
Chapter 8: Meeting Leo x request to the king

Albion POV

A couple of hours of learning magic with Zeref, he gets ready to leave to leave to continue creating the Eclipse Gate. Before leaving he turns to me and gives me a warning.

Zeref:"Remember Albion, do not use the [law] spell until you've mastered it."

Me:"I am fully aware of what happens if I use that spell before I am ready."

I remembered from the anime that when Mavis Vermilion used [law] to save Yuri Dreyer, she ended up with the [curse of contradiction] just like Zeref-sensei. So I won't use that magic unless its an absolute last resort.

Zeref:"That is good to hear. I expect great things from you."

Me:"I won't let you down sensei."

Zeref:"Good. We'll met again." he said as turned and left.

Now I have the knowledge on using [law] and [living magic], which will prove useful later. I will make sure to master them. When I think about the anime and fiction of my past life, I think I could recreate it using [law dragon slayer magic] and/or [arc of embodiment] to show my parents.

Maybe Mother could find the worlds that those anime depicted and bring them to this world. Like the ärm from Marchen Awakened Romance, the haven bag from Wakfu, and other items that I can't think of at the moment. Maybe I should recreate some of those items in this world, that would be interesting.

Me:"Mother, Father I would like to show you some of the fiction from my my past life. there may be based on other worlds like this one."

Mother:"That sounds interesting."

Father:"I agree."


4 weeks later

Lately when I wasn't training, I would how my parents the anime from my past life. They were especially interested in the anime that had dragons and their relationships with other beings.

I have also been training with Caelum using his cannon and sword forms in case I need their help in the future. Then I would give Caelum a good polishing as thanks for helping me train.

Then while I was polishing Caelum, I hear the sound of footsteps and I pick up a new scent. It seems similar but different to Caelum; while Caelum has a more metallic smell, this one is more organic. I turn to the direction where the scent came from to spot a man wearing a suit and has mildly short spiky orange hair.

???:"Hello, I see you sensed me coming. You must me Albion right? I heard about you from Caelum."

Me:"Yes I picked up your scent and heard your foot steps. from that I could tell that you are a celestial spirit. Also there are no scents nearby aside from yours, mine and Caelums. So you must have used your own power to to get to the human world. Not many celestial spirits can do that so I you must be one of the 12 zodiac spirits."

???:"That was very clever. Your right, I am one of the zodiac spirits. I'm Leo the lion, I am also known as the leader of the zodiac."

Just as I thought, it was Leo; who sould later be known as Loke and join Fairy tail after Karen Lilica dies at Angels A.K.A Soronos hands and Aries key falls into her hands. I decided long ago that I wouldn't let Aries key fall into the wrong hands.

We got to talking aout the dragons who raised raised me and taught me magic, he was surprised to hear that I was raised by 2 dragons and learned magic from them and 4 other dragons. Most people afound this time who learn from dragons only have one element for [dragon slayer magic] but I have 6.

I was hoping to create a spell that could sever a connect between a celestial spirit and the celestial wizard. I intend to use this spell against celestial wazards who treat their contracted spirits terribly. But I am not sure if the Celestial spirit king would mind if I did that but there is no way to contact him to ask him.

But since Leo is here, he may be able to deliver my request to the Celestial spirit king for createing my spell.

Me:"Leo I have something I would like to ask you. It could prove usefull and helpful to celestial spirits."

Leo:"What do you mean?"

Me:"I learned the spell [law] and was thinking of using it as a base to create a spell that lets the caster judge whether the celestial wizard is good or bad and forcibly sever the bond between the bad celestial wizard and their spirits. It would not take away their magic power so they could still use other magic but they would never be able to use celestial spirit magic again. What do you think about that?"

Leo:"That does sound interesting. But why not just make it already?"

Me:"I hadn't made the magic because I am not sure if creating this magic might violate the laws of the celestial spirit world. I am still new to using [celestial spirit magic] so I don't want to anger the celestial spirit king. I was thinking of asking for his permission first but I have no way to contact him. "

Leo:"I see your point, and I am guessing that you told me this because you want me to give your request to the celestial spirit king?"

Me:"Yes but I won't ask you to do this for nothing. I will owe you one favor that can be be repaid later."

It never hurts to gain favors, that is the logic I am using to convince Leo to give my request to the celestial spirit king. Though considering that he is the leader of the zodiac, I may not have anything he wants. But my idea did pique his interest, since there are celestial wizards who treat their contracted spirits horribly.

After about 10 minutes of thought, leo looked at me and spoke.

Leo:"Your idea does seem to benefit our kind, so I will relay your quest to the celestial spirit king. Also what would be the name of this spell?"

Me:"Thanks Leo, you won't reget this. I was going to name the spell [Celestial Law] since it uses the [Law] spell as a base."

Leo:"Your welcome, I'll let you know what happens. I wanted to see what kind of person you are and now I know." he said as he starts to disappear.

It seems he is going to take my request directly to the celestial spirit king, since my spell could help celestial spirits not be used by evil wizards. Wait I just remembered that the celestial spirit world has a different flow of time; 1 day in the celestial spirit world 3 months in the human world.

(a/n 1:time density ratio of the two dimensions would be 90:1)

So it may take a while before I hear from Leo about my request, I should be prepared to wait.


Third POV

Celestial Spirit World

The Celestial Spirit World is a dimension where all Celestial Spirits are from and spend their time when they are not being called upon by their summoners.

It seems to have several different celestial objects such as planet-like globes floating in the air and at first glance, the void appears to stretch on infinitely with sparkling stars that spread everywhere. On these surfaces appear several rainbow colored constructions such as pathways under massive arches that can bridge to other globes with pillars, crystals and trees surrounding them with floating bubbles, as well as several buildings and a massive ship shown from a distance.

(A/n 2: From the fairy tail wiki)

The Celestial Spirit known as Leo the lion then reappears after his breif visit to the human world to see the human he heard about from Caelum. A new celestial wizard who also uses [dragon slayer magic] who treats Celestial Spirits as equals and not as tools.

Leo was surprised at how young the human was and was more surprised by the spell that this human wanted to create regarting celestial wizards who fall to the dark side. Most humans would have just started creating the spell but Albion was unsure if his spell was violating any celestial laws since the only one mentioned in the anime was the law about Celestial spirits killing their wizards.

So Albion asked Leo to relay his idea to the Celestial Spirit King about the spell before creating the spell. Leo then followed the road he was on for an hour before he speaks.

Leo:"Celestial Spirit King, I seek an audience with you regarding a new celestial wizard, it is very important."

After requesting an audience from the ruler of his dimenson, the atmosphere changed and a towing figure appeared in front of the leader of the zodiac.

Celestial spirit king:"Leo my old friend, you have something important to tell me?"

Leo:"Yes sir." he said and got on one knee and continued. "I just met with a new celestial wizard named Albion Nava and he wanted to pass on a request to you to create a new spell that involves [celestial spirit magic]."

Celestial Spirit King:"Please tell me more." he said with curiosity.

Leo:"Sir, he told me that he would use the black magic spell [law] as a base to create a spell that lets the caster judge whether a celestial wizard is good or bad. If the caster judges that their target is a bad celestial wizard, they can completely sever the bond between the Celestial Spirit and their wizard. It would also prevent the target from ever using [celestial spirit magic] ever again."

Celestial Spirit King:"Why does he want my permission? How old is this human?"

Leo:"He is 8 years old yet possess great magic power and uses [dragon slayer magic]. He told me that since he was new to being a celestial wizard, he wasn't sure if this spell would be braking any celestial laws. So he wanted to request your permission and since he had no way to contact you he asked me to relay his request to you."

Celestial Spirit King:"Hmmmm, it is surpising that such a young wizard to possess such magic could come up with a spell like this. He could have created the spell already if he had to, but he chose to ask for my permission in case there were consequences. There have been cases of celstial spirits making contracts with wizards who have darkness in their hearts and his spell would free them from such a fate. He sounds like a considerate wizard." he thought out loud.

The ruler of the celestial spirit world was surprised to hear that the human so young could put this much consideration before creating such a spell. Leo was relieved that the Celestial Spirit King is thinking about Albions request.

Celestial Spirit King:"My old friend, who taught this child [dragon slayer magic]?"

Leo:"Sir, he learned [dragon slayer magic] from from 6 dragons but the dragons who are raising him are the moon dragon Selene and the star dragon king Veldanava."

The Celestial Spirit King had a look of surprise after hearing the names of the dragons who are raising the child making the request before continuing his thoughts.

Celestial Spirit King:"I see, to think that my old friends Selene and Veldanava are raising a dragon slayer. It would seem that he did not know that his parents are acquainted me so he could have asked them to make this request. or perhaps even if he did know he did not want to rely on his parents for everything. I may be overthinking this but I am starting to understand now that I know whose raising this human. I shall grant his request and allow him to creat his spell."

Leo was shocked that his king was willing to let a human to create a sell that could essentially sever the bonds between celestial spirits and their wizards. Though he wasn't as shock as when he heard that the dragons raising Albion are acquained with the Celestial Spirit King.

Leo:"Are you sure about this sir?" he asked.

Celestial Spirit King:"Yes my old friend. I beleive he could be trusted with this spell. Also I want you to give thim this." he said as he gave Leo a crystal ball cand continued. "This crystal ball will allow him to contact me, when his spell is complete he could be the judge of the celestial wizards who use our kind for evil purposes."

Leo:'So not only did he recieve permisson to make his spell, he'll also have a driect line to the Celestial Spirit King?' he thought to himself after receiving the crystal ball.

Celestial Spirit King:"What was the name of the spell that he wanted to create?"

Leo:"He said it would be called [celestial law]."

Celestial Spirit King:"kukuku Considering the effects of this spell I would say that name is fitting." he said with a chuckle.

Leo:"I thought the same thing. I'll let him know the good news." he said as he turned around to tell Albion what happened.

Left alone, the Celestial Spirit King began to think of how the child of his "old friends" Selene and Veldanava are raising. He's only 8 years old and knows 6 [dragon slayer magics], [celestial spirit magic] and is going to develope a spell to use against wocked celestial wizard.

Celestial Spirit King:"Could this be the guidance of the stars?"

The meeting between Leo and the Celestial Spirit King took about around 3 hours in the celestial spirit world and Leo spent an hour before the meeting thinking about what Albion told him. So since the density of time in the celestial spirit world is 90 times faster, then four hours in the celestial spirit world equals 15 days in the human world.

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