
Chapter 32 : Demon Of The Mist 3

Haku was always ready to take action, he was looking at the fight with full attention but then something happened. 

Zabuza's chakra was no longer as strong as it was earlier. This made Haku worried. He could still fill Zabuza's chakra but can't see him. All due to the mist. 

That Konoha genin was able to not only remove Zabuza's mist but use it against Zabuza. 

Now Zabuza can navigate in the mist so he wasn't that worried, only until Zabuza's chakra got weakened. 

At first, Haku thought that it was done by one of the Konoha Shinobi, most likely that Jonin woman or that Genin who rushed to save the woman. 

But he then heard the genin saying that he himself didn't find Zabuza in the mist anymore, making him anxious. 

At first, he thought that they were lying but they had no reason to do that, not to mention after seeing them even taking measures to find Zabuza. Haku didn't think whatever was happening was done by the Konoha shinobi. 

Right now Haku didn't care at all about those Konoha Shinobi. He just wanted to find Zabuza, but he couldn't come out while those Konoha shinobi were out there, not to mention all the mist was still covering the area where Zabuza was previously. 

Haku was anxious.




[Under Water]

The water churned violently as the battle moved beneath the surface. My shadow clone held on, keeping Zabuza bound while the serpent tightened its grip. Zabuza struggled, his massive sword slicing through the water, but the serpent was too powerful. 

Not only this serpent was huge in size but its power was also insane, Zabuza was no Sukuna to cut open the great serpent after it got a good bite out of it.

The entire lower half of the Zabuza's body was in the serpent's mouth. And the Serpent was grinding onto him underwater, tossing him around in the water.

Underwater, Zabuza's movements were slower, and my shadow clone took full advantage of this. The clone lunged, with a sword, but Zabuza managed to block the attack with his sword. But then the serpent attacked and the force of the serpent's strike pushed him further down into the depths.

Summoning another shikigami, the toad, my clone continued the assault. The toad appeared, its powerful legs propelling it through the water with ease. It opened its mouth and grab Zabuza from moving anymore.

Zabuza growled in frustration, his eyes scanning for an escape route. My clone wasn't about to let that happen. 

Despite being underwater, Zabuza's ferocity was undiminished. He swung his sword in wide arcs, trying to fend off the relentless attacks. And he was able to fend of both the clone and the Toad but when it came to the mighty serpent. 

He wasn't even able to bulge the snake's hold on him. He was quickly losing oxygen in the water and due to the clone and the toad constantly disturbing him, he was able to use any of his water jutsu.

Zabuza's eyes were bloodshot by now. Blood poured out from the lower half of his body while he was still nowhere to shake off the sharp razor-like teeth of the serpent from him. It was like an iron hold. 

The Serpent kept on taking him lower in the water, to one point that even my clones weren't able to go and were out of oxygen. And so was the case with the toad. So they can't help but vanish, leaving the remaining work on the serpent. 

Zabuza's movements grew more frantic, but the serpent held firm. The entire plan was depended on the great serpent. I knew that if once this serpent grabbed onto Zabuza and took him inside the water. Then let alone the demon of the mist, even a Kage-level shinobi will have trouble leaving alive. 

I have seen the power of the great serpent myself. That's why I trust it so much.

The water pressure increased as they descended, making it harder for Zabuza to move. His attacks became slower, less precise.

Seizing the opportunity, the serpent tightened its coils, constricting Zabuza's movements even further then twisted his head, slamming into Zabuza with its massive body, pushing him deeper into the darkness.

Zabuza roared with the last bit of his power, but it was clear he was running out of options. 

Finally, with one last effort, the serpent coiled tighter, squeezing the air out of Zabuza's lungs. 

Zabuza's struggles slowed, his movements becoming weaker. The relentless attacks from all sides were too much, even for him.




Above water, after healing Kurenai I found the woman pouting at me. "I know healing jutsu. I could have healed myself." She almost shouted at me. 

"Oh, hmm sorry sorry, I was just too worried that you will fight Zabuza in your condition for your sake and can't help but hold you down until you are healed." I blushed, at my thought of the first time using healing by using Reverse Curse Energy, I didn't even listen to what Kurenai was talking about. 

Kurenai at just sighed and looked around, the entire team was still on alert, not finding Zabuza they were still nervous. 

I too acted like looking for Zabuza. By this point, the mist was also clearing. And by the clearing of mist, people finally spot the blood-red water. 

"Hey, what is that." I was the first one to attract everyone's attention to the red bloody water. 

Others looking a this was a surprise, but none other than Haku. He had wide eyes becuase now he couldn't sense Zabuza's chakra. 

"Zabuza." He can't take it anymore. He just wanted to go there and rush inside the water to find Zabuza but on the next second, he was stuck.

Not only her but everyone was surprised. 

Because the next second a huge head came out of the water, this was the great serpent. And in the mouth of the great serpent was the dead body of Zabuza.

He tosses his head around, like trying to tear the body of the great serpent. And then he opened his wide mouth and swallowed the entire body of Zabuza in on shot before everyone who saw this in stunned expression. 

Only the presence of the giant serpent send shivers to others, especially the small genin. Haku was frozen after seeing this. Even the Konoha shinobi were frozen except me. 

Only when the snake again went down in the water that they all return back to their sound mind. 

"What the hell was that. Don't tell me we were standing on that water with that monster right beneath us." I of course acted to make more sense of the situation. shifting all the crime to the serpent. 

Just hoping that Haku do that too. 

And Haku at this time, he was stunned, almost like a statue, his entire body was trembling. 

Sigh... the plan works, at least I believe it does. 

And soon the notification came. 


Congratulations on Your First Jonin Rank Kill. 

Killed Target Zabuza Momochi. 

Choose One Trait As a Reward.

1. Shinobi Skills.

2. Chakra Capacity.


I blink at this. 

hmm interesting. I am lacking both honestly. What should I do. 

If I can get more chakra then maybe I shouldn't take Zabuza's chakra and go after someone with more chakra. But the next target would be a Kage level Shinobi. Hmmm

But only having more chakra won't do. I also need skills. 

What do I do ?


I Fully intend to fix all the mistakes you guys point out from now on so please go ahead and tell me in the comments if you guys spot any mistakes, I will be grateful for all your help.

Here is the goal for this Week.

500+ stones for the first bonus chapter on Monday

1000+ Stones for the second bonus chapter on Sunday bonus chapter

"Thank you Very Much for All Your Support"


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