
What's Gross?

Crouching low she took diminutive steps, trying to get closer to the deer without getting noticed. Its ears pricked as one of the tiny bells sounded on Cassandra's anklet, its head lifted, and it gazed directly at her. 

The fear and panic were so visible in its soft brown eyes as they met Cassandra's violet ones. For a second both of them stared at each other. 

The predator vs the prey and then it took off. Running in the opposite direction. 

"Oh! No," Cassandra grunted to herself, raising her hand with the dagger and trying to aim towards the receding deer, running away for its life. 

Siroos casually watched from a small distance, with his legs crossed at the ankles and hands behind his head as he leaned against a giant erected wooden pole. 

Curiosity twirled in his eyes just to see what his innocent mate would do next as his gaze remained fixed on her back. 

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