"Married to the Enemy Kingdom's Illegitimate Prince" is a novel that manages to exceed the expectations of those who, like me, are not big fans of romance and historical novels.
The gripping and well-constructed narrative manages to capture one's attention from the very first pages, drawing the reader into a world of intrigue and conflict.
I highly recommend giving it a chance; it may surprise you and change your mind about the genre!
Character development:
The main characters are not mere stereotypes. The noblewoman and illegitimate prince are well characterized, with emotional depth and internal conflicts that make them authentic and relatable.
Engaging plot:
The story offers a perfect mix of drama, adventure, and romance without ever lapsing into the banal. The challenges they face together create a tension that keeps the reader's attention.
Universal Themes:
Despite the historical setting, the themes of love, loyalty and the search for identity are universal and touch deep chords, making it a meaningful read even for those who are not fans of the genre.