
Chapter 3: learning dragon slayer magic

Albion POV

After resting for a bit both my magic power and stamina are full and I am ready to start my training. It was decided that mother would train me first, then would train the next day.

Mother:"Now that you unlocked your magic power it time for you to learn dragon slayer magic."

Me:"Understood mother." I respoded before hearing my father speak.

Father:"While you are learning from Selene, I will speak to some of my friends about our plans for our children."

Me:"See you later Father."

After that he turned into his dragon form and flew west from our the field we are in.

Me:"So cool." I said out loud. theen I heard mother giggling.

Mother:"hihihihi, you like dragons don't you?"

Me:"Well I have always liked dragons even in my past life and now I have dragons as parents. Who would have seen that coming? I know that I didn't."

Mother:"Let's continue the lesson." she said with a smile on her face.

Me:"Yes mother."

A few soconds after the lesson began, the sky turned dark even though it wasn't even noon yet and a moon sudently appeared in the sky.

Mother:"As you know, I am known as the moon dragon so I will teach you [moon dragon slayer magic]." I nodded as she continued. "This type of dragon slayer magic uses the power of the moon and stars. As you can see, you can create your own artificial moon and make the surroundings appear to be nighttime even though its the midde of the day. This magic also lets you use moonlight to attack and even make constructs."

After finishing her explanation she created what looked like paper butterflies out of moonlight that flew around us. The scene looked beautiful, butterflies made of moonlight flying in the night even though it is daytime. The butterflies then popped, making it look like it was stardust was falling. As I was starstruck (pun intended) by the show of mothers magic, she spoke up to continue the lecture.

Mother:"Now I want you to create a butterfly out of moonlight without using [arc of embodyment]. Focus on the moonlight and forming it into a butterfly."

Me:"Forming the moonlight into a butterfly without using [arc of embodiment]. Alright first lets start by trying to sense the magic from the moonlight."

After I said that Iclosed my eyes and begin to focus my senses on the moonlight that mother was generating from her [moon dragon slayer magic]. I can feel that the artificial moon she created is full of magic power, obviously it feels different from my [arc of embodiment].

Me:'Focus on the moonlight, light of the moon, create a butterfly out of moonlight.'

As I was thinking of this, I opened my eyes and try to use my magic power to gather the moonlight generated by mothers artificial moon and form it into a butterfly. I put my hand up ane see the moonlight from my surroundings gather 6 inches above my hand. The moonlight slowly gathered and formed a paper butterfly!

Me:"I did it!" I said excitedly. I put my put one finger and the butterfly landed on it. and continued. "Look mother, I did it!" I said to her while showing her the butterfly I made.

She looked proud of me seeing me holding the butterfly.

Mother:"Well done Ablion. I noticed that you used the moonlight from my artifical moon. Why didn't you create your own moonlight?"

Me:"I thought that would be easier to do it that way first. Since you said not to use [arc of embodiment magic] and that magic uses imagination, they might interfere with eachother. Not only that, elemental magic is not all about creating that element, it can also be about using the element that is already in your surroundings. Also you didn't remove the artificial moon so I used that moonlight to make the butterfly."

After I explained, she began to clap her hands before speaking again.

Mother:"I am impressed that you figured that out. Was that knowledge from your previous life too?"

Me:"Yes. In many fiction in my past life, elemental magic is not just about creating elements from magic but using magic to control existing elements around you. Plus using an existing element uses les magic power then creating the element from your own magic power."

Mother:"Thats completely correct. It is a good thing to have memories from your previous life to help you use magic."

Me:"Yeah but I think I should have my [arc of embodiment magic] sealed so I dont use it accidentally when I am learning other magic. Maybe we could also creat a key to unlock the seal when I need to use that magic."

Mother:"I can see your point. we can wait till Veldanava comes back and have him seal your magic."

Mother and I continued ny training after coming to an agreement about my [arc of embodiment]. I got the hang of using existing moonlight to use my [moon dragon slayer magic] very quickly. But one my [arc of embodiment] is sealed, I could work on generating the elements of my [dragon slayer magic].

Me:"*sniff sniff*"

As I continue to train, I notice that my senses are starting to heighten, I can smell the grass, the creature, even the moonlight.


When I smelled mothers moonlight I was starting to get hungry, I felt my face get hot from embarrassment at getting hungry like this. Seeing my embarrassment, mother started to giggle.

Mother:"hihihi, All this training has worked up your appetite huh." she said with a knowing smile on her face before continuing. "This will be both a meal and a lesson. I want you to try to eat the moonlight, if you can do that then it could not only recover magic power but also increase the strength of your magic."

Me:"How do I eat moonlight when it has no form? If the moonlight was used in a construct, I would be able to eat it easily."

Mother:"Hmmmm. Maybe if you were to eat constructs at first, you can get a taste for it and be able to eat raw moonlight once your use to it."

She then created a disk out of moonlight and handed it to me. I brought the disk to my mouth to eat it; once I bit the disk, the disks moonlight and magic power were drawn into my mouth.


As it went down my throat I noticed that It tastes like a mothers home cooked meal. I then notice a change in my body.

Mother:"How was it?" she asked me with a curious expression.

Me:"it tastes like a home cooked meal with a cool texture as it went down my throat. Also, I can feel my magic power being restored and my strength increase. My body also feels like its cooled down after eating your magic mother."

Mother:"It looks like you succeded in eating my moonlight. I want you to try to use your [moon dragon slayer magic] now."

I nodded to her and turned away from her in order to try a spell. I decided to pool my magic into my throat and taking a deep breathe before letting out my attack.

Me:"[moon dragon roar]!" I said as I blasted a beam of moonlight from my mouth.

The roar created a path or destroyed ground, like it was hit by a meteorite. My mother had a look of shock on her face at the roar I made, since she hadn't taught me about it yet. Or she was surprised by how strong the attack was since it was the first time I used this magic after eating moonlight.

Mother:"I didn't think your attack would be that strong and I also think think you would use that attack. I am impressed with how quickly your able to use [moon dragon slayer magic]."

Me:"I'm honestly surprised myself. The world in my previous life did not have magic, and I have always wanted to use magic. I am starting to think that maybe this magical ability was a gift for dying a premature death?"

???:"That is a possibility, but its hard to know for sure."


We heard a voice respond to my question about my magical ability that surprised us. Mother and I looked to where the voice came from to see father in his human form.

Me:"Father, your back."

Father:"Yes, I sensed the magic power from your roar. Its been a couple of hours since you started amd you can use [dragon slayer magic] to this extent."

Oh right, I lost track of time because I was focused on learning [dragon slayer magic] and that mothers magic made it appear to be night when its the middle of the day.

Mother:"Has it really been that long? It seems our concentration has distracted us."

When Mother realized the time she canceled the artificial moon and night became day again. It is getting confusing when night and day change so suddenly like this.

Mother:"So I take it that your talks with Igneel and the others successful?"

Father:"Yes they I was able to convince them to gree to our idea. Now you just have to talk to your friends and see if they agree. I'll take over teaching him the star aspect of [moon dragon slayer magic] so he can use starlight in addition to moonlight."

Mother:"Okay I will talk to them." she said before turning to me and continueing."Would that be okay with you Albion?"

She's going to talk to Mercphobia and Aldoron? What would she need to talk to them about? It also seems that Father spoke to igneel and other dragons raisng dragon slayers to defeat Acnologia.

Me:"That's ok Mother, I am sure that it must be important that you need to talk to them."

Mother:"Thank you for understanding son." she said with a smile.

Me:"It's ok, mother."

When this conversation ended, She then used her magic to transport herself away. Leaving only me and father in the open field to continue my lesson.

Father:"Alright son, you've learned about the moon aspect of [moon dragon slayer magic], you should also learn about the star aspect."

Me:"Sure but could you please seal my [arc of embodiment magic]?"

Father:"Why would you want that?"

Me:"I think that if its not sealed, I might accidentally while training in other magic. I was also thinking of creating a key to unseal the magic when I need it."

Father:"I see. very well, I can put a seal on it and I'll later teach you [law dragon slayer magic] which focuses on information which can also include seals. Lets start the seal."

He raised his right hand placed it on my arm, literally 1 second after that I felt something change. After about a minute Father removed his hand and I saw what looked like a Crescent Moon on my arm.

Father:"This crescent moon is the seal for your [arc of embodiment magic]. If you want to use the magic sealed within, just say {crescent seal release}."

Me:"Ok, thanks father."

Father:"Now lets begin your lesson on the star aspect." I nodded and he continued. "I want you to picture the starlight surounding you to increase your speed. It is a spell known as [meteor] from [heavenly body magic] a variation of [star magic]."

[Heavenly body magic], if I remember correctly thats the magic that Jelal Fernandez used. [Moon dragon slayer magic] my be the perfect counter to him when he is controlled by Ultear. As Father said, I tried to surround my body with with starlight to cast [meteor].

I can see the light surrounding my body, I wont try to fly yet until I get the hang of using this spell. So I decide to run while using [meteor] and found that my speed increased more than I thought. While running at this speed I didn't notice a rock and end up tripping. I start rolling on the ground as a result of tripping, after a minute I stopped rolling and I'm covered in dirt.

Me:"Ow. that hurt. Well, lesson learned about using [meteor on the ground."

Father saw my tumble and must have came to check on me.

Father:"Are you ok son?"

Me:"I will be fine father. I just need to rest and clean myself up."

Not long after saying that, we went to a nearby lake where I can get myself cleaned up. It only took about 10 minues to clean myself up since I wasn't that dirty. I also washed my clothes as well since I can't wear dirty clothes right after cleaning myself.

We spent the next couple of hours training the star aspect of my [moon dragon slayer magic] and using that magic to hunt for something to eat for dinner. I was able to catch a boar that we can cook. After I brought back the boar, mother came back from her meeting with Merphobia and Aldoron.

Me:"Mother, welcome back. Look I caught us some dinner."

Mother:"Good job. It seems your getting a handle on your magic."

Father:"So how did it go with Merphobia and Aldoron?"

Mother:"I was able to get them to agree to our plan."

Father:"That is good. Now we just have to introduce them."

Me:"What are you talking about?" I asked out of curiosity.

Mother:"Lets just say that we found some extra teachers."

Me:"Extra teachers?" I said while tilting my head.

Mother:"You''ll be learning [dragon slayer magic] from Merphobia and Aldoron."

Father:"You will also be learning [dragon slayer magic] from Weisslogia and Grandeena."

... WHAT!?


A/n 1: current exceed poll results

1) Yoruichii (bleach) 3

2) Kuroka (high school dxd) 1

3) Intress (chaotic) 1

4) Blair (soul eater)

5) other suggestions that you readers may have, I am open to ideas.

poll won't end until the dragon slayers go through eclipse gate.

A/n 2: Who do you want in the Mc's harem? I want your opinions on that

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