportunity like nothing he'd ever imagined. A chance to become something more, to leave his old life behind for good.

But it was also terrifying. The idea of being tied to someone, of having to rely on John's blood to survive…

But then again, John had already saved him, had already given him more than he could ever repay. And if John was offering him this, then it meant he trusted Bubbles, believed in him.

John Harker believed in him.

"I… I don't know what to say," Bubbles finally said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Say yes," John replied with a small smile. "Say yes, and drink from this."

John reached into a drawer by the couch and pulled out a small, ornate chalice. He held it up, and Bubbles could see a few drops of dark, rich liquid inside.

"This is my blood," John said softly. "Drink it, and you'll feel the power growing inside you. Your loyalty to me will become stronger, and you'll start to change. It's not an easy road, Bubbles, but it's one I believe you're ready for."

Bubbles stared at the chalice, his heart pounding in his chest. This was it. This was the moment that would change everything. He could feel it in his bones.

With a deep breath, Bubbles took the chalice from John's hand. His fingers trembled slightly as he raised it to his lips. He hesitated for just a second, then tipped the chalice back and let the liquid slide down his throat.

It was like nothing he had ever tasted before—rich, warm, and filled with an almost electric energy. As the blood entered his system, Bubbles felt a surge of power, a warmth that spread through his body, making his muscles tingle and his mind sharpen. He gasped as the sensation grew stronger, overwhelming his senses for a moment before it settled into a steady, powerful pulse.

Pains that followed him for years, if not decades disapeared. Concept he previously couldn't even think about without getting a headache suddenly became clear, basic even.

John watched him with an unreadable expression, then smiled as Bubbles lowered the chalice, his eyes wide with awe.

"How do you feel?" John asked, his tone gentle.

Bubbles opened his mouth to speak, but the words didn't come at first.

He could feel the change, feel the strength coursing through him, the clarity in his mind. It was like the fog of his old life had been lifted, and he could see everything so much clearer now.

"I feel… amazing," Bubbles finally said, his voice filled with wonder. "This is… this is incredible."

"Good," John nodded, pleased, "Remember, though, this is just the beginning. You'll need to renew your oath for three nights in a row to become a true ghoul. After that, we'll slow it down to once a month or so. But this power, this gift, it's yours now. Use it wisely, and stay loyal."

"Thank you, John. I'll never forget this. I'll never betray you." Bubbles looked at John, a deep sense of gratitude and loyalty welling up inside him.

The mere thought sounded sacrilegious, like stabbing your mama or sucking a dick.

"I know you won't," John said with a small smile. "You're stronger than you think, Bubbles. And together, we're going to make sure that strength grows."

The two sat in silence for a moment, the weight of what had just happened settling between them.

Bubbles felt a deep sense of calm, a certainty that he had made the right choice. He didn't fully understand what he was now, but he knew one thing for sure; he was ready to follow John, wherever this new path might lead.

Even in the depths of hell.

As they finished their coffee and the sun began to set outside the apartment, John and Bubbles talked about the future. The plans for the waste management business, the car flipping garage, the grocery store, and the bakery.

But now, there was something more, something deeper that tied them together. Bubbles felt it in his bones, in his blood. He was no longer just Reginald Cousins, the man who had clawed his way out of the darkness.

He was something more. He was a ghoul, John Harker's first and most loyal retainer. And he would do whatever it took to help his benefactor, to grow alongside him, and to protect the world they were building together.

For his master's glory.

By the time Bubbles left John's apartment that evening, the moon was high in the sky, casting a pale glow over Gotham Heights. He walked through the quiet streets, his mind buzzing with the possibilities of what lay ahead.

There was still so much to learn, so much to understand. But one thing was clear—his life had changed forever. And for the first time in a long time, Bubbles felt like he was finally on the right path.

As he made his way back to the East End, back to Brideshead, Bubbles couldn't help but smile. He had a new purpose now, a new life.

Reginald made the right choice, with John Harker by his side, there was nothing he couldn't achieve.

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Yo! It's Hamtaro!

Here's yet another little chapter, with a very nice 2200 word count, Author Note not included obviously.

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