
Ranking System

Kim had quickly informed her dad about what's going on and her worry, telling him he should come home at least the next day so she could go deliver some food to Sifeng, but the Nara clan head said it would take him at least three days before he can have the chance to visit home as he still have some unfinished business to do.

She's a bit sadden upon hearing this, to her, it feels as if her dad only care for Sifeng with words, his care for the boy only came from his mouth as the man hasn't done anything for the boy in reference of a sincere care from a father, he hadn't given him the littlest of attention that should be given to a child who's a victim of bully.

Master Che can very well stop everything that's happening to his son in school, but for some reason he didn't take any action to stop it and Kim couldn't understand his reason, Sifeng is a scion of Nara clan and a victim of bully in school, the leader of those that bully him is also a scion from another clan.

The Nara clan leader can solve this issue in two ways, he can either take an action by himself, dealing with the whole clan the boy came from or report the matter to the sect and the bullies will stop, but Master Che didn't do any of this and what he always told Kim is to protect her brother which he knew the young girl can't do much.

It's not as if she can't deal with the bullies, but it's just that a scion of another clan is involved, Yeong is a scion from the Xianxu clan and if Kim deal with him too much, it might lead to a war between the two clan or if the Xianxu clan wants the sect to take action, both Kim and Sifeng will end up in an unwanted situation, either being forced into the Sect Academy or something else. And this is the only reason Kim haven't dealt with Yeong and his friends.

And she couldn't understand why her father haven't take action yet.

"He always says he's busy every time, or is he perhaps scared of the Xianxu clan."

This thought always wandered in her mind, what if her father is really scared of the Xianxu clan, but then he can report to the sect and make them deal with it. Only the sect leaders and the elders in the sect have power above the clan heads, all clan leaders within a Sect have equal powers and slightly above one another, which only depends on skills.

But the sect leaders and the elders have powers far more greater than that of the clan leader.

As for a clan, the clan leader and the elders are of the same rank while for a Sect, the sect leader, deputy and elders are also of the same rank and have equal powers, sect leader and deputy are selected through the votes from each clan leaders within a Sect.

A Sect is just like a large city where there are different town within it and those town are what is known as a clan, a sect is a group of elders in a Sect that operates and over sees the everyday life of each clan in the Sect, a sect leader will be chosen among these elders by the leaders of each clan within a Sect. The tenure of a sect leader can be forever if they didn't die or forcefully removed for a reason or two, the same thing goes for the deputy.

The elders oversee and check the sect leader power and act to ensure a balance.

The group of sect elders can be joined when someone attained a certain rank, only a few people get to this said rank as it is the second to the highest rank that can be achieved in this world, as far as the people of this world know, and those who have gotten to this rank are among the sect elders and they're only a few of them.

Each of the six Sect in this world have their own group of elders of the same rank.

But for a clan, it is something of bloodline, the leaders of a clan passed down the title to their most promising scion. A certain rank also needs to be attained before a clan can be created, once this rank is attained successfully, the people can either be a wanderer or create a clan of their own, become the leader and pass down the title to their most promising scion.

Most promising scion simply means the descendant must attained that certain rank before they can take over their father's position and become the clan leader. But if none of the clan leader scions get to this rank before the leader pass away or before they get to the rank where they'll have to leave the clan and join the sect elders, then the clan will simply cease to exist and would never be heard of again. Until one of the scions attain that certain rank and decided to bring back the clan from the dust.

So in a sense, all clan leaders are of the same rank and have equal powers, so Kim can't see why her father would be scared of the Xianxu clan leader.

"Or is the Xianxu clan leader already getting close to the Archon rank?"

That could be the only reasonable explanation because if someone is a pin drop of water away from a rank, that person power will be far more greater than those in the normal rank.

"That can't be, I heard it hasn't even been a decade that they both rise to the Monarch ran and became clan leaders."

There are 6 different rank in this world that the people knew about, with each rank with their own set of power and strength. The lowest rank is the Cub, follow by Hunter, Warrior, Monarch, Archon and lastly, Overlord.

Cub are ranked the lowest among the six as the set of people categorized under this rank are those who are still learning to control their life force properly and the use of it, they might be skillful and intelligence but without the proper control of their life force, they are nothing in this world.

The likes of Kim and Yeong are categorized in this rank. Sifeng is not yet at this rank as he's hasn't made a connection with his life force.

Follow by Hunter, this rank contained the set of people who have learned the proper way of controlling their life force and can use it for different purposes and in different occasion. This set of people have also formed their life energy as big as a basketball, shattered it into pieces and move it freely around their body. Sifeng two brothers are in this rank.

Warriors are those who have made connection with the outside energy and control it at will just like their life force. Monarch is the next in rank and it contains the few people who can sense the outside energy, control them and also absorb the outside energy to enrich their life force, from both the livings and non livings. The clan leaders and elders are among these set of people.

And then there's the next rank and the last rank that the world knew of, Archon and Overlord. Only the elders and leaders of a sect have ever achieved the Archon rank and their power and capabilities are kept within them, as for the Overlord, nobody has gotten to that rank, but the people at the Archon rank knew there's another rank above them and they could sense it but none of them have achieved it yet.

Getting to the next rank will take them more than a couple decades of years, and the period to get to another rank increases as the people move up in rank, some ranks can even take them a century or eternity to achieve. .

"Shh, why am I even wasting my time on this, I should find a way to reach Sifeng."

I know the pace is pretty slow but I'll still appreciate your votes and don't forget to add to your library

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts
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