
Chapter 33: Fight On

The day starts out in rapid succession. Gideon blares the alarm startling everyone out of sleep. Three out of the four littles wake up crying and Gideon is left apologizing profusely. The ship's alarm was set to alert the ship's occupants on any changes in time and/or the location of Storm. It seems that Lena's device attachment picked up a signal and now Storm's location is more accurate, along with the time. They didn't expect a time change, it was first for later that day at ten, now it is midday at three. This took away about seven hours of extra preparations they were relying on.At this new information, everyone scrambles, going to their assigned tasks to make sure everything is prepared and ready for their inevitable fight with Storm.Gideon has informed the Legends at headquarters the situation, they are all on their way with the jump ship to give them a helping hand.Both Lena and Zari have tapped out of their mind space, they have their bigger mindset take over when they realized that they need all the help they can get. Granted, Lena and her toddler-sized body can't help much with the heavy lifting but she is good at screaming orders, channelling her inner CEO. Zari helps Winn with the gadgets, making sure they are charged and ready to go. They could be going overboard here but nobody wants to take a chance.Sara, the team leader, is doing her tasks mostly in solitary. Deep down, she knows that the child is hers, whether they are from another Earth or not, she knows that she might have to take their life, she has no idea if she will be able to come back from that. On the other end of her brain, it makes her think. I could have had this life, I could have been them. It hurts her to think about, both Zari and Charlie do their best to get her to stop beating herself up over this but they can only do so much. They know their focus should be on this current situation, they have faith that at the end of the day that their mama will be ok, they will make sure of it.By now Sam and Alex would have been worried that Maggie has been in her little headspace too long. But per the DEO scientist and Doctors' analysis, along with Alex's own knowledge, that the de-ageing process can revert their minds to go along with their bodies. Factoring in and out that both girls have established age regression mentalities already, the mental de-ageing due to the Blue Sparkles would have more of an effect on their minds. In other words, there is nothing to be worried about when it pertains to their mentality, they can go back and forth, just their usual little to big switches.They aren't worried about her mental health but they are still keeping an eye out on her, on both girls.It's about twelve when the rest of the Legends get there, they don't wait for the instructions, they get right to helping out where they can in prepping for the trip back to National City.Once it's time to leave, Sara does a couple of cursory laps around the temporal zone for the non-accustomed passengers so their stomachs and heads aren't too disturbed from the jump.Thirty minutes later the ship exits the zone, to the correct time period. Winn isn't sick like his first time, having the mind to not eat before this kind of trip. Lena and Maggie do the breathing exercises Charlie taught them before they left and are chewing on a slightly larger than before piece of mint gum. The taste is almost overwhelming that they have to breathe out of their mouths but it's worth not having to feel so queasy. The residual headache settles for all of them when the ship is landing at the city's DEO underground base.J'onn immediately meets them at the entrance, "Alright J'onn, Alpha teams 1-3, the clock has about two hours left, we need to prepare them." J'onn acknowledges the Legends and the others and quickly follows Alex to get the teams ready in the larger briefing room. On the way the agent grabs her tactical gear and shoves her travel bag into her office without a care.Kara and Sam get the rest of the bags and put them in a corner of Alex's office.Both supers speed into their suits and dress their little ones for the day. They didn't notice that they left the little ones in their nightwear until Sam sees little Lena playing with a new recruit. They die from the Luthor's fire breath, emanating a very deadly fire-breathing dragon. Maggie is helping her dragon, wielding an imaginary sword, just dressed in a t-shirt and shorts.Once Alex finishes briefing, she calls over Kara and Sam to bring the girls over to the red sun room, fit only to open to Kara and Sam. They both insist that the others should have access but once realizing that would put them in danger, they conceded right away."We need to talk to you guys for a bit about what's going to happen today." Alex says, looking at both girls.All Alex and Sam sit on their knees, girls pulled close to them but far enough that they can look them in the eye. Since the talk is mainly for Maggie, Kara gathers little Lena in her arms, having her sit in her lap while the super sits cross-legged on the ground.Even though the tiny Luthor is in her adult headspace, she is being kept in the loop, no matter what, Kara and the rest of them won't make the mistake they made when Alex was hit with that arrow.Sam starts, "Ok, so Um, this 'conflict' will take everything we've got. We have to go on and catch the bad guy."Maggie looks at them with her brows furrowed, confused. "But I can help. 'M cop too mommy!" she says with a raised voice.Alex grabs her baby's hand, "I know you're scared bug, and I'm sorry we have to do this."Sam takes her baby's other hand, "We won't be leaving right this second but eventually we do have to head out."Maggie doesn't know what to think, what to do. She wants to scream, cry, throw the biggest tantrum, but she knows that won't make them stay. It would hurt both her and them if she were to act like that. Thanks to a part of her big brain, she just slums into their arms. A couple of tears escape but she doesn't sob or make a noise, she just has a loose-armed hug over both her mamas.Lena looks over to her best friends, sensing her racing thoughts. The little Luthor takes her hand and squeezes, trying to convey her reassurances."Mama has to go with Lexi and Sammy too, but, 'M stayin' with you."That doesn't seem to do much for the tiny detective."They have to save people, Gia. You don't want anyone to get hurt right?" Maggie reluctantly shakes her head. "They'll be back later, right mama? You'll be back?" She says looking up at Kara.The Luthor is teetering in her spaces, she wasn't allotted enough time to figure out her headspace schedule, her triggers and all that weren't looked into before the Blue Sparkles incident."Yes little star, we will all be right back." Lena falls into her Mama's arms and inhales that ever-soothing scent. She tries to settle her mind, knowing that she will inevitably have to put herself into hacker mode, they need a solid backup and she is what they have. But for now, she relishes in the warm arms of her Mama.For the time they have left before they leave, they move to the conference room where there are tables and where Lena would be set up comfortably. Sam leaves to bring back snacks and some essentials for Maggie. A clean pull-up and of course Fluffy and Blanky. Also, a soft mat for Maggie to sit on if she rather colour, read and/or play on the ground. Surprisingly (but not really), Lena has taken the area for herself too, even though it would probably be easier and more productive for her to sit at one of the adult seats at the table with her laptop and documentation.All three of the adults know that this probably isn't the best time, but there is no one specific moment to sit back and watch in awe at your loved ones. Kara has a phone full of pictures and she can't wait to print them out and make a 'littles' scrapbook. Both Alex and Sam have many drawn pictures to put up on their fridges, they might buy a third one just to fit everything. Even though this event was an unfortunate one, it was eye-opening in a way.Maggie got to speak her mind, even if it wasn't the way any of them wanted, she said what she needed to, for both herself and Lena. Sam and Alex have encountered a new aspect in their Little/Big relationship, they have learned that they love changing her, and nursing her; They love it all, and they can only hope that once everything is back to normal, their little girl chooses to continue it.Kara has had her fair share of changes and she doesn't mind it one bit, her little girl is more bashful and unrestricted than her adult brain is. Kara loves to see her little girl let go and let it all out into the open. She has absolutely no filter and Kara is enamoured by her brain in more ways than she was before. Kara is happy with this change in their relationship, she wouldn't have it anyway. There is no place she would rather be, and that includes Argo, her family is here, and she can't imagine leaving them, even to go back with the ones she was born to.Almost an hour later Charlie knocks on the door, Sam scans her in, "Show time blokes."She hands the three earpieces and Lena a tinier one. She gives Maggie a dragon colouring book with larger-than-normal crayons."Z is obsessed with dragons, as you could have seen from her side of the room, she won't miss the colouring book." Maggie smiles at her,"I'll draw Lee a dragon, almost like a dinosaur." She gets confused about the big word but nobody goes to fix her."I'll be staying with you kids till your Mums get back," She turns to the adults, "I'll make sure that these tots aren't running amuck, uh?"That makes Sam snort, "Yeah, thanks Charlie.""No probs, Stay safe, and-" She starts to fidget with her fingers, "Can you look out for Sara and Z for me?" She says in a smaller-than-usual voice. She's shaky too, she clasps her hands behind her back to hide her nerves. She knows that with Zari having her family totem and Sara being an invincible assassin they are probably fine. Especially with the rest of the Legends as backup. Along with an army of trained soldiers, two Kryptonians, a Naltorian, and three highly skilled geniuses. She can't ask for a better team to take down Storm, but Charlie still worries, and she will no matter what.Kara put a gentle calming hand on her shoulder, "We got em, we will keep them safe." Kara bites her tongue when she goes to make that a promise, but her mind wanders back to Maggie's words. She knows she has no authority to promise such a thing to Charlie, so she tries to put strength into the words she has spoken, no promise needed.Charlies nods her head and redirects the attention to the little ones."Lena is patched into the CCTVs, she has a two-way mic that connects to your communications. She is back up though, Winn is the running point in the main room."Everyone nods their head in satisfaction, well, almost everyone. Maggie is on her third dragon drawing, colouring in her own little eggs and nest right at the feet of a very sparkly fire-breathing dragon.Alex and Sam, even Kara are reluctant to leave. Not knowing the state they would have to leave Maggie in. They are all pleasantly surprised that both their girls aren't too emotional over everything, it does seem like Maggie is holding back, they would have to have a conversation about that later. They want both girls to be able to speak their mind, no matter what.They give their hugs and the none fliers head out in DEO vans while the others follow in the sky.Charlie cleans up the snack wrappers and wipes the table down clean, she puts a water bottle on the desk and juice boxes for them to pick up. She fills up the snack bar and sits to colour with Maggie.Lena starts to track them, not wanting to miss any detail so she declines Charlie's offer in sitting down and colouring with them......"Commander Steel, Zari and the rest of em are set for the perimeter," Sam says while circling back from checking their status from above. There are a couple of newer agents alongside them as backup.Ava, along with FrostBite and HeatWave have the ship, hovering just out of view as air support.Kara is just about to double back when a blue beam shoots from the center of the sky, near the dock where her Supergirl statue was placed.On their way down the statue was obliterated, Storm looks pleased to have caused the smallest amount of chaos. Kara doesn't care too much about the statue, she always thought that it was weird that they carved her face into stone for people to ogle at, but the sentiment was nice and Supergirl definitely appreciated it."It doesn't seem like they know that there is a blockade," Supergirl says through the mic, hovering above the port out of sight, waiting to see when a move should be made."They are getting cocky, their movements are erratic, they are unraveling, that's not a good thing. More damage can be done with the state of their mental health Supergirl," Agent Red mics back."Where the hell is she!? Someone bring me that Luthor bitch and stupid detective." Storm sends an electrical blast over the ocean, and both Agent Red and Supergirl can hear from ships far away the impact the surge had aboard. It should be impossible, Supergirl is annoyed with herself without thinking it was a possibility, but there's no time for beating herself up. She has to get this situation under control and keep it contained.The two supers stand a few feet from Storm, "Well, where are they?" they say in an annoyed voice. Supergirl and Agent Red can smell the swear perspiring on them, hear their laboured breathing."You won't get near them, ever, so it's best you just give up and give in."Storm smiles a sickly smirk, a maniacal giggle escapes from their lips and they almost double over in laughter. "Suppose we'll see about that when you're on your last breath and it's you or them. I'm confident you will come to your senses, with a little.... Push." Storm rains down a lightning strike that hits Supergirl, throwing her off balance for a bit.A couple of citizens have made it through the blockade, or their houses were in the red zone and they have not left. Storm sees them and takes this as their chance. She shoots off strikes at them and Agent Red swoops in to protect them.Storm reaches into their pocket and shoots Kryptonite shards at both super, affecting only one of them, to Storm's dismay.Agent Red is left protecting and attacking Storm while the Legends keep the perimeter, only coming in when called. The DEO agents try to keep the populace safe but humans can only do so much. Dreamer is keeping the ships on the docks and in the ocean away and saw off the surface of the ocean, realizing that these lightning strikes are stronger than the natural ones, one shock and they are fried.Martian Manhunter forms a body shield while Alex rushes in to help her sister."How the hell did I forget to activate my Kryptonite shields?" She groans out, her veins are sickly green and she wants to throw up and pass out at the same time. She has felt this pain plenty of times enough but she will never get used to it."Reckless as always sis, Lena is gonna kill you." That makes Kara groan more, which makes Alex laugh.The mic sends a short static wave and then a tiny firm voice echoes through, "Yes the hell she is." Cool and concise, almost makes both sisters shiver.Alex takes away the remnants of the kryptonite and locks it away in a tiny led box. She presses the button to her sister's suit and in no time Kara's suit is spreading all over her body. With the new improved nanotech, the suit is equating ten times faster, and it lacks the bulky suffocating helmet. The suit is transparent so it doesn't take away from Supergirl's original look.The rest of the kryptonite that was absorbed into her system was taken out and redirected to an output, that excess energy was redirected to invisible pockets in the suit, which enhanced her biological power. Essentially making her as strong as Agent Red, a little more so even."Bring those wretched humans to me! No one else has to die, I just want them." Storm says while holding a little boy hostage, everything pauses as she holds up an arrow directed to his heart.Kara is about to speak when Lena taps into everyone's earpieces, "He's not real, he's not real!"Sam goes to ask her how she knows but she realizes she wouldn't have said anything if she wasn't sure. With Supergirl's enhanced powers, she can sense the glitches of the devices Storm is using to hologram the boy. The same technology they used when wreaking havoc on the city with the blue monster.The blonde hero stops, this is gonna be a long day. She stands and taps her finger to her chin, mock thinking, "Mmmm, Nah."She zooms straight towards Storm, slamming them into the concrete. Sara readies the weapons, prepared to take her child's life. 
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