
Looks Like An Angel… But I Got Wise [2]

Jiminie took a week to heal from all the pain his father had caused him. He went to school and came directly home where his father would lull him to sleep. As much as the temptation to stick his girth into his son was strong, Yoongi held back, he knew he had to be patient not to ruin the only beautiful thing in his life. He couldn't take it if he lost Jiminie or if his wife took Jiminie to the doctors and they found out about the overused cunt he had been exploring in his pastime. Patience was all he needed and today, they would get back on it.

"The government is making a mess of everything this season. I wish they could handle things better," Yoongi's wife complained as she rested her head on her husband's shoulders. They were currently watching the primetime news as a family like they always did and the situation in the nations wasn't that good. Yoongi had Jiminie cock warming him while his wife rested on his shoulders. They were risking a lot, and Yoongi knew that too, but then what the fuck could Yoongi do when he had missed his favorite cunt?

"They need to find a way… don't worry sweetheart, I'll make a donation to the charity organizations, at least that should help those people save the others," Yoongi said as he kissed his wife's head. He knew she was a kind woman and one who loved philanthropy. They were all just always caught up in their work to even have the time to step up and help.

"Thank you," Yoongi's wife said and Jiminie whined.

Jiminie was seated on his father's lap, his face focused on the tv while Daddy's cock was deep inside his ass twitching like it needed to move. But then the cock warming was good too, because they needed to take it slow with each other this time. Jiminie kept leaning over to the table where his toys were. 

Yoongi smirked at his son's actions. He knew what Jiminie was doing and he was sure he had trained his son well. Each time his son arched forward, a section of Yoongi's dick would come out of Jiminie's ass and the Jiminie would grab the lego then sit back on his Daddy, giggling so loudly like he had the best of times. Well, he had, his father had trained him so damn well that he was now a doll for him to use.

"Daddy, help me fix this," Jiminie whined as he turned to his Daddy who wasn't sure what the kid was saying. He was balls deep, too deep, and wanted to move his thighs just so he could feel the friction of his son's exhaled rim against his girth. He was going crazy just sitting here with his wife seated beside them like that.

"That's enough, Jiminie. Come on, Mommy will take you to bed," Yoongi's wife said as she got up to go and make Jiminie's bed. She knew her son was close with him after but with school hours coming up tomorrow, the kid needed to wake up early and these games wouldn't help.

"But Mommy—"

"Don't make me repeat myself, Jimin. I will count to fifty and make sure you're in your room by then otherwise, no tv for a week and you won't get to play with your toys too," Yoongi's wife scolded and Jiminie sighed. His Mommy is never fun, and that was why he loved hanging out with Daddy.

"I'm hungry, Mommy," Jiminie whined defeatedly and his Daddy sighed. He wasn't sure what his son was playing at but he was waiting to see what would happen. With Jiminie, there were always a lot of surprises. It was like the kid was hungry, but for something else, but Yoongi's wife didn't see that. If anything, she sighed sadly as she attended to the bird's cheeks.

"Alright, Mommy will prepare you a snack. Don't fall asleep alright?" Yoongi's wife said.

"Thank you, Mommy," Jiminie said with a pout, making his Mommy kiss him gently on the cheeks.

"I'll be back soon, don't sleep," Yoong's wife insisted.

"Yes Mommy," Jiminie cheered and his Mommy left for the kitchens.

The moment his Mommy stepped out to go into the kitchen, Jiminie started moving against his Daddy's dick, making Yoongi let out a loud surprised groan, especially when Jiminie lifted himself completely from his Daddy's lap and sat his little cunt on his father's dick, an action that got Yoongi's jaw wide open, when the fuck had his son learned to chase the pleasure himself. Oh, this was something else.

"You're driving me crazy, Jiminie." Yoongi groaned as he thrusted into his son.

"It tingles, Daddy… the last time it tingled you out your wiener in here and it stopped tingling," Jiminie said and Yoongi cracked up. His baby boy was learning and it was impressive. At least all those years of training are finally spying off. It didn't matter how things had gotten. What mattered was that they would be fine. They had to be. And so, stealing the chance to fuck, Yoongi moved his son around his dick, thrusting so hard into the boy, making him release tiny little coughs, until the sound of Yoongi's wife snapped them both out of their trance.

"Here, Jiminie… eat up, and then I'll take you to bed," Yoongi's wife said as she moved the table closest to the father and son. Yoongi loved this. He loved that the tale was giving him enough space to fuck his on. Unlike Jiminie's ass which wasn't easy to navigate with, the dick deep inside Jiminie's cunt was slippery and wet. And the fact that Jiminie was wearing some shorts made it even better for the father to fuck his son. 

"Daddy, can I sleep with you?" Jiminie asked once he was done eating and his father had orgasmed twice inside him, filling his little tummy with cum. He was filled to the brain, his stomach was filled with food, his little cunt with two huge loads of Daddy's cum that was starting to get uncomfortable, but then he had been trained to hold it in so well that he didn't complain, even when he felt like he was about to burst on his Daddy.

"Not today, baby… Mommy will carry you to your bed I'll see you tomorrow, alright?" Yoongi said as he lifted Jiminie off of his lap, gently pulling out his dick that was hard as hell. He knew his cum would drip to the floor given he had orgasmed twice in his baby's cunt, but he just didn't care. The carpet on the floor was white so he could easily say that there was water there. 

"I don't wanna," Jiminie whined as he began thrashing around, before he spilled the water on himself, making his mother curse out, while his Daddy smirked at what his son had done. Each day he was getting prouder of Jiminie's quick thinking. So instead of pulling out, Yoongi sat his son roughly on his dick, while Jiminie flailed around, creating the friction between them pulling in and out of his cunt. That was the best decision ever for Yoongi.

"Go with your Mommy. I'll see you tomorrow," Yoongi said when he came a third time in his son and Jiminie was dripping wet. He didn't care this time, because he was proud of what his son had done and knew Jiminie could handle himself. It didn't matter where they were or how they were caught up. His Jiminie was always going to know what to do and Yoongi would always remain proud of his son.

"Sorry, Daddy," Jiminie whined even though he was glad he had orgasmed with his Daddy a third time.

"I'll carry you to your room. Don't you have a tantrum again or you will sleep in the basement,'' Yoongi warned and Jiminie bowed his head sadly even though he was excited for the basement. 

The basement had the pleasure tools that Mommy and Daddy used. There was a pleasure room for them there and Jiminie had always wanted to go there but Yoongi never took him. Of course, when Yoongi mentioned the basement, Jimmie caught on fast, but his wife just looked at her son sadly. He knew the basement had a room where they would lock Jiminie up for bad behavior.

"I'll go make his bed… please don't take him to the basement, yeobo," Yoongi' wife pleaded sadly.

"The boy needs to be taught a lesson."

"He won't throw tantrums again, right Jiminie?"

"I'm sorry Mommy… I'm sorry, Daddy," Jiminie said.

"Fine, I won't lock him up today," Yoongi said, like he was pissed when he loved how crude his son had gotten.

"Alright, I'll call you to bring him in. Thank you, yeobo," Young's wife said softly before leaving the room again to go prepare her son's room. She was anxious for Jiminie, so she wanted to hurry up and come back.

"Daddy, kiss," Jiminie whined when his Mommy had left. 

"Have you been a good boy today?"

"Yes, Daddy," Jiminie whined again. He was doing that a lot, letting out mewling sounds and Yoongi was getting turned on even more. They had orgasmed thrice if this went on they would be caught. But at least all the baby wanted was a kiss, right?

"Okay baby,'' Yoongi said as he lifted his son and switched their positions. This time he tucked his hard dick in his pants because he knew his wife would be back soon.

"My beautiful Jiminie," Yoongi said as he smashed his lips against those of his son, kissing him hard, roughly and deeply like the boy was meant for his lips. When they pulled back they were both painting and Jimin I was an excited mess.

"Let's take you to bed," Yoongi said and this time, Jiminie didn't object, if anything, he hugged his Daddy as he led the way to Jiminie's bedroom. 

"I'll fuck you in the middle of the night baby… I will come for more. Don't worry," Yoongi whispered in Jiminy's ear as he left his son in his Mommy's hands and walked out. However, right before he could close the door, he saw his wife eyeing his son's chest. He hid behind the door and watched as his wife pulled Jiminie's pants, shushed her son, and went down on Jiminie's cunt, before she started eating him up.

'Holy shit,' Yoongi thought to himself as he stood by the door and watched as his wife forced an orgasm out of his son, and even made Jiminie suck her cunt too.

His wife may not have caught them, but Yoongi never thought that he would ever see his wife molesting their son.

He felt hot.

He wanted to join in.

But he couldn't.

Because he was supposed to play the husband who cared about his family and provided for them.

More like provided for both their cunts, but damn was it hot seeing the son eat out his Mommy while his Mommy ate the cunt that had been sucking Yoongi's dick. When his wife got out the dildo from one of the hidden drawers in Jiminie's bed to fuck their son, Yoongi got hard again. 

So standing at the door, he watched and came as his wife fucked their son with a dildo until Jiminie passed out. They were more similar than they would ever admit, and that was hot as hell for Yoongi. Maybe this was the kind of hell he would settle for, right?

More pleasure for their son after all.

Oh fuck.

Next chapter