
I'm just a good investment


With how much Claire moved around, it was inevitable. An outcome that one didn't have to be a genius to predict… And yet, the outcome that I desperately wanted to avoid. 

'Come on! We were sitting, talking, having a good time overall… So why fuck it up now?!' I cried out in my thoughts… but by now, it was too late.

With her head already over my shoulder, Claire didn't wait to satisfy her curiosity when the texture below her legs didn't fit her expectations. And as she turned her eyes down and looked into the water… 

Let's say, for all the QI and herbs in the bath, the water was still nearly perfectly pristine, offering no obstruction for Claire's eyes as she pretty much confirmed the reason for the weird shape against which she ended up rubbing her legs. 

"Oh, I see…" Claire muttered, momentarily frozen with her eyes still uncomfortably locked on my own crotch. 

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