
A Magical Day

On a field walked two woman holding hands, the Sun was shining high in the sky and there was no cloud in sight. They went through a field of grass barefoot, feeling each strand of grass between their toes.

Suddenly one of them began running, she was a magnificent woman, with a breathtaking body. Her hair was the color of bark and her eyes were green as a forest. She wore a bright sundress with flowers and trees adorning it.

She giggled while running and the other woman followed. She had bright gold hair and eyes, her body was just as amazing as the other woman's. She wore a sundress as well, but hers had nothing decorative on it. The color of the dress was the cleanest white one has ever seen. It made the woman look heavenly.

"Haha, come Sera! Catch me!" Said Bea while laughing. It was the best sound Sera has ever heard.

She ran after Bea, but she just couldn't catch her.

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