
Your Heart Will Always Lead You Back To Me

As they lay together in bed, a comfortable silence settled around them. Natalie finally broke it, asking, "How many women have you dated—or should I say, how many have been your 'exercise machines'?"

"None." His answer was firm as he continued staring at the ceiling, just as she was.

She turned her face to look at him. "And how do I know you're telling the truth?"

He looked back at her. "Because I'm the one saying it to you."

"Looks like I'll never get tired of calling you a narcissist," she mumbled, turning onto her side to face him, curiosity flickering in her eyes. "You must have come across plenty of good women—why haven't you flirted with anyone else?"

He shifted onto his side to face her, meeting her gaze. "Because no one was like you. Or rather, no one was you."

"Flirt," she murmured, smiling as the atmosphere between them felt light and happy. "So, how are you so good at flirting and seducing?"


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