
Camille Ferros (3)

Everyone knew that the Mutated Extraordinary Creatures were far more powerful than ordinary Extraordinary Creatures as they had far higher base physical parameters, and they often had more abilities and more powerful abilities than the Extraordinary Creatures of the same Sequence.

So it made her mind race that someone as Sequence 7 clearly managed to slay such a beast, be it through pure martial skill or combination of luck or whatever; it didn't really matter for her because she was interested in his potential.

"So you wish to use the services of the Ferros Clan to sell this Core?"

Valkorion nodded because this was obviously the reason why he came here so he could sell the Extraordinary Core of the Sequence 7 Mutated Bugbear. 

"If possible, through action in the Valyria City. I trust that it should be more than ten thousand Gold Dragon Coins?"

Normally, the Extraordinary Core of the Sequence 7 Mutated Extraordinary Creature would sell around ten times much as the Extraordinary Core of Sequence 7 Extraordinary Creautre, but if this was auctioned, Valkorionw as sure that it could fetch him more money.

"Obviously, the demand after anything that is from the Mutated Extraordinary Creatures is in very high demand. On the action, this core could be sold easily for even 12,000 to 13,000 Gold Dragon Coins if someone who needs the thing appears. Though for that we would need to wait for some time, to attract a larger number of people."

13,000 Gold Dragon Coins was a lot, like really, really lot, in this new world where Valkorion was reborn.

The average commoner family lived only from a few Gold Coins a year, obviously depending on the part of the world where they were living. For example, commoners in the Valyrian Freehold earned around 20 Gold Dragon Coins annually.

The living stgarts in the Valyrian Freehold as the most advanced civilization in the known world, were rather high and the life of commoners was equally higher. However, this only applied to the citizens of the Freehold who had Token of Citizenship.

That was also one shock for Valkorion when he was reborn in the Freehold that they had a concept of citizenship because he knew that nothing like that existed in the ASOIAF canon, but he had to admit that it was rather smart of the Valyrians.

In the rest of the City States of the Essos, this number was considerably lower, around 5 to 7, and in the Westeros, it was even lower, around 3 to 5, as peasants in the Westeros lived in rather strict poverty. 

Even for the Ferros Clan, auctioning something that was worth around 12,000 Gold Dragon Coins was a huge thing, as their fee of 10% would leave them around 1,200 Gold Dragon Coins, and that was a very nice sum for even nobles and so on.

"I can wait, but for my own curiosity, how long time are we talking about?"

He asked because after he returned from the mission that 'They' entrusted him, he wanted to go to the local slave market to buy some slaves. Or perhaps he would go to the Volantis, one of the biggest cities in the Freehold. It also had a grand slave market, probably the second biggest in the entire Freehold.

The quality of slaves within the Valyrian Freehold was actually the best, because the slaving cities of Mereen, Astapor and Yunkai or other were exporting their best slavs to the Freehold or paying part of their tribute as their protectorates in slaves instead of money or other commodities.

That also made him make a mental note to buy some Unsullied if there was a possibility, as they were the most famous slave soldiers in the entire Essos.

"Two or three months maximally. Maybe even sooner, depending on the number of people interested in the item."

Two or three months was already within the expectation already, so it was a good time span.

That should be enough to complete the assigned mission on the Orange Shores together with the Chosen One of 'Him' and then return back to the Cartharys. Because the Orange Shores were a rather good distance from the Cartharys, it would take them several weeks to just get there and then several weeks back.

Basically, he was sure that more than one month would be spent traveling alone, which was a rather long time.

"That is already within my expectations. Though this Extraordinary Core of the Sequence 7 Mutated Bugbear is not the only thing that I have to sell today."

After saying that, Valkorion put out on the table another Extraordinary Core of Sequence 7, Extraordinary Creautre, the one he obtained after killing the spider aberration, and then he put forward a whole bunch of Ingredients and body parts from the killed monsters.

Under Camille's stern gaze, her cousin Albus took all the items for categorization and pricing so he could give him a good prize. Valkorion knew that these low-level items were actually the best-selling things in Westeros, where the quality and quantity of Beyonder Goods were strictly controlled by the Church of Seven and Parthenon.

Apparently, Beyonder Characteristics of any Pathway, Sequence 7, was starring around 1,000 Gold Dragon Coins and only moved up, sometimes to even 2,000 Gold Dragon Coins.

So yeah, due to the lack of the Extraordinary Ingredients and strict oversight from the Churches of Westeros, the local nobility didn't have many choices to pay, maybe aside from adventuring to the Essos and finding their luck there. 

"Now that my cousin is done, we can talk about other things that are not solely related to the business."

Her aura suddenly changed from the cold unreachable to something different that Valkorion had rather problem categorizing for the time being.

"It would be my pleasure, Lady Ferros, but allow me one more request. I would have to trouble Lady Ferros to see if there are any suitable pieces of spatial equipment for me? Using the ordinary backpack is already becoming a hindrance."

Now that Valkorion obtained rather significant amount of money, he could allow to buy some spatial equipment, preferable one of the Dimensional Bags so he could sore there his things and supplies. 

But he also knew that such things were rather costly.

Even the lowest-grade spatial equipment costs more than a thousand or so Gold Dragon Coins. 

"I will tell Albus to look into it once he returns. Now, how did you exactly meet with my cousin?"

As Valkorion started talking with Camille Ferros, he realized that she wasn't that bad like Albus said, nor was she... bitchy? 

Yeah, that was the word he used to describe his cousin.

"He was the only person who would give me a good price on the goods after the rest of the merchants tried to scam me. Most of them have the intellect of a troll if they think that I would sell ingredients for copper pennies like some other newbie adventurers."

He wanted to scoff at the resurfacing memory of how he first met Albus Ferros several years ago when he was still a newbie adventurer.

In fact, Valkorion could see that they hit off well because he even managed to make her laugh a few times, which was evidently something rare considering her entire demeanor and so...

Rarely could he have a good talk with anyone, considering that in this shithole, most people are just trying to get advance over one another, if not outright kill one another.

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