
The 4th Holy Land

"Genbugan Art: Underwater Mysterious Heavenly Lock!"


Couple second's later, the whole dimensions finally become stable, except for the chaotic purple like milky way sky, everything is perfect.

"By the way kid, how can the plant and other living organisms can live here, there's no sky here."

"Don't worry, see the Great Turtle Totem? That totem have passive ability to gather Natural Energy."

"What!? Really!"

"Why not try to sense it."

Xin remove all the barrier, while Isobu try to sense the surrounding.

"This" He finally discover.

"It's not that fast and strong, but a mild and gentle way of gathering of Nature Energy."

"That's right, Genbu is a gentle and caring creatures base on my study, the shell of Genbu is natural Energy gatherer that's why the totem have same unique traits."

"Kid, are you perhaps want to create a true holy land here?"

"Yes." Xin did not try to hide, his idea is to create a Fourth Holy Land near Uzumaki Kingdom.

( Note: 3 Holy Land - Snake - Frog - Snail )

He want a Perfect Version of Holy Land and create a Perfect Version of Sage Mode using the mild and gentle nature of Great Green Turtle Monster.

This will make all Sage Mode to be Master of Water Element at same time Space Element that is super rare attributes in Ninja World.

Isobu was thinking, if this huge project really complete, he is the first Tail Beast who become owner of a Holy Land.

But the problem is he don't know how to teach Sage Art, he don't even know any Ninjutsu or Taijutsu making him feel helpless.

"Hey kid, why not I create a Summon Contract for you."


"You see, if you create a Holy Land here, then there's going to have a surge of people will come to learn Sage Art, but the problem is I don't know how to teach Sage Art, we Tail Beast don't know any techniquea except Beast Ball."

"Actually, you have a technique that you can use."


"Tail Beast Mode."

"Tail Beast Mode is only for Jinchuriki."

"No you can pass it to anyone by transferring your own Chakra."

Naruto did it in 4th Ninja Wat when he transfer Nine Tails Chakra to everyone creating a Fave Version of Tail Beast Mode.

It's not powerful than the Perfect Tail Beast Mode but enough for anyone to get huge boost in every attributes.

Isobu though deeply, if he manage to tame his Chakra to a mild and gentle one, maybe he can pass his Chakra to anyone he want.

"Do you have spare chakra left?"

"I still have some left, what's the matter kid?"

"Transfer some to me."

"Here." Isobu poke Xin's chest and transfer a boiling chakra to his body.

Looking at the tyrannic power of Tail Beast, Xin know that anyone who get it will die from the overflowing power.

But Xin is different, he close his eyes and close his Eye Technique, minutes later he finally open his eyes.

"Tail Beast Mode!"

The boiling ted chakra start to peal off like bark and a rich ocean blue aura start to form a long coat behind Xin, there's also a three green pentagon energy hovering around Xin like a small shield made from turtle shell

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