
He Pushed Her

The true meaning of pain dawned on Cassandra in that instant. Her whole world crashed and withered away with what her eyes beheld. 

Kela was on all fours, naked and kneeling, while Siroos pounded inside her from behind. Not in her ass but the place he would never invade Cassandra. 

Like a feral beast, he grunted heavily with sweat trickling down the grooves of his torso while Kela screeched like a banshee. 

His head thrown back and her dark hair twisted around his wrist, he didn't even realise his mate had entered his place and was watching him mate with another woman, the woman she had made abundantly clear that she wouldn't tolerate.

Like an imaginary knife being shoved into her heart and twisted left and right, making it bleed without making it bleed, that was what his every thrust did to Cassandra.

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