
Gift for Trust

Early in the morning, everyone move on the meeting place, of course the Senju also included with the team.

After hearing all the details and change of Uzumaki Clan, Senju Hen can't help but to surprise, everything actually change because of the amazing Young Master of the Uzumaki Clan.

At first they don't believe it, but as they explained little by little everything Xin did, they can't help to feel dreaming, how can a young child predicted everything what will happen in the future.

And also, all the prediction come true making all of what he said is truth and not just simple words.

So he decided to follow the Young Master, he want to see what kind of development he can do for them and also for the country.

So early in the morning, after eating and preparing for the war, they meet in the meeting place, and this is the first time they see the Legendary Young Patriach of the Uzumaki Clan.

Sitting in the middle of all Elder is a young child looking attentive at them, he looks so young and cute, he don't look like a small leader at all.

But when he see him eye to eye, everything change, those eyes full of knowledge and wisdom that a clear eyes of child can't hide at all.

Instant, Senju Hen seems understand what he greatness of the his young child, maybe, maybe he can also change the current position of the Senju Clan.

"Before we start, from Senju side, I want the people with Water and Earth Element to come forward."

They confused why but they still follow, there's three people including Senju Hen in the group, well Senju Hen is a rare three Type Element with the additional of Wind Element.

Kushina walk at them with a wooden tray holding on her and small vial on the top of it.

"Take each one of each color and drink it."

Without asking anything, Senju Hen and the two other take and drink it, and in instant the three of them fall done on the chair with the eyes close.

"What happen!?"

"Why did you poison them?!"

"Are you going to kill us!!"

One of the Senju Medic Ninja the head of those hot-blooded idiot and said." They are being help idiot!"


"Can't you feel the rich vitality coming from them?"

They all confused and look at the three, and they noticed, that the wooden chair is starting to create branch and leaves, below is the grass that is growing like crazy.


"Grass Release?"

"....." All of them look at the idiot who just said Grass Release.

"In joking okay?"

"It's Wood Release."

"What!? Wood Release! Isn't that the Blood limit of Lord Hashirama!?"

Everyone look at him again.

"What? Do you think I'm idiot who don't know anything?"

After beating the stupid Ninja, they start to watch closer the other three

"What do you think?"

"Rank 3 Water, Rank 4 Earth, Mid Level Wood Release, Semi-Shadow Level Ninja."

"All three of them?"

"Yes, but if they only control their new power perfectly, but right now, they all both Peak Elite Jonin at most."

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