
Ch. 58:

Wilt PoV

**[Next Day]**

"Lift your feet," Loxus said as he vacuumed our dorm suite's living room. I looked up from my manga, pausing mid-panel as the main character was about to make a game-winning dunk.

"Do I have to? This is a comfortable position," I replied, half-smiling as I sank deeper into the couch, my feet resting on the coffee table.

"Unless you want to end up with a sock full of dust, yeah," he shot back, rolling his eyes.

I chuckled. "It's funny seeing you acting all domestic. That said, I think you should fix your bed hair first."

Loxus stopped and reached for his tousled black hair, patting it down.

"You know, you should really help out more," he said, shooting me a playful glare. "I'm not your personal maid."

"Hey, I cook!" I protested, leaning back against the couch. "And I do my share of cleaning. You just happen to catch me on my reading days."

"Reading days? Is that what we're calling it now?" Loxus teased, smirking as he turned off the vacuum. "I think you just use it as an excuse to avoid chores."

"Guilty as charged," I admitted with a grin.

He sighed. "You're such a shameless guy."

I stood up and rolled my eyes at him. "Says the guy who blackmailed me."

He glanced at my ankle. "Say, are you really feeling fine?"

I put a fist to my chest and nodded. "Yup! Remember, Natasha checked my ankle already. If there really was an issue, she would've said it already."

"I know, but it could flare up."

I shrugged as I moved out of his way. "I'm good, really. It's just a little sore sometimes, but nothing I can't handle."

"Okay, okay," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Just don't push yourself too hard. Now, how about you make breakfast? I did the vacuuming."

I chuckled. "Alright, breakfast it is! What do you want? Pancakes? Eggs?"

Loxus smirked. "Probably pancakes."

"Got it!"

We suddenly heard meowing in the corner of the living room. We turned to see Dusk. His big blue eyes were wide with fear as he cautiously approached, clearly intimidated by the roaring vacuum.

Loxus noticed him immediately and paused, glancing at Dusk. "Hey, little guy. It's okay," he said softly, lowering the vacuum's noise by switching it off.

Dusk hesitated, his tiny body tense as he peered around the vacuum as if it were a monstrous creature. He took a tentative step forward, then another, clearly torn between his curiosity and instinct to flee..

"Come here, Dusk," Loxus coaxed, smiling as he knelt down. "We won't let the vacuum get you."

Dusk took a few more cautious steps, finally darting over to Loxus, where he nuzzled against his leg for reassurance. "There you go! Safe and sound," Loxus said, bending down to scoop him up. 

I laughed as Dusk settled into Loxus's arms, purring softly. "You've got a real talent as a kitty whisperer."

"Thanks, I think." He smiled at Dusk. "He is a bit of a scaredy-cat, but he's my scaredy-cat," Loxus said, cradling Dusk against his chest.

The kitten looked content, his little purrs vibrating against Loxus's chest.

I moved to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and measuring cups for pancakes. "You think he'll ever get used to the vacuum? I mean, it's not like it's going anywhere." 

Loxus chuckled and scratched Dusk's chin. "I doubt it. He's convinced it's some kind of monster. I mean, just look at him—he's glued to me right now."

Dusk blinked up at Loxus, his wide eyes still reflecting a hint of fear but softened by the warmth of his owner's embrace.

"At least he knows who to run to when he's scared," I said, pouring flour into the mixing bowl.

"True. He's got me to protect him from all the terrifying things in the world—like vacuums and the occasional loud noise," Loxus replied, shifting Dusk to one arm so he could help me gather more ingredients.

"Sounds like a solid job description," I said, grinning as I added eggs to the mix. "So, what's the plan for Dusk today? More play time, or do you have him scheduled for some bravery training?"

Loxus laughed, a bright sound that made Dusk look up at him. "A little of both, I think. Maybe we'll introduce him to the wonders of the laundry basket. It's a good hiding spot when things get too loud."

"Ah, the classic kitty retreat. Genius!" I said, chuckling as I mixed the batter.

Loxus leaned against the kitchen counter, watching Dusk with a grin. "You know, I never thought I'd have a cat. But now that I do, I can't imagine life without him."

I laughed. "Yeah he is like your personal mascot. Plus, he keeps things interesting."

"Especially when he's trying to chase shadows or pounce on imaginary enemies," Loxus said, chuckling at the thought. "Just wait until he gets brave enough to take on the vacuum. That'll be a sight to see."

I laughed as I poured the first round of batter onto the griddle, the sizzle filling the air. "Hopefully he won't break it like some older cats do." I flipped the first pancake, watching it turn a perfect golden brown.

Loxus strode to the fridge, opening it with a flick of his wrist. "Time to get Dusk his grub," he said, taking out some chicken.

"Just make sure you don't give him anything too fancy. I wouldn't want him to get spoiled."

Loxus retrieved a pack of raw chicken and held it up. "This should do."

I chuckled. "You know, I didn't expect you to become such a dedicated cat dad."

"Somebody has to keep him well fed," Loxus shot back, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. "That said, I do plan to teach him to hunt for his own food one day."

I blinked. "Hunt?"

"Yeah, needs to learn the essentials of survival—like how to get the best food."

"I guess."

As I flipped the pancakes, the thud of Loxus's knife echoed through the kitchen. Dusk had perched himself on the counter, wide-eyed and attentive, his little ears swiveling toward the sound.

"Looks like Dusk is supervising your culinary skills," I teased, pouring more batter onto the pan.

Loxus glanced at Dusk, his gaze steady. "Yeah, I think he's critiquing my technique. I better not mess it up." He diced the chicken with precision, each slice deliberate and clean.

"Don't worry, he'll appreciate anything you make," I assured him, flipping another pancake. "Cats are usually not picky, especially when food is involved."

"True, but I want to make sure he gets the best," Loxus said, washing his hands before returning to Dusk. "Alright, buddy, you're getting a fresh batch of chicken!"

Dusk meowed, his eyes brightening at the sight of the food. He danced in place, eager for his meal.

Loxus smiled and petted his kitty as he ate. "Eat up, boy."

Dusk let out a cute meow.

Loxus really was a softie behind all that smugness and jerkiness.

"Dusk is lucky to have you," I said, flipping another pancake. 

Loxus shrugged, a hint of modesty in his demeanor. "Just doing what needs to be done." He glanced over at me, his expression shifting slightly. "I guess it's not so bad, taking care of him."

"Not so bad? You're practically a feline superhero," I teased, pouring the last of the batter onto the griddle. 

"More like a sidekick," he replied, crossing his arms and leaning back against the counter. "Dusk is the real star here."

I chuckled, shaking my head as I plated the pancakes. "Right, right. But I think you're doing a decent job of it. Best cat dad award goes to you."

Loxus's face warmed up. He was a real tsundere.

"So, what's the plan for today?" I asked, wiping my hands on a towel. "No classes or training today. You must have something in mind."

Loxus shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Not sure yet. I was thinking maybe we could hit the gym later, you know, get in some weights or something. But I also want to spend some time with Dusk." He glanced down at the kitten, who was now licking his paws contentedly.

"Gym and kitty cuddles? Quite the balanced day you've got there," I said, laughing. "But seriously, do you have anything else in mind? Maybe we could watch a movie or something."

"Could do that," he said, nodding slowly. "I've been also meaning to catch up on that new action flick. You know, the one with the insane stunts?" He leaned against the counter, arms crossed, looking like he was weighing his options.

"Sure, we can rent it," I said, pouring syrup over my stack of pancakes. "We could make it a whole afternoon of snacks and explosions."

"Yeah, that could work," he replied, a small smile creeping across his face. "Just as long as we have enough snacks. Can't have a movie without popcorn."

"Popcorn? We can definitely make that happen," I said, smirking. "I'll even let you pick the movie since I'm a generous guy."

"Generous or just desperate to get me to help with the popcorn?" Loxus shot back, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe a little of both," I admitted, grabbing a plateful of pancakes and setting it down at the table. "But mostly generous."

"Right," he said, rolling his eyes with that trademark grin of his. "Okay, deal."

"Say, wanna invite Natasha too?" 

Loxus coughed and blushed a little. "Natasha?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I, uh, I feel like I owe her. I'm always making her worry. Oh, and we can invite Sylvester too!"

"Sure, why not? But do you think she'll actually want to come see an action movie with a trio of guys?"

I nodded and laughed. "Yeah, she has always been a bit of tomboy. We could also use Dusk to convince her. She adores him almost as much as you."

"I guess." He grumbled and turned away. Seemed he was back to playing cool and tough, huh?

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