

If I'd once questioned whether or not Dexter and I had met before, now, it was practically confirmed.

What's more, not only did I know Dexter, but I also knew Simeon.

The fact that Carol had hung this photo in such a noticeable spot suggested that the bond between Dexter, Simeon, and me had been pretty special.

"What's the deal with the three of them?" I turned to Carol and asked.

She cowered in fear, murmuring, "Simmy's… buddies."

I stared at Dexter's photo for a long time.

Back when he was a teenager, he seemed even colder and more aloof than he was now. It was also a trait typically seen in geniuses.

But his eyes often avoided direct contact, hinting at a shyness beneath his aloof exterior.

"The cops must've already hit you up, huh?" I turned around and whispered.

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