

'I don't think I've ever made Lagertha cum that much in two hours…I wonder if Tatia is an extremely sensitive Nympho…maybe all Doppelgangers are.' I express disgustedly curious in my mind, as I look at the delirious Tatia as she absentmindedly cleanses my body with her tongue and a wet cloth while kneeling in a pool of bodily fluids.

"That's enough Tatia, clean yourself and prepare to attend Rebekah's feast this evening." I command and Tatia looks up at me with slightly vacant hazey eyes.

I dress completely ignoring Tatia and leave her home without another word to knowing she'd come to the feast, walking to Mikael's hall, I am met by a stoic looking Mikael.

"Is it ready?" Mikael asks me and I nod to him in reply.

"Thank you, my son…it is not invisible to me that you're uncomfortable with what is to take place tonight…I want to reassure you that it is for the best of our family." Mikael says to me as his eyes grow misty.

'The best intentions usually have the worst consequences.' I mutter in my mind as I look my father over before releasing a mental sigh.

"Haa, I know Father, I just hope you do not come to regret these actions...we are taking tonight." I release a sigh and mutter softly, as Mikael nods in understanding and we pull each other into a one armed hug. 'Or blame me if something happens to little Henrik. ' I add on mentally.

"Son…when It's time…I hope you will choose to join us…I-I will not force this on you or Lagertha." Mikael says to me as he chokes on the words and kisses my temple a bit roughly.

"Heh, as if I'd pass up the chance…to be more…there's a chance with this spell, will make it so I can do magic without having to be like I have been." I reply to Mikael and pull his forehead against mine, "I will not abandon you father." I add on and feel Mikael sob in his chest.

"I love you Vidar…without you after losing Freya I know I wouldn't be the man I am today...if you were not here." Mikael says to me softly, our foreheads still pressing together and even after nearly 25 years I still feel a wave of guilt for hiding from him that Freya is alive.

"I love you too father, thank you for all that you did...and have done for me when I was born…I remember everything the way you fed me, the way you cared for me…even if Ayana did help you in those first few months…without you I wouldn't be here." I reply to Mikael and we split apart, both of us superficially wiping moisture from our eyes, out of the corner of my right eye I spot Bekah hiding behind a tree staring at us, her eyes glowing.

'All I know is you better not be thinking about BL Bekah…if you are I'm going to spank your ass raw…' I internally growl.

"Father, brother…Father may I have a few moments alone with Vidar?" Bekah greets us and quickly asks Mikael for some privacy with me, as she comes out from behind the tree in a beautiful blue lace dress that accented her curves wonderfully. 

"Of course Daughter." Mikael replies with a smile as I hand him the bottle and  he steps away but I see him looking over his shoulder at us. 

"H-how do I look, brother?" Rebekah asks me as she does a little spin. 

"You look enchanting as always Bekah." I smile at her and sling my arm around her hips and pull her into a kiss loving the feel of her soft body pressing against mine and the feel of her plump lips against mine. 

"Thank you brother, this is the dress you brought home for me five seasons ago, I have finally grown to fit it." Rebekah says to me softly as she hides her face against my chest.

'Are Bekah's breasts bigger…fuller and firmer than they were a week ago?' internally wonder but shrug it off as I place a kiss on the top of her head and slowly sway back and forth kind of dancing in place.

"I hope your day of birth has been pleasant." I say softly to Bakah as she hums as we dance in place.

"It is now that I'm with you brother." Bekah replies to me softly while looking up at me with her pretty blue eyes with an adorable look in them.

I smile back to Bekah and then pull her along with me into Mikael's hall.

Entering Mikael's hall holding Bekah's hand in mine, Mikael looks to us both and smiles fondly at us, "Help your mother set the table, Rebekah." Mikael commands Bekah, which makes Bekah look to me searching for permission, to do as Mikael has told her. 

I smile at Bekah and nod while pulling my hand from her's and giving her rear a quick smack, making Bekah squeak and blush, before she runs off to do as she has been told. 

Mikael laughs softly, "You have always had a way with her that surprises me my son, to anyone else she's fierce and belligerent…except for maybe your siblings and Esther and I, but she certainly doesn't listen to them or us the way she does to you." Mikael says to me in a wistful sounding way, "I'm certain Freya would have been the same way." Mikael says softly, his voice cracking slightly. 

"Heh, Father, I think we both know I would have listened to Freya the way Bekah listens to me." I joke lightly, making Mikael smile widely at me, and nod, "Perhaps…my son that spell you created…you created it for Freya." Mikael states plainly…and I nod in affirmation because it's partly true that I made it for Freya…but also for Ayana…just in case since these are dangerous times that we live in. 

"Oh, Father, we'll be having Tatia for…second dinner." I smirk lightly as Bakah goes back out and comes back with another silver plate and set of silver tableware.

Mikael chuckles at my crude joke as Lagertha slips into the hall and sits down in the chair beside where I'll be sitting, too stiletto like daggers rapped in leather on her lap, as I'd already briefed her on the events of tonight and we agreed to kill one another instead of having Mikael do it.

I think we all know what is a about to happen lol, probably won't be posting till a few days into next week, cause my Internet will be turned off tonight, I might walk over to a free wifi hotspot though.

I will post chapters eventually next week so please donate Powerstones to this so it can stay in the top 50 well I get things straightened around.

Shane_Towncreators' thoughts
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