

Power Stone goals

666 = 1 extra chapter

999 = 1 extra chapters

normal release 1-3 chapters a week depending on how much I'm able to type.

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I am joined by a mutated Garmr who's fur is now midnight black with streaks of red throughout it with glowing red eyes and more pointed ears and fangs that are a bit longer…but his most jarring change is that his head is now level with my chest.

"Gar…" I whisper in surprise, not expecting such a mutation as my baby boy licks my face happily, "You got so big…" I continue in an awe filled voice.

'Transition is a lot faster with animals it seems.' I make a mental note.

Gar makes a happy rumbling sound in his chest and I get a sense of his emotions that he feels happy and strong.

"Your son couldn't wait to go show himself off to you." Lagertha says amused as she comes up behind Gar running her hand along his flank and a whinnie sounds in the air, as Roach comes over near 12 feet tall, jet black with red hair where the white used to be and red glowing eyes…along with fangs…a similar connection clicks into place between him and I like the one that has formed between Gar and I.

"Yes Roach you got big too." I chuckle as I rub his head in circles to help relieve stress, a technique called tea touch.

"You warned me of the carnage we could cause…but I didn't believe you until this day…" Lagertha whispers softly as she takes my hand in her's and squeezes slightly.

"Th-this is nothing…a small village…we can do this to the largest cities of mankind…few things can truly stops us…white oak…being the only permanent thing, as Vervain can slow us down…cause us pain…beheading slows us down…fire burns us but we'll come back…witches and magic can do many things, but to it's greatest effect that I know of currently put us in a death-like state… or driving us to near insanity, plus there's going without drinking blood for too long can as well…we are immortals now Lagertha…this kind of carnage will be…a paltry comparison that we will cause henceforth…not even hordes of the most ravenous warriors will be able to match us." I reply to Lagertha feeling the last bit of remorse for our fallen friends and allies.

"Any regret in choosing this life with me?" I ask Lagertha curiously.

"None." Lagertha replies back to me as she rests her head on my shoulder, we stood there watching until the new norms came stumbling out of the feast hall.

Grabbing Ivor, "You will follow all of my commands to the letter whether you agree with them or not." I say in a smooth, even voice and watch as Ivor's pupils enlarge and shrink rapidly.

"I will follow all commands that you give me to the letter, whether I agree with them or not." Ivor replies to me a bit dazed as I release him and continue the process with the other 35 warriors.

Listing out my order or commandments:

1: Each of you will only turn one person into a vampire if their skills in combat are exceptional, and they must be brought before me.

2: Follow Lagertha's orders as long as they do not go against mine.

'Okay…I'm not good at this…' I mutter in my mind as I run my hands through my hair. 'How Mikael thinks I'm a good leader I'll never understand.' I continue talking to myself in my head.

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"Haa." I sigh as I look back at the smoking ruins of my home...and Tatia standing on shore waving goodbye with orders to build a massive Hall of stone that could last centuries and to protect the witches of this continent.

"You could always bring your pet with us." Lagertha teases me and I roll my eyes at her.

"Please, spare me from your teasings." I joke playfully.

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I can't help the sigh as I stand in front of the entrance to Silas's cave…'Time to take care of a future problem…today.' I mutter in my head as I prepare for Silas to play games with my mind as I take my first step into the cave and then use my speed to reach the well in under a second and jump down falling for a moment before I land on slightly uneven stone.

Spotting Silas laying on a dais of stone a wooden box held in his hands over his stomach, Silas himself managing to look as though he is made of stone as I approach him his eyes slowly open as I hear the cracking of stone.

"Hello Silas…I doubt you can understand me but a mutual friend sends their regards." I joke as I appear in front of him faster than a blink of the eye, and punch the stone in his neck revealing tender white flesh that I stab my stiletto dagger into and then hold an empty wine skin up to catch the burbling blood, soon filling the wineskin.

"Thanks mate, I'm sure your immortal blood will be delicious." I joke as I rip open the box containing the cure, I force Silas's jaw open, shove the crystal into his mouth and slap the underside of his jaw shattering the crystal sending the cure down Silas's throat.

I take my sword and cut off his head, and then run my sword through his heart and feel my sword filling with unimaginable power to the point it glows red hot and becomes painful to hold.

Silas's beheaded head and body turns to dust and my sword slowly cools off the amount of power contained inside…of it is astronomical.

"There you go Tess…I hope you make the cocksucking cunt suffer on the other side." I say softly and feel a breeze that makes my hair dance lightly.

"Always so theatrical Tess." I joke softly and take out Esther's soul lantern from my satchel along with Ansel's skull, his face perfectly preserved by the preservation spell I casted on it, I set both down on the now vacated dias and face the two towards each other.

"This...you fucking bitch is your punishment for hating your child, no that's a lie I can understand and respect your hate for me... But you tried to take my mother away from me, so burn in hell for eternity staring into the eyes of your dead lover who you should know took a wife and had a child... that's right you and Nik meant nothing to him." I chuckle as Esther looks at me and I assume is begging me to set her free as I walk away from her and jump up out of the well.

I start whistling as I slowly walk back to my longship…'Hmm…naw leave it for professor Shane and Bonnie.' I hum to myself as the quick thought to steal Silas's tombstone runs through my mind.

"Though…will that even happen…hey Tess can you do me a favor and make a group of Supernatural hunters to find this island and kill Silas…I know I know I already did that for you…but…I'll find it amusing especially if you make it so that people who bleed into the well will hear the voices of their departed loved ones or even hallucinate of having full conversations even sex with them." I make a request of Tess and the wind whips my hair and I can't tell if it'll work until an image of…my childhood best friend and arguably the first love from my past life, Kailey stands in front of me with that teasing tomboy grin of her's.

"Thanks Tess." I thank Tess as I stare at Kailey long and hard…'I really wish I didn't mess things up with you…' I mutter in my mind as I walk through the illusion of Kailey and arrive at my longboat to find the new love of my life waiting for me with her back against Gar's side reading a scroll.

"Where to go now? China...Japan...get some training in different fighting styles?" I ask to myself aloud. 'Japan...I can catch up with my family later.' I reply to myself in my mind.

"Japan sounds like a nice place." Lagertha replies to me making up my mind for me.

Next chapter