
Chapter 292: The Emanascion

Beliefs have power. In fact, a far off nation on the western continent supposedly uses beliefs, and the strengths of those beliefs, as their method of cultivation. Unfortunately, this was only briefly mentioned in one of his lectures, and so he was not sure about the details.

Emanascions are unique spiritual creatures that are actually born from beliefs.

Unlike cursed constructs that are also spontaneously born due to dark energy giving birth to a consciousness in an item, or the spontaneous birth of elemental spirits in locations with a high density of a certain element, such as the birth of a fire spirit in a volcano, emanascions often have more mystical and unpredictable abilities—they are also much more rare.

When a large enough population shares a singular, powerful belief, feeling, or yearning, their emotions coalesce, giving birth to a sentient being imbued with the characteristics and skills related to the beliefs that gave birth to it.

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